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"Where are we going? This is not the way. Hey, can you hear me?"

The driver did not react to my voice in any way. He pretended not to hear me.

"I'm talking to you! We're going in the opposite direction! Hey!" I tried to grab his shoulder, but he quickly removed my hand and looked displeased at me and at my open neckline.

To admit, I myself was uncomfortable in this body with these huge boobs. But I understood that it was only for one evening. My plan was to return my normal body to me in an hour. I could do it now, but the Zulu Medallion was at my place.

I don't remember exactly how long ago I found this medal. Maybe 5 or 6 months ago. During this time, I have already passed the first stage of shock and studied all its properties. The medallion allowed you to change your body when you touch it and at the same time touch someone's thing.

I confess that I used the medallion for various selfish and not only purposes. Pretending to be another person in order to get what you want turned out to be not so difficult. This medallion opened just endless possibilities and I tried to use its power wisely.

During this time, I have already been able to deceive and get a lot of money from people I do not know in various ways. Of course, I tried to think through everything to the smallest detail and it almost always worked perfectly.

I didn't like using female bodies. Although I had a certain interest and I was curious to know what it was like to be a woman. But after the first use, I realized that there is nothing interesting about it. I especially did not like to use the body of this busty beauty, whose clothes I, like all other things, found in a second-hand store. I've only used it a few times. I didn't like the feeling of a huge bust, which constantly shakes and hurts during these movements. And all these male looks ... brr ... I always feel sick from this ... However, sometimes it was just necessary.

"I say where are you ..." I continued to speak to the taxi driver, but he interrupted me as if I hadn’t said anything

"Hanba ti, Zlata! Miloslav bol taký smutný!" (Shame on you, Zlata! Miloslav was so sad!)

I did not understand at all what this man was saying. This language resembled Russian. In any case, I did not understand what he was talking about. But I understood what he was saying to me and thought that I should understand. The thought that he knew the girl in whose body I was now did not even occur to me. I thought he wanted to kidnap me and, covering my neckline, yelled

"I don't understand you! Let me out!"

The taxi driver drove the car just as easily, but I noticed out of the corner of my eye that he gripped the steering wheel harder. While I was trying to get out of the car, feeling my chest rattling, he said with a strong accent

"Zlata. Your husband is waiting for you. I'm taking you to him."


I knew that I needed to be careful when using other people's bodies. And I even thought that someone might recognize me. But apparently I lost my guard. Yet in these 6 months of use, everything was easy. In addition, this is not the first time I have used the body of this busty heifer for my own selfish and not only purposes.

But now I was trapped. It was the most itchy layout I ever imagined in my head. Still, I hoped that someone might just recognize me as the person in whose body I was, but did not think that I would be kidnapped because of this. It was "abduction" in the full sense of the word.

The taxi driver brought me to some dysfunctional area with old multi-storey buildings. In general, I tried not to come here even in my body, because there was a real ghetto here.

Despite my resistance, he also continued to force me into the house and dragged me into this apartment. I tried to run, but I could not escape from his hands. The body of this busty chick was really very weak and apart from her size of boobs and a young face there was nothing else. And I just helplessly followed him in my useless attempts to escape.

In the apartment I was met by a man in a black leather jacket and jeans. He looked about 40 years old. With a thick beard and a scar on his face, he looked at me seriously. I understood that he thought that I was his wife. This was obvious after talking with the taxi driver.

At that moment, I had no idea that I was using the clothes of his wife, who died a few months ago. Her clothes were brought to a second-hand store and there I already found her.

I did not understand anything from his speech. He also spoke in a language I did not understand. Thank God he soon realized that he needed to switch to English.

God ... it was all some kind of nightmare. I was sitting in some old cheap apartment in the body of some unfamiliar woman and talking to some stranger. His accent was even worse than that of the taxi driver, as if he spoke English very very rarely. But I managed to understand from his words that he came here today from Slovakia. He thinks that I am his wife who has died. And he thinks that I ... that is, she fled from him to America!

