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Balancing on his heels and once again straightening his long hair and cursing the swaying of his chest, Mark took neat steps around his house. His cubicles clinked loudly on the tiles. In addition to the sounds of his heels, he heard sighs, as if someone was having sex.

Unfortunately for him, his thoughts were confirmed. But he never expected to see what he saw. On the couch in the living room, the two were having sex. He was shocked when they turned their faces towards him and he was able to clearly see his former body and that of his sister.

The Alt Shift happened just a couple of hours ago and Mark's entire family was subjected to an exchange effect. Mark had no idea who was now in his body and in the body of his sister, but apparently these two decided to take advantage of the situation, thinking that this was a temporary effect or some kind of dream.

Mark himself also had a hard time believing that it was all real, because it all seemed like some kind of big nightmare. From the moment he suddenly found himself in that bar instead of his house. The loud music immediately deafened him, the smell of tobacco and alcohol was everywhere.

Mark did not have time to look around, he felt that something was wrong. He sat in a completely different position. With his ass, he felt that something was moving there, and someone was holding his hand. He was sitting on someone's lap. Quickly standing up, he almost fell because of the heels and the new center of gravity.

- What's happened?!

A fat grown man in a denim jacket and a check shirt was staring at him. Mark barely pulled his hand out of his hand and tried to run away. I tried it, because running in this body and in heels was very difficult, especially considering the fact that Mark never wore heels.

Mark ran into the street, not being distracted by the screams of the man, who was dumbfounded that Mark ran away and shouted after him

- Bitch ?! Where are you going?! I paid you already! Hey! Anyone! Stop her!

He thought it was all some kind of dream and tried to wake up, wake himself up, pulling his hair hoping it was a wig and feeling his new big soft, tender boobs, hoping that this was also some kind of props.

But everything was real. Passers-by were already perplexedly looking at Mark's panic and he had to calm down. He quickly realized that he was near the very criminal bar in their city and, of course, decided to quickly leave here to his house.

All the way he tried to realize what had happened and whether it was all true. He stopped, closed his eyes and counted to 10, hoping that it would all end. But even with his eyes closed, he felt this tight-fitting dress and even the thong underneath, which uncomfortably dug into his ass as well as the weight of his chest. The evening breeze blew over his bare legs and blew under his dress, and his hair constantly fell into his eyes.

Back home he hoped to get more answers and he got them. Only from this there were even more questions. 




Perfect story, where do you get the pictures from?


Thx. I don't have a specific source ... Just the Internet =) I also often edit photos in special programs.