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- No no! I ... I ... (whimper) ... I can't! I can't do this ... this ... this is all wrong! ahh ... god ... (whimper) ... why is this happening to us, dad ?!

Greg understood and shared his daughter's opinion that all this should not have happened in their normal life. And so he did not judge her for not being able to have sex with him. Although that meant they could be stuck in these bodies and lives forever.

He, just like her, did not want all this, but he is still her father and should be a "man" in the broadest sense of the word, even in such a situation as now.

Everything looked like some kind of absurdity. A few hours ago, he and his daughter Victoria were still at home. He returned from work and heard some rustles in the old attic of their new home. They had not yet disassembled the things of the previous owners, and he forbade his daughter to explore this place without him.

Greg found Victoria there and got angry. It was dangerous in the first place. Who could know what things were left there from the old owners?

She was holding some unusual object in her hand when their quarrel began. The moment Greg tried to take it away, the item lit up and they fell silent. Because the whole room suddenly became like a fog and they heard a ghostly voice: "The best fitting is sex." To their questions "Who is this?" nobody answered.

When the fog cleared, they found that their bodies had changed. Greg received a female body with matching business dress. And Victoria found herself in the body of a young guy.

After the first shock and examination of their bodies, they still had to come to terms with the fact that all this is real. The strange thing still lay on the floor, but their attempts to change something did not give anything. But then they found instructions for this strange thing ... At least it looked like an instruction. It said that it was necessary to fulfill the condition within 24 hours, otherwise they would be stuck in their new bodies.

Despite the absurdity of the situation and their reluctance to have sex with each other, with every minute of studying a new reality, they realized that they would need to do this. At first, they just decided to think it over and went down from the attic.

It was especially difficult for Greg to do this in his tight pencil skirt and high heels. His reflection struck him even more than all the new sensations. A beautiful woman of the same age as he was looking at him. She was wearing an official business suit, and her hair was pulled into a neat bun.

In the house, almost nothing has changed, except for their personal belongings. Apparently they were now officially a married couple, albeit with a huge age difference. Greg still worked as a manager in the same firm, and Victoria was, as before, an ordinary student at the same university. Their photographs now showed people in the same poses as they had before. And the childhood photos of Victoria with her father were replaced by wedding photos. 



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