My plan with amnesia still worked after an hour of talking. Although he could hardly believe it. Still, I had no other options. I tried to be calm and speak naturally. Nevertheless, I thought through the worst options and was partly prepared for a bad turn of events. It was only necessary to return home and get back the medallion in order to become yourself again.


Standing in the middle of the field, I realized that it was only getting worse. My plan to go home didn’t work the way I wanted it to. Instead of sending me home with the taxi driver or letting me go, Miroslav gave the keys from my things to the taxi driver. He asked him to go to MY apartment and take what Zlata asked for. My persuasion and even threats did not help. The threats only made it worse and angered this bumpkin.

While the taxi driver left for MY apartment, I was trying to quickly come up with a new plan. The taxi driver was supposed to bring the medallion, but, in order not to reveal the secret, I said that I needed my things. However, in addition to women's clothes, there was a bunch of my usual men's clothes. And in general, the taxi driver could easily understand that a man lives there, and not a girl. This could add to the problems.

Besides, I didn't know what would happen when the taxi driver took the medallion in his hands and took one of the random clothes. He could easily turn into someone and even "Gold". It scared me even more than anything else at that moment.

Several hours locked up with this bearded big man dragged on endlessly. He spoke to me and talked about the life of "Zlata". He tried to understand why "Zlata" did this to him and there were a lot of assumptions. I didn’t know what to say to him, so I simply said that I didn’t remember anything. He said that he woke up here a few months ago and already lived in that apartment.

From our conversations, I understood that Miloslav was conducting illegal gang activities in Slovakia. Zlata was supposed to marry him! She was not his wife and disappeared a few days before the wedding. It was a huge grief for Miloslav and he used all his resources and connections to find Zlata. No one knew where she was. They found some kind of corpse in the water and the examination confirmed that it was Zlata. But Miloslav did not want to believe it to the end and continued his search.

That taxi driver found me a month ago. I remember that day ... Then I used the body of "Zlata" for the first time.

I understood that my story, invented in a few seconds, seemed to be nonsense. But that's all I could say, and I tried to stick to this theory.

In the end, we never got to see the taxi driver. The man nervously glanced at his watch, and then took my hand and led me out of this apartment here ... We were brought here ... to this field outside the city. We were no longer in London and I was terribly unhappy about it. I peered into the distance, waiting for the taxi driver's car and my medallion to arrive. But there was only an empty horizon.

Instead of a taxi car, I heard a sound in the sky and saw a plane flying and apparently about to land on this field, and I didn’t like it at all, just as my back didn’t like the lack of a bra for this huge chest.


Of course I tried to break free. Of course I had no intention of getting on this plane. I already knew then that it would all end badly. I was not allowed to leave England! It was wrong and terrible! It was only at that moment that I realized all the lamentability of my situation. Damn it, I didn't even have any documents to confirm who I was, and this man was going to take me to Slovakia to where the real Zlata lived!

Why the hell did some sort of Slovak chick suddenly appear in second-hand London ?! Although it was no longer important, but why ?! I could not even imagine that this could be. There was a lot in my mind in an itchy sense, but I didn't think there were clothes of someone from another country!

I remember how the plane took off and Miloslav's strong arms held me so that I would not twitch and try to run. I remember that moment when the wheels of the landing gear stopped touching the uneven ground of the field and the plane began to fly smoothly in the air. I've been kidnapped! Kidnapped and taken to another country! And I couldn't even do anything.

In Slovakia, I was brought to the house of Miloslav, where all of Zlata's relatives had already gathered. Their happy faces could not believe that their "Zlata" was alive! That she's all right. They spoke to me in Slovak, naively believing that I understand something. But soon, like Miloslav, they sadly switched to their very bad English.

There was one person who translated for me and with his help I was able to communicate with my "relatives". Amnesia was a safe bet and I continued to tell everyone the same story that I told Miloslav. Someone even believed me or pretended to believe. But most were perplexed by my stories.

I had to go back ... Everything was going too fast. From a successful guy living in London who successfully used the Zulu Medallion to cheat and make money, I suddenly became the bride of some criminal gangster from Slovakia and was now in Bratislava pretending that I was "Zlata" who had "lost" her memory. 


