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Let's just say I'm not a fan of travel and various mysterious places, but my girlfriend just adores it and takes me to strange places every time. It was another strange place somewhere in the woods in Thailand. We went to rest there a few days ago, and as soon as she learned from the locals that somewhere in the forests there is a mysterious cave with many legends and secrets, then of course she immediately wanted to get there.

We traveled for several hours by bus, and then walked for a long time through the forest. Some locals helped us find our way, but they didn’t come with us. They were very surprised that we wanted to go there and warned us.

There was nothing unusual about the cave itself. It looked like an ordinary cave, only there were some inscriptions in Thai. My girlfriend was delighted and at one point I lost sight of her.

I followed her voice and then stumbled and hit my head.


When I opened my eyes my head ached very badly. I saw that I was no longer in the cave. I was lying in some room and there was no one near

- Damn, my head

I spoke in a whisper and did not notice that my voice was different and touched my head with my hand. She was very sick. I looked around, it was some kind of room, probably of local villagers, because there was cheap furniture and the room definitely needed repair.

- Jessica? Are you here?

My voice was definitely different. My gaze fell on my hands. These were not my hands! My skin is much darker, as if I had sunburned all summer even though I had just arrived. But the main thing is that my palms became much smaller and they had a definitely female manicure.

- What a joke ?! What the hell is wrong with me .... what ?!

At that moment, I noticed that my body also became completely different. I was wearing a dark bra under which there were two not small bulges at all. I wooed myself by the chest and felt in my hands two pieces of tender and soft flesh, simultaneously feeling them in my hands. The next guess turned out to be correct and even without checking I could see that behind my flat stomach there was a flat surface, where my male device should be. Before I could see the tattoos on my stomach, I heard that someone entered the room.

- นิ รัน ด ร์ ตื่น แล้ว เห รอ! ขอบคุณ พระเจ้า! (Ni rạn dr̒ tụ̄̀n læ̂w h̄e rx! K̄hxbkhuṇ phracêā! - Niran, are you awake ?! Thank God!)

A man ran up to me and began to say something in Thai.


He took me by the shoulders and continued to say something in Thai, but I didn't care, my body was completely different and I did not understand what was happening. I pushed him away and marveled again at my new voice

- Get away from me! Who the fuck are you !? Why am I in this body?

- นิ รัน ด ร์ เธอ เป็น อะไร ไป! (Ni rạn dr̒ ṭhex pĕn xarị pị! Niran, what's wrong with you ?!)

- Speak English! I don't understand you

And he looked at me in surprise and began to speak with a very strong accent.

- Niran! I speak bad english. I don't understand you

- I'm John! Who is Niran ?!

I freaked out and got up from the couch, because it's not a moment to just lie next to me and do nothing. I felt my long hair brushing against my back and shoulders. My chest swayed from this movement and I felt it.

- Fuck that's all! Why am I dressed like a chick ?!

I quickly took off my bra and threw it away and saw that I really had two breasts now. From my sight they seemed to me more than they really are and without a bra now I felt their unusual weight for me. I quickly began to examine myself, no longer hearing what this man was saying.

Suddenly I felt that he grabbed my hand and I had to push him away, but he grabbed me very tight! So I had to push him with my foot.

- เจ้า โง่! ฉัน ช่วย คุณ แล้ว! (Cêā ngò! C̄hạn ch̀wy khuṇ læ̂w! You stupid whore! I saved you!)

I didn't understand what he was saying, but now there was anger on his face. I did not care. I used to do wrestling and was ready to beat him.

He stood up abruptly. Despite the fact that I was fighting, he very easily grabbed me and twisted my arms, so that I could not even pull myself free. I felt that this man, although he was weak, held me very tightly. This body, in which I somehow found myself, was even weaker than him.


He grabbed me and lifted me as if I were very light and carried me to another room, which had only one bed. Then he left, saying something in Thai with an angry face, and closed the door behind him.

As soon as the door closed, I immediately got up, feeling once again how my chest was swaying when moving and ran to the door. I knocked on the door and shouted for them to open it, but no one heard me, only my little fists were now very painful.

It was a small, windowless room with one bed. I looked around for a key or something like that, but there was nothing at all. When I walked around the room and looked, I could not help but pay attention to the fact that my body had become completely different. The feeling of heaviness on my chest, the emptiness between my legs and the long hair that now sometimes covered my eyes reminded me that everything was completely wrong.

