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- Maria! I won't wear this!

- Dear! We have already agreed. I promise I won't pry. Plus, you wanted it yourself

- I didn't say that! It's just fantasy ...

- So we will implement them!

I heard her laughing outside the door, but I still looked at the lingerie and couldn't make up my mind. Maria already knew everything about my unusual fantasies of youth, which were always only fantasies

- Don't be shy, dear. And the more you also wanted to diversify our relationship.


I met Maria several years ago through mutual friends and fell in love almost at first sight. She was the top girl I had to communicate with, except that she was a beauty, but we still had many common interests and we quickly began dating. Almost half a year later we got married and now we have been married for almost a year. Although I still loved her, everything began to turn into a routine. A friend advised me to diversify our relationship in bed, for example, try role-playing games. I decided to tell her that in my youth I was turned on by stories about the transformation of a guy into a girl. I was not afraid to tell her this, because it was a long time ago and I had not thought about it for a long time and told all this as a joke, but she took everything seriously.


“But honey, I didn’t think we would really do this. I am not ready!

- Mark! I won't let you out of the dressing room until you put on what I have prepared for you.

Having decided that it is better not to argue, I put on short women's panties and a bra. On my male hairy body, it looked completely ridiculous and strange.

- Don't forget the headband with ears! And a necklace.

Damn, bezel. This outfit suits Maria better. What nonsense is she thinking, it doesn't turn me on at all right now. I put a hair band on my head and a jewelry on my neck.

- Maria! I won't go out!

- Have you dressed?

- Yes, but ..

She opened the door, she was wearing my clothes and it was a surprise for me, but I did not have time to ask anything, because she laughed very loudly and sincerely. At that moment I was very offended by her, but it did not last long,

- Mark, you are beautiful! God, you forgot about the heels!

- But they are yours! They will definitely be small for me!

- No no! I made it all up! Now close your eyes and put on your heels. And do not argue with me.

I closed my eyes and put on my shoes. Surprisingly, my foot completely and easily hit the heel.

- Marie, did you change my shoes?

I opened my eyes and saw that the shoes were just right for me. I did not understand how this is possible, but then I saw that my body was completely different! The bra, which was still pressed tightly against my flat male hairy chest, now pressed tightly against my chest, but now it had what looked like a woman's chest and all my hair was gone all over my body. My arms became thin and weak.

- Marie, what happened ?!

I asked in my new female voice, but in response I heard some unfamiliar male voice. The voice was clearly masculine with an intonation of irony.

- What do you mean, Angela ?!


I turned my head towards the male voice and felt my new long hair brush against my shoulders and neck. Instead of Mary, there was now a black guy in my clothes and smiling at me. My clothes were just right for him. He stood with one hand on the door, looked at me and smiled

- It's very hot, baby!

I looked in fright and said in fright

- W-w-w-something ???

- I mean it. I can already feel the fire between my legs.

And he turned around and went the other way

- Stop! Who are you! Where is Maria! Why am I a girl ?! What the hell?!

I took a step towards the exit and almost fell on high heels, holding only the closet standing next to me with clothes.

- Heck!

Instead of a loud expression of indignation, I got some kind of tender female discontent. I almost sprained my leg because of this and could hardly hold on to my small palm with an elegant manicure on the closet. But this man quickly returned, continuing to smile the same way

- I'm kidding, Mark! You almost believed it! Ahaha.

- Maria! It's you?! What happened to us

- Oh, it's just a miracle. I found this store on the Internet. I didn't think it would work, but as you can see!

- I do not like this! I didn't want it and didn't even think! Change us back!

- Mark, this is just a game, just for one evening! Well, you yourself wanted to, and I also thought that if all of a sudden this is all possible, then we must use the maximum opportunities. I didn't think it would work either, of course I don't want to be a black man all my life either. This is just for this evening and it will be an unforgettable experience!

I didn’t know what to say to her, I once had such fantasies, but I thought that if I realized them, then in our bodies. But what can I say, this is all impossible, I still understood that this was all nonsense, but my feelings proved that it was all true, not a deception.

- Moreover, the instruction says that I can change us back not earlier than in an hour, so ... God, Mark, come here, have you ever seen such

Maria in a new body looked between her legs and I guessed what she saw there. I didn't like the prospect at all. I didn't want Maria to take advantage of her new male interest in this body, and I was surprised why she reacted so calmly to all this.


Moving around in this body was strange and unusual. Everything here was alien to me, long hair that constantly touched my undressed body, the void between my legs, which was tightly pressed by the fabric of my panties and these clothes itself, I felt like some kind of tranny and this did not excite me at all. The panties inconveniently cut into my ass, the bra pressed the straps on my shoulders, but I didn't want to take it off, it was better than what could happen to Maria if we stayed in these bodies a little longer.