Everything just got weirder and worse every day. All my plans immediately collapsed and changed instantly. I did not plan and did not intend to remain "Gold" for so long. But these circumstances drove me more and more into a trap. I myself didn't know what to do anymore.

My hope that the taxi driver did not find my medallion did not come true. This became apparent when I called my own phone from Slovakia. The phone stayed in that cheap apartment on the outskirts of London, which was now so far away from me.

Apparently the taxi driver took this phone and found out about the medallion. How did I get it? When I called, I heard my own voice speaking to me with a Slovak accent in English. I immediately realized that it was the same taxi driver.

Until the taxi driver knew exactly how the medallion worked, I could use it to get back. Therefore, I did not tell him, but on the contrary deceived him. But I told him the truth about who I was and that he now got my body! I told him that I would return his former body only after he brought me back to London.

This was a real chance. I was already really tired of this weak body and these huge boobs by that time. Miloslav was only about 175-180 cm tall, but for me he seemed like a giant with my 155 cm height. Against his background, I seemed just some tiny person and of course I could not oppose anything to him except ... except for female charms, which I did not want to use at all. I have never used a female body or slept with a man in this body. Therefore, the very idea of ​​doing this seemed disgusting and humiliating to me.

The main thing that I heard from the taxi driver in his panicky voice is that he agreed to help me. He advised me not to anger Miloslav and pretend to be Gold as long as necessary. But he had no idea that the next day would be the wedding day. I myself was shocked by this. Miloslav did not even say this to Zlata's relatives.

The night was terrible. I couldn't sleep. There were many thoughts and experiences in my head, and besides, it was very difficult and uncomfortable to sleep in this body. I used to sleep on my stomach, and here, even just lying on my side, I felt this huge weight of boobs. Even just rolling over to the other side was difficult.

But the next day this white dress was brought to my horror. I had to tell the taxi driver everything about my life - passwords from my credit cards and other data so that he could use my money and urgently fly here to Bratislava! I was not going to become the wife of this Miloslav! 


This fucking asshole tricked me! This is a taxi driver! He did not come for me. And I don't even know if he planned it. When I told him about my data, I already noticed that his voice changed and he spoke more calmly. But at that moment I myself was in a panic. This wedding was not at all expected and not necessary for me. I didn't want to pretend to be "Gold" any longer. All this was already too much, so I could not think well.

The taxi driver just disappeared! He turned off the phone and I couldn't get through to him anymore. Although I wanted to. I wanted to say a lot of bad things to him. I was waiting for him in Miloslav's apartment. I was waiting for him already at the exit from the house when Zlata's relatives were waiting for me in a white dress. I was waiting for him in front of the wedding palace! But he was not there, and with every second in this uncomfortable dress I lost more and more hope.

Finally, I could not resist and found a way to call "myself" and heard only the phrase of the cellular answering machine - "the subscriber is out of the network coverage area." These words echoed in me when I walked to the wedding altar, no longer paying attention to the shaking of the chest and the noise from the conversation of people around under Mendelssohn's wedding march.

I knew that I had already gone too far and that it was too late for me now to try to change something. It could only get worse. Miloslav was not at all the kind-hearted person with whom one could talk heart to heart. This is an ordinary criminal bandit. If you have watched films about crime bosses, then you can understand what I mean. Just transfer your perception from the Italian mafiosi to Slovakia, where everything is not so rosy and romantic.

Needless to say, after the wedding, I could not even fly to London. It was impossible. I didn’t even have the money for that, and now I was completely dependent on the money of my "husband" like some kind of trophy housewife. Although ... that's probably what it's called.

I don't want to talk about the first night with Miloslav. All this is remembered as a bad dream. All my first days, weeks and months. I hated this life I got. I hated my huge tits and how small and weak I was. I hated Miloslav for his rudeness and for what I had to do with him in bed. I hated that I had to pretend to be a loving wife in front of his friends. It was all humiliating and terrible for me.

I had to learn the Slovak language! But that would be easy if that was all. Fuckin 'second hand shop with their freaking stuff from other countries! I hate them! 



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