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A woman was walking awkwardly and stumbling along the forest road. She looked tired and dissatisfied, and she constantly looked around in the hope of seeing something.
- Hey, mom. When are we going home?
- Damn, I've told you a hundred times that I'm not your mom. I am Steve and you are my girl
- But mom, I'm a boy, I can't be a girl, and you can't be Steve, because you're my mom. I'm tired and hungry! Mom, let's go home, how much longer will we walk in this forest ?!
- We will walk until we find this forest wolf who did this to us
- Did what?
- Just shut up!
It was already the second hour that I had been walking through this forest for the third round, but nowhere did I see this old man. At the beginning it was strange, but after three hours of walking, I almost did not pay attention to how my breasts were shaking without a bra under my blouse. Under a long skirt, a thong is tightly cut into my ass. The hoop earrings dangled unpleasantly from my earlobes and constantly touched my neck, and I did not even know how to take them off. The suitcase still contained the camping tent that Samantha and I took, but instead of mine and hers, it also contained clothes for an adult woman and a child.
Damn it, if I knew that this would happen, I would never have sent here on this trip with Samantha, whom I now even envied and wanted to be in her place. Firstly, she did not remember that she was a girl, and secondly, she was a boyfriend. I'm not going to be a mom and even less a grown woman. This wizard must bring everything back.
- Mom, dad will worry
- What? Dad?
The woman stopped and looked at her hand. One of the pink-makeup fingers had a ring. She touched it with her other hand and stirred it a little. Surprise, fear and anger reflected on her face
- Answer me! You! Take it all back!
- Mom, that's enough, please. Let's go home!


Damn it, this is all just nonsense. How is this even possible? He really somehow made me a grown woman and most importantly, that Samantha is completely sure that she is my son named Robbie, and I am her mother ... And this body, everything seems alien and wrong to me, especially these boobs. Until I undressed, I felt their weight and they seemed big to me, but now I really see it ... They just hang, but even in this position I feel uncomfortable. What the hell? ... This is not my life ... And how old am I now? thirty? 35? Damn it, and this man, he thinks I'm his wife, what did he call me? Franny? That is Francine? What a stupid name ?!


Francine stood in the bathroom looking away from the mirror. She had already seen enough and did not want to look at her reflection again. As soon as she returned home, she immediately took off her long pencil skirt and blouse and found shorts that were lying in dirty linen. She did not want to wear anything feminine, and even thinking about it disgusted her. She unraveled her long hair and was already thinking about how she would cut it if nothing changed. But of course, she decided that until the last moment of her life she would look for this forest wizard who had changed her life so much.

Before her worried husband came to pick them up from the forest via text messages from her son, she and her son walked for almost 5 hours in the forest. Of course, her son was worried and wrote to his dad that something was wrong with his mother and he wanted to go home. Jake, Robbie's father and Francine's husband instantly drove from work and took them home. He himself was lucky that Francine was behaving strangely. For some reason, she said something about some forest wizard and the fact that she was not really his wife, with whom he had lived for 10 years, but a guy named Steve and that his son was actually Steve's girlfriend. Of course Jake loved his wife and knew her well. He knew that sometimes she behaved strangely and already knew that he just had to wait out the time and then everything would be as usual.

He knew that there was nothing to argue and prove to his wife at such moments, although it really seemed to him all very strange. But in the end, in two days she planned a flight to her favorite job as a flight attendant and he hoped that after that she would return and be herself again


Meanwhile, the wizard watched Francine in his magic sphere in his cabin in the woods and smiled. He was just bored and at such moments he loved to change the lives of other people and see how they adapt to this. The idea to make a mother and a son out of these two lovers came to him after he overheard their conversation about family. The girl hinted directly that she wanted a family and a child, and the guy pretended not to understand her. They thought that no one could hear them, so they spoke very loudly. At first, he wanted to make her a mother, and his son, and in order for the guy to be more obedient, he erased his memory, but he accidentally mixed them up and already wanted to change them, but looking at the reaction of the guy in his new body and position, he realized that it would be even better. ... While they walked for several hours in the forest, he completed a new reality for the new mother and now looked at it all with a smile and thought that he would get many more funny emotions from watching this reality show. 