Mary still walked at ease in her new body. She had already taken off her T-shirt and pants and was left in only one underwear. The sight of a naked black man did not appeal to me at all, but the same could not be said about Maria. She admired herself in front of the mirror and often looked at me with a strange look with a smile and winked at me.

- Darling, let's upload with this or dress something

- Oh, don't say you don't like it, Angela!

- Do not call me that

- But why. I think it's a great name.

- I just don't like all this. How much time has passed ?!

- Oh, just 15 minutes. I have an idea, let me take a photo of you for memory, and then we'll do ...

- Do not even think! I will not make love with you in this body! It's impossible

- Lord, you even speak like a typical girl

Maria took out her phone and started taking pictures of me. I decided to play along and lay down on the sofa. She took some pictures and said

- Heck. Mark. You can lie down somehow differently. You have some male poses.

- I lie as I can.

- Well, at least try! And what is it with your face, where is the smile. Don't say what you don't like, it's all so unusual and interesting!

- Marie, I ... okay, is that better?

I moved one leg closer to my chest ... god, my chest, I never thought I would say that. She took a few more pictures, and then abruptly got up from her chair.

- Mark! I have an idea!

She ran into the kitchen at a run. I heard some sounds of opening the doors of the kitchen unit, and then the crash of dishes that fell to the floor.

- Marie! Are you okay?!

There was silence in response. I shouted a few more times and decided to go check. Slowly I made my way to the kitchen trying to keep my heels balanced, but it turned out very badly, and my big ass gave my body a completely different center of gravity. I saw Mary lying on the floor in a pile of dishes. What did she want to find ?! Why did she come here ?!

- Marie! Marie!

She opened her eyes and clutched her head. Then she looked at me and smiled


- Wow! Baby you just Wow!

- Are you okay?! What happened?!

I stood in the doorway barely balancing on my heels and looking at Maria. She lay on the floor with one hand on her head and looked at me. Her look was completely different now. She looked at me as men look at girls they really like

- Yes, I just wanted to get food out of the closet and suddenly bangs and everything fell to me, my head just confesses.

- It's good that everything is fine

Maria got to her feet and stared at me. Her gaze did not change. She didn't even look at the broken dishes, although she always kept it clean and it was strange that she didn't care now

- Baby, what's the reason? Our anniversary is not today, but I certainly don't mind if you dress like that for no reason

- Maria, you are acting strange.

I tried to smile, hinting that it was time to end the jokes, but she replied

- Maria is acting strange. Yes, Maria is acting strange and Mark will do everything in the best possible way now

And she walked in my direction with quick steps. I did not have time to look back as she came up to me and began to kiss. It was not at all like the way I kissed Maria when she was my wife. I didn't like it at all and pushed her away, still feeling the stubble on her face and a bad taste in my mouth.

- What is it, baby? Why then did you dress like that?

- Marie, I said that we won't have anything while I'm in this body

- What the hell are you talking about? Why are you calling me Marie. This is your damn name.

- What?!? What games again !?

I screamed like an offended girl? She looked at me with surprise and malice and said

- Maria! Just don't talk nonsense to your husband!

- But Maria is you! I'm Mark! Have you forgotten?

- I do not understand what you mean! All my life my name was Mark. Marie honey ...

I didn't believe what I heard. Maria really behaved very strangely and it was evident that she was speaking seriously and believed that she was now a black guy named Mark. Damn, damn, damn. This has all gone too far. I looked into her eyes and saw that she was not joking. My heart beat fast and I realized that I had not even asked her about the site on which she found this magic spell and other useful information. If she really forgot everything from the blow to her head, then this is very very bad!


Barely getting rid of this guy, who used to be my girlfriend, I went into the locker room. Of course he was unhappy, but I had to do something and first of all I decided that I needed to change my clothes.

This was the first time I saw my new body without clothes. I was not going to do this and thought to wait for an hour to pass and only then change clothes in my male body, but emergency measures were needed. When I undressed and was left alone in the dressing room, for the first time I felt defenseless and weak. This man, whoever he is now, believes that he is my husband and I have no logical reason to explain something else to him.

- Hey, Maria, I went to bed. I don’t know what’s wrong with you, anyway the evening is already ruined and my head hurts

I heard from behind the door and was even a little glad that I would not have to talk to him later.

Having folded all these clothes, which can hardly be called clothes, I started looking for some kind of men's clothes, but it turned out to be more difficult. All my men's underpants were small for me, my ass became incredibly huge for them and I just couldn't wear them or I just tore them, so I had to put on Maria's underwear. Maria never complained that she was uncomfortable in her lingerie, but I don't understand why, because her panties were clearly uncomfortable. From above I put on a robe and went into the room.