Finally I decided to calm down and think things over. This all happened after I fell down in the cave and lost consciousness. Probably someone stole me and did it to me. Although it seems impossible, I saw for sure that this was not a dream and my body was completely different.

I lay down on the bed and began to examine myself while contemplating an escape plan. I decided that I needed to calm down and calmly talk to this gentleman who locked me here. I have to explain that I am not Niran or anyone else. I am a tourist from america, I am a guy named John and I am 25 years old.

So almost an hour passed and finally the door opened. This man entered the room with a woman, also Asian.

- Hi.

- Hi (I answered this time already calmly looking at them)

- Niran. Do you remember me? I'm Penchan, and this is Suda (This girl spoke better English already)

“I'm not Niran. My name is John. It's some kind of mistake. I do not know you

She looked at me and said something to this man. She translated my answer for him. That is why he answered and this is how we talked.

Although I was telling the truth, this man did not believe me. I told them everything about myself and the fact that I came from America. I told them what happened in the cave. From them I learned that I was in the body of a girl named Niran. She is 30 years old and works as a prostitute here. They said that Niran left with some American tourist who asked a lot about the cursed cave and that then Penchan found her unconscious on the road. Penchan is a pimp for Niran and that he is unhappy that she is acting so strange and refuses to talk to him. He said he would call a local doctor who knows folk remedies to find out if Niran is telling the truth or not.


The door closed again, but I managed to make out that there was a corridor and thought that if there was an opportunity, I must first escape from this strange place and return to this cave.

I was here for a few more hours. A woman brought me food and underwear. She did not speak to me, she only looked at me sadly. Left alone, I decided that I needed to wear this lingerie. I did this, thinking only that I had to somehow escape from here and reach the cave. Therefore, with difficulty, I nevertheless overcame my male feelings and decided that it would be better if I was at least in clothes.

After several hours of stay, the door opened again and this time there were already three of them. There was the same woman, the same man, and another Asian man. He was dressed strangely, in some kind of rags. The woman translated again

- This is our best shaman. He said he knew what happened to you. He has already healed people like you who were in this cursed cave. Just do as he says.

They came up to me and the shaman got some herbs. I sat in silence, waiting for a better moment. Then I got up abruptly and ran as fast as I could from them along the corridor.

I ran along the corridor and heard their screams behind my back, but my goal was to get out of here. The first door was closed, I wanted to open the window, but it was also closed. I reached for some object to break the window, but at that time they grabbed me first by one hand and then by the other and carried me back into the room.

They tied me up and the shaman began to perform this ritual. He smoked the room with some kind of herbs and I was left alone with him, because the others left the room. This lasted for almost half an hour or more, but I felt my head hurting badly and then not. The image then disappeared, then appeared again and in the end I again lost consciousness.


I opened my eyes again. I didn't have a headache and I felt great. In an instant, memories appeared in my head and I thought it was just a dream, but then I looked at my body and realized that it was all real.

There was a man next to me who looked at me seriously.

- The shaman said that you were captured by the spirits and now he drove them out. You understand me?

For some reason now I understood him very well. I looked at him and nodded

- Tell me what is my name

His name appeared in my head immediately and I answered surprisingly quickly.

- You are Penchan, my lord

I covered my mouth with my hand in surprise. I didn't want to say that, but I was even more surprised that I speak Thai. I knew for sure now that it was Thai

- Thank God. Do you remember your name and what happened to you yesterday?

- Yes, my name is Niran and I was in a cave, then I fell and then I ended up here

- Who were you in the cave with?

“With some American tourist who said he wanted to visit the damned cave!

I myself did not believe what I was saying. I wanted to say that I was with a girl, but I said completely different things

“Excellent, Niran. You should be grateful to our shaman. He said that you will still have the spirit of the cave, but in time everything will be fine

My heart was beating faster and I was scared. I didn’t understand why I didn’t speak at all what I wanted and why I spoke Thai. In fright, I began to speak again

“No, I'm not Niran. I am a Niran Thai prostitute, I am 30 years old and I love my job. Why am I saying this? This is not what I mean! Mr. Penchan!

- Calm down Niran. The shