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Ross was confused while lying down after his awkward fall onto the couch a second ago. His head hurt badly from hitting the wall and reflexively he grabbed hold of it, feeling his long hair with his hands, which in itself was already strange, because he was always bald. The other hand mechanically supported him in this position after the fall.

He looked at the angry man in shock

- Why are you looking so surprised ?! Stupid bitch!

"Bitch"? Hearing only this, he only now drew attention to his body. Looking down, he immediately understood why it seemed to him that something was lying on his chest. And so it was! These were the big stretched female boobs of a mature woman. She was completely naked apart from high-heeled shoes. His gaze moved a little higher over the tanned skin only to make sure that instead of his cock, he now saw a woman's pussy.

- What the...

He muttered in a low, hoarse female voice. It was like how he once was hoarse and could not speak otherwise. But only now it was his usual voice.

- Fuck! I'm talking to you!

Looking up again, feeling the wobble in his earlobes from the hoop earrings, Ross saw the man again. It seemed that he was even more displeased and Ross did not understand at all what was going on.


A few minutes ago, Ross was in his room uploading his math homework. This year he was supposed to finish school and was preparing very seriously for entering the university. He dreamed of being a physicist and dreamed that someday, all school offenders would envy him when he invents something truly ingenious and receives a Nobel Prize.

He had almost finished his homework when suddenly a bright light blinded him. For a few seconds everything disappeared and it became dark.

Gradually he began to see. Instead of his laptop, as if from the darkness, the silhouette of a man and a room appeared before his eyes. This man looked at him at about an arm's length and said something impulsively.

The rumor appeared gradually, just like the image in his eyes. At first, he only distinguished scraps of phrases - "Deceived", "Money", "Divorce" and so on. It all seemed pointless.

When Ross could see and hear clearly. Finally the words were clear and loud. Very loud. The man continued his speech impulsively, looking straight into Ross's eyes.

- ... cheat me with him! Seriously?! With this duffer! How could you?!?!?! Heck!

Ross took a sip of saliva and was about to stop this gentleman. But he looked at him just came closer and frightened Ross. Suddenly, Ross took a step back and did not calculate the new balance of his body and heels crashed onto the sofa with rumblings.


Like many of Alt Shifta's victims, Ross found himself in a difficult situation. It was hard enough for him to accept even the fact that he had lost 25 years of his life and ended up in the body of a 42-year-old mature woman and will have to put up with this body until the end of his days.

Some time passed after this incident and Ross stood in front of the mirror in his house with sadness realizing that he was still more comfortable with a bra than without it. He hadn't watched TV that day in vain, because otherwise he would have realized that all his thoughts now are just a trifle.

A government law came out, which obliged everyone to accept a new life. This was an even bigger blow to Ross, who still had the hope of getting his old body back from home. He recalled with horror those two days that he had to live on the other side of the country with Clark, whom he had met under such unpleasant circumstances.

On the night of the exchange, Clarke could no longer contain everything. His wife met him naked again and he was not happy about it. Because he already knew then that she was cheating on him again and thus corrected her guilt. He had known this for a long time and had noticed this pattern long ago. Therefore, he simply could not stand it and decided to tell her everything while planning a divorce. Ross found himself in the midst of his emotional monologue.

By law, Ross had to accept Sophia's life and stick to it. The situation was aggravated by the fact that her husband had not changed and he sincerely wanted to get a divorce. But the law was harsh even for him. This was not a typical situation and people were obliged to comply with the requirements of the government. Cruel measures were taken against those who disagreed.

But they had to accept this, despite the fact that Sofia's husband wanted a divorce and the fact that Ross himself did not want to live with this stranger. They had to continue to live as husband and wife in the same apartment and a branch police department monitored this. Ross had to match Sophia completely. Take her life. Dress like her. Behave like her. To live like a wife and mother, continuing to do her job as a waitress, whom she temporarily got a job due to the fact that she planned to divorce and go to her lover Charlie, in whose body was now the real Sophia, whose attempts to help Ross with a new life were painfully perceived Clark. 



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