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A middle-aged Asian woman was walking slowly down a busy New York street, holding her bag. She looked at the houses and kept squinting her eyes, as if trying to find something. She stopped for a moment and looked for something in her bag, but at that moment some piece of paper fell out. One young guy saw this and decided to help the lady. He ran up, picked up the pieces of paper and shouted after her

- Miss, miss, you dropped!

But she did not answer, he had to come closer and even touch her shoulder with his hand

- Miss, is it yours? Do you understand me?! Damn Asians, I say - is it yours - bamaga ?! 9 said the guy almost spelled)

She shuddered when she saw the guy, was surprised, looked at him attentively and did not understand anything, but still took the piece of paper and said with a strong Asian accent "thank you."


Damn it. Miss. I didn't even think he was talking to me, although I figured it out. But the rest of his words, I almost did not make out. Have I completely forgotten how to speak English ?! How tall is he? I think no more than 1 meter 70 cm, but it seemed to me just a giant, although I understand that I am wearing shoes with low heels. How is all this vomzonjo ?! I need to find my home, but this is the third time I've been walking around familiar places and still come to that house with this apartment, to which I do not want to return at all. This is all just some kind of nightmare! I feel like a kind of tranny in all this ridiculous clothes, but at the same time it's all so real, and this strange body and hair ... Damn, I have to go home!


Greg Mitchell all his 23 years was a boor and rude, and it was permissible for him, he had a height of 1 meter 90 cm and the corresponding physical strength, and besides, young girls liked it, so he was confident and allowed himself a lot. The same thing happened yesterday, when, while walking with his girlfriend, he allowed himself a racial insult to an Asian couple who were standing in line in front of him at one of the diners. He was not in a very good mood and he just threw out his emotions at that moment on the first people he came across. It was an Asian guy with his mom.

- Damn it, boy tell your Asian mom to move faster! Translate it into her Chinese or Japanese, which is not so accepted here!

The woman and the guy looked at the rude man in surprise, but did not answer and Greg continued

- I thought you don’t understand anything! You came to our country and think that you can do anything! I wish I could see this stupid American who took her as his wife and brought her here. You probably even live in some cheap apartment that stinks!

- Mister, actually my mother was born here and lives here and understands everything perfectly, so I ask you not to ..

- Calm down, Mark, don't fight with him

- Haha Mark, did you name your Asian son Mark !?

- Dude! Please stop. I would really like you to understand how it is to be like that! Come on mommy, we'll buy something else.


This happened the next day. Greg woke up and went to a meeting with his friends, but on the way he suddenly felt very bad and had a stomach ache. He found the nearest toilet in a mall and passed out. When he woke up, he immediately noticed that something was wrong. His first attempt to get up was unsuccessful due to his new shoes and small feet, but when he got up he immediately felt a slight chill from the air below the knees. Instead of his jeans and a T-shirt, he was now wearing a blue dress. He quickly ran, banging his heels on the tiles in the toilet, to the mirror and saw in the reflection the surprised face of an Asian woman. She repeated his every movement, and he even felt his head, his new earrings touch his shoulders as he moved. Looking down, he saw that his body was completely different. It was much smaller and now two small mounds were visible from under the blue dress. They seemed large to him, although for everyone else this breast was small. He uttered his first words in this body and they were in Chinese, incomprehensible to him, but nevertheless he knew what he was saying, although his brain still perceived these words as strangers.

Coming out of the toilet, he saw people walking past him and not paying attention to him. Everyone began to seem very large. He felt awkward in this clothes and in this body, but he had nothing left of his old life. Even the cell phone he found in this woman's bag was different now. He approached the taxi driver and wanted to ask him to take him home, but at that moment he realized that he had completely lost the ability to speak English.

This was Greg's fourth visit in search of his old home, but every time, just like the first time in a taxi, he came here. The apartment he entered with the keys in his purse was the apartment of an old man and an Asian woman named Li Fang, whose passport with a woman's face in the reflection Greg found in his purse. She was an immigrant and did not even have a normal work visa, but since she was married to an American, she could live here. Everywhere in this apartment were Chinese things and several photographs of a woman hugging an old American. From the thought that this man could hug him, Greg became self-conscious and he quickly left this strange house to return to his real one, but every time he thought that he had found his way home, he returned here to this cheap apartment with cheap furniture and stink. It was exactly as he told that Asian guy in line. 



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