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- Mos telefono, telefon budalla, po përpiqem të kuptoj se çfarë të bëj. (Stop calling, stupid phone, I'm trying to figure out what to do)

John still disliked his new voice and body, but even more disliked the language he was now speaking for some reason. Only a few minutes had passed since he found himself in this body and was still trying to gather his thoughts and understand what to do. Uncontrollable boobs dangling and hanging down causing discomfort and humiliation as well as new feelings from the female body, which for some reason he got now.

Together with the phone, they persistently continued knocking and ringing on the door so that John, willy-nilly, had to look for at least some clothes to cover this body, and from the ringing of the telephone, he almost tore these panties, which were lying on the floor next to the place, with to which he woke up.

- Po, mjafton! Mjaft! Unë jam duke u veshur! (Enough! Enough! I'm getting dressed!)

Trying in vain to stop the flow of strange things in his life, John screamed as loudly as he could. And not knowing what else to do, continuing to look for things for clothes to ... what what? He did not think about it and rather acted automatically and automatically to stop the flow of madness that began a few minutes ago after he opened his eyes not in his penthouse, but here, in a cheap apartment, in the body of some girl.

Yes, just yesterday, John was playing tricks and having fun at the party, spending his father's money on his entertainment and not thinking that this was his last evening in his old life. Although, in fact, it was not at all like John thought ... or rather, not quite like that. And he didn't even remember signing drunk papers for some funny bar experiment, thinking it was just a competition.

In fact, a little more time than one night passed. About half a year. Yes, John didn't know this, but at that time he was in a forced sleep while doctors and other scientists were doing what seemed impossible to his body. They made a different person out of him! woman! Moreover, these were not just words.

While John was sleeping, some scientists worked on his body, carefully adjusting his figure, skin, hormonal background, and even transplanting female organs, so that John could even give birth now. Other scientists worked on the mental part, making it so that now Albanian was John's native language and replacing his knowledge with the girl's knowledge of how to do makeup, choose clothes, communicate and do nice things with boys and much, much more.

And finally, today, today, the day has come when John was brought to Tirana, the capital of Albania...


- Çfarë dreqin po bëj?! (What the fuck am I doing?!)

Finally stopping in the midst of this madness, John froze as he uttered those words. It seemed that this was the first healthy thought in those few minutes after waking up in an unfamiliar place in an unfamiliar body.

Throwing aside women's panties, John contorted his face so that disgust was visible to the naked eye. And it really was. John felt restless, disgusted and disgusted at the mere thought that he was going to put on women's underwear!

He! John! John Marson! The son of one of the richest people in the US and one of the main machos was going to wear women's panties?! This is impossible and incomprehensible to the mind!

However, it was obvious that his body was female. The weight of the breasts dangling uncontrollably reminded him of it now even when John was just standing there. Long hair and his feminine, neatly manicured hands. Damn it! No! He couldn't believe it.

And at that moment the knocking at the door ceased, along with the ringing at the door. John heard voices talking among themselves there, but was not going to answer or even listen to them. His eyes turned to the telephone, which continued to ring.

Taking the phone in hand, without thinking twice, John quickly rejected the incoming call and decided to dial his father's number. But instead of his father's voice, some other man picked up the phone on the other end and called him his daughter! Without thinking twice, John disconnected again and tried to dial again, hearing how some "Sweet Pie" still continues to call on the second line.

After trying to call several times, John called the same man a couple more times, who thought that John was his daughter, so instead of calling his best friend, he got to some Zamira, who thought that John was his best friend ... And finally, dialing his girlfriend's number on the phone, he saw "Sweet Pie" on the screen and, without even listening to the end, threw the phone against the wall and climbed onto the bed, shouting something in Albanian in madness.


The most stupid thing is that the customer of this expert, a bored old billionaire, did not live a few days before John was brought to Tirana, the capital of Albania. But the people involved in this signed a lot of non-disclosure papers and pledged to complete everything. Therefore, everything was done according to plan, quickly, clearly and professionally.

The real Dardana did not even know that her kidnappers were. That night she went to bed as usual and fell into a sound sleep. Instead, they put John in bed, who, after all the operations, did not differ at all from the real Dardana and even had her special accent of speech. What can I say, even small moles were made in those places where there were moles of Dardana. No one, not even his own mother, outwardly could distinguish John from Dardana.

Dardana was not rich and, unlike John, led a very modest lifestyle. She was not so lucky and, apart from her body and youth, she had nothing in life from what John received from a small diaper. She had to live the ordinary life of an Albanian girl and achieve everything herself.

She lived in a rented apartment paid for by her boyfriend, listed as "sweetie" on her phone. They loved each other, but they did not have much money and Dardana's old profession helped them in difficult times.

Yes, Dardana worked as a stripper and... she didn't tell this to her boyfriend, but sometimes she worked as a prostitute, even when they already lived together. And what else was she to do if they always had a catastrophic lack of money.

For John, it was a "hit". At first, he didn't know what to do. All his knowledge from his ordinary life was somehow replaced by the knowledge of Dardana. Although he was perfectly aware of himself as the former John man, he could not prove this to anyone, except by simply saying that he was John. Of course it was funny and it was impossible to believe.

He pushed away the idea of going to work as a stripper, but Dardana had already signed a contract for a year ahead and the owner of the strip club was a very formidable person who ... but it's better not to talk about it. John had a hard time and he prayed every day that it would all be just a nightmare.



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