Thank goodness this man was already snoring in my bedroom and I was able to open my laptop. I spent several hours on the Internet looking for a spell, but I could not find anything. Then I decided to check my documents and it was the second shock in my life. Instead of my passport in the name of Mark Donovan, I now had a passport in the name of Maria Brown, nee Donovan. In the column, the husband was Mark Brown. The age was the same, the place of birth was the same, but the photo, name and gender were female! Out of fright, I even dropped my documents on the floor.

I started checking social networks and now my page was in my new name, and in the photo instead of me and Maria, now I was in this body in an embrace with this black man. I looked through the photos and with each photo more and more the feeling of unreality appeared in me. I watched my life, but as if I had always been a girl and Maria was always a black guy. The feeling of fear did not leave me all this time and I realized more and more that I needed to somehow find the site that Maria was talking about.


In a shopping center in the food court, two black men were sitting.

- You're acting strangely. Did something happen with you and Marie?

- Man, she began to behave strangely in recent days

- Friend, well, it happens. You have been living together for a year and maybe she needs something new?

- I’m not talking about that. She's acting really weird. All week she said she was a man and her name was Mark. Can you imagine ?! I don't know how to react to this. We haven't made love in a week!

- What?!

- Yes! She sleeps in another room and wears my clothes! Thank God that now she has begun to dress like a woman again! But this is all strange, she is talking about some kind of spell ... I do not understand, she is joking or her roof has waved. She didn't even go outside for two days and skipped work!

- But is everything all right now? Or how?

- I do not know. She seemed to be really a guy, I mean she began to paint for a long time, put on some kind of incomprehensible unfeminine clothes.

- Wait, I saw her at the store. She looks good

- Yes! Because I told her what to wear! Imagine ?! I chose her clothes!

- And this is not Ksati she goes?

The two guys looked away and saw a girl in blue skinny pants and a white lace top walking in their direction.


I hate it all. How Maria worked in this job. These people who go all the time and ask something and do not buy anything. Guys who look at me like meat. Damn, these women's clothes are not comfortable at all.

It's been a damn week and I don't know when it will end. She still considers herself a guy and thinks we are married. This Mark is a normal guy, but I don't like men, I still love girls and the fact that I have to be one of them is just awful. Plus this job requires me to be nicely dressed. When I came to work after two absenteeism in normal men's clothes, my boss did not allow me to work and did not pay me for that day.

Why is this Mark looking at me like that? He's still with some friend of his! I don’t want anyone else to see me like this. It always seems to me that everyone on the street looks at me as a guy in disguise, although this is not so.


Thank God this second one is gone. I sat with Mark, who of course ordered a pizza. I already hate damn pizza, we eat it every day and at the same time he reproaches me about what I should cook. No! it will never happen!

- Um .. Mark

I started to speak, and he continued to eat a slice of pizza saying with a glance so that I continue

- You know ... I've been acting strange this week

- Oh yeah! That's not the right word, baby

- Don't call ... okay, I wanted to say that I want to apologize

- go on

- I was acting really weird and it won't end. I decided that I would temporarily go to my parents and ...

- Stop, stop, stop! No! You're not going anywhere!

- What do you mean "I'm not going anywhere"?

He looked at me viciously and continued to chew

- I'm leaving tonight by train number ...

- Enough! You're crazy! First you tell me that you are actually a guy named Mark, and I am a girl Maria! This is complete nonsense! Then you behave very strange all week, and now this ?! Are you pregnant and have hormones? I just don't know any other explanation.

- Pregnant ?! I can not be...

And then I remembered that a few weeks ago Maria and I began to try to have a baby and did not know whether the attempts were successful or not. If in this reality Mark and I did the same, then it could be true.

- Yes, I think you need to do a test, a month or more has passed since our attempts.

I didn't say anything, but looked down at my body and especially at my stomach. It seemed to me that there really was some strange sensation and I least of all would like it to be a child.


I lay in the park on the grass and looked at the sky. The wind blew through my light summer dress under which my breasts and black thin panties were visible. I specially dressed this day. I'm tired of everything, I don't know what to do, and I did it just out of despair.

A month has passed since I found myself in this life and nothing has changed. And, no, more precisely, it has changed, I found out that I was really pregnant and this news changed everything. I went to my parents anyway, but I couldn't stay there for a long time. I could not see how my parents treat me like a daughter and left there almost immediately.

Mark turned out to be a good guy and I think I can adapt to this life, it could still be worse, but I still never fully get used to it.

God, if you can hear me, tell me why did you do this to me? Why are you doing this to me?

But there was no answer, I just looked into the sky with my thoughts and felt the wind touch my nipples, regretting not wearing a bra.

I closed my eyes and remembered my old life. I remembered everything as I grew up, my first girlfriend and my friends. All this was now just a fiction that no one would believe. This life was alien to me, I knew nothing about it and guessed only from photographs and stories of friends. But I have to live on and look into the future, whatever it may be.



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