I don't know what was stranger and more incomprehensible to me from the day I received this body, everything was the same and every day I learned something new about myself and did not know how to react to it. When I fell asleep in this new house with this strange family, I thought that the worst had already happened to me and very much hoped that this was just a bad nightmare and after I woke up everything would pass. I slept in the living room and was not going to sleep in the same bed with this man, whom I saw for the first time in my life. He tried to tell me something, but I have already told him a hundred times that this is not true and that I am not his wife or even a woman. That very evening I realized that not only Samantha and I had changed, but somehow the reality about my old life had changed. I didn't even find my old Facebook page and Samantha's pages on the Internet, but I found the pages of my old friends and girlfriends, to whom, of course, I immediately wrote. They either did not answer me or from their answers I understood that they really did not know me. My home page on Facebook from my phone was now Francine's, the photo was of a woman from my reflection with a smile on her face, and the description said "loving mother and wife with the best job in the world." In the main information, the date of birth was written and the age was determined - 38 years old, this is even more than I thought! I have sung 20 years of my life! That evening I had enough and I did not look at the photos on the page, and then I realized that in vain.

It was very difficult to fall asleep, especially because of my new big, no, as it seemed to me, huge breasts. Every time I tried to roll over from side to side, I felt how this weight was strangely distributed over my body and, most importantly, I felt all this and even felt how excited I was from the touch of my nipples on the fabric of the bed, but still I was able to fall asleep and the next day I woke up in the same body in the same house in the same family ... To say that I was upset is to say nothing. I took a taxi, put on the first clothes I could find, and left for the forest to look for the wizard. In the first minute in the taxi, I realized that I had worn just one T-shirt in vain, because I saw a taxi driver looking at me in the rear-view mirror of his car and I suddenly felt scared. I'm taking a taxi to the forest with a famous man. Before, I would not even have thought of anything, ngo now everything was completely wrong and I realized that I made a mistake that I dressed so carelessly, everything went fine, but the feeling of fear remained, and even when I walked through the forest and shouted to the wizard, I still understood that you should have put on a bra. These breasts weren't designed to just walk around in a tight T-shirt. But damn it, when I was going to, I just did not think about it, and also this long hair, which now constantly fell into my eyes and now fluttered in a strong wind. I got very hungry and returned home. Then I noticed the first oddity, I easily remembered my address, although I was there for the second time in my life. On the way, I met one of my neighbors, whom I also called by name, and I even knew that she works nearby in a cosmetics store. Then I did not even think that it was strange, it seemed to me that it was normal, but then before going to bed, thinking about what to do, I realized this. But the strangest thing began on the third day


I woke up as usual sleepy and in a bad mood. My chest and my whole body ached or was it my brain that reacted that way, I don't know anymore, but I still felt ill at ease. Jake and Robbie were not at home and I was very hungry. I realized that I hadn't eaten normally these few days. Next to me I saw a note from Jake, in which he said that he was worried about me and just did not want to swear, he left food in the kitchen in the refrigerator and took Jake to school on his way to work. I was left alone in the house and went into the kitchen once again cursing my huge breasts and this female body.

Suddenly, a girl called me on the phone, which I had recorded as a "naughty" and I answered without even thinking

- Hi Lucy

- Hi Farnsin, will I pick you up today?

- Yes, of course, when will you be?

- I'll be there in an hour

I hung up and realized that I urgently needed to get dressed. I didn't even know where, but I realized that I was late. I quickly went to the bathroom, took a shower, and started doing my makeup. I did it deliberately and understood that I had to do it and did not even have time to think about why, because all my thoughts were that I was late.

I was only able to think normally when I left the house waiting for a taxi with Lucy, which I had never seen in my life, but it felt as if I knew her very well. The taxi had not arrived yet and I suddenly realized everything that I was doing now. I closed my eyes in horror, but still opened and looked down. I stood on low-heeled shoes, wearing nylon stockings and thong panties, which were tightly pressed against me by a tight blue flight attendant dress. My breasts stood out indecently because of this dress and seemed even more because of the bra, which, I confess, lightened her weight. The long hair, which I had combed for ages, was in excellent condition. I could taste lipstick on my lips and scent of a woman's perfume. As if a flashback appeared in my memory what I was doing a second ago and my reflection in this uniform of a stewardess and I already wanted to return home, but I saw how a taxi with Lucy drove up to my house and went towards the taxi.


It was humiliating and weird. I did all this as if I had done all my life. Delivering coffee, food, drinks, smiled to all passengers on the plane. I saw how every man looks at me and how other girls look at me. I wanted to excuse myself in front of them, and explain the truth to men, but I realized that it would sound stupid. In my head, the most important thing was to do the job of a stewardess correctly, although I realized that it was all stupid, but I could not do anything. Once I even found out that now I know not only English, but also Spanish and French. It was a spoonful of honey in a barrel of ointment of this strange new life. I didn't know what was ahead of me, but I stopped being surprised at anything after the plane landed and I was left alone in my hotel room. Tears of despair appeared on my face. I didn't want to accept this life, everything suited me before, why should I endure all this? I began to think that maybe I'm just going crazy and my whole past life just showed up to me and I invented it myself. 



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