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On the festive feast over the birthday of my niece, which was performed for 5 years, a fairly cheerful situation. However, her parents, my brother and his wife, were a little tense. But I was sure that this was due to the fact that they were just worried that everything went well.

The feast took place in the apartment of my brother and his wife and there were not many people here. My brother and wife, niece, our parents, parents of his wife and several more relatives. Everything was in the family circle.

The niece was capricious and her parents tried to calm her down. Therefore, I decided to help and deciding that my turn to say a toast, I raised a leakage with wine, but at that moment my niece said loudly and throughout the hall

- I want to drink to ...

Not having time to finish, I heard a loud exclamation of my niece

- ... aaaa! Not! Why he spoke! This is my birthday! I do not like him! This is not my uncle! This is some kind of unfamiliar girl! He bothers me!

- Hush, please, quiet, be silent!

Parents tried to shut up their mouth to their daughter, but she continued

- I saw her in the crane! With large (she showed a gesture in the chest area)! May she be with her husband, and not here!

I did not have time to recall, but the first thing I noticed was that the nails on my hands became with a female bright blue manic. I held a glass as well as a second ago and no one could make them over up for such a short period of time.

- What the...

I began to speak, noticing that my voice sounds different and at that moment I saw how someone's hand reaches for my glass with another glass to clock

- For us baby!

The male voice said. Having sharply ponding my gaze, I saw some man in a jacket in front of me. In appearance, he was almost 60 or 70 years old and I immediately noticed that it was not an apartment. I sat at a table for two and there was no one from my family around

Then everything happened at the same time and as in some strange state. It seemed to me that I was sleeping, but it was real. At first I felt a strange very, very heavy weight in the chest area and at the same time how something very much presses on my shoulders and presses my chest so that I cannot breathe. Having a look down, I dropped a glass of wine in a sculpted glass. These were boobs! Huge ... no! Very very huge female silicone boobs that were part of my body. Long hair touched the open neckline and neck, but they were restrained by a bandage in the form of a bow on my head, which I did not even notice at first.

Because of this, an absurd feminine pink topic and this huge chest, I did not even see what was below. They literally completely closed the review and trying to get up, I could not keep balance in because of the new center of gravity and Kabuloks.


Meanwhile, in the apartment of my brother and his wife, no one noticed my absence, except for a little girl, who so accidentally stupidly and sneakily changed my life. My brother and his wife knew about the family curse of his wife. The curse concerned every girl who at the age of 5 could wish anything and it would have turned out and they were very afraid for what their daughter could wish. But on this birthday, they were sure that everything went well, because thanks to the desire for their daughters, reality changed and they simply did not know what they had and once had a brother. I became the wife of the old millionaire, whom their daughter saw in that magazine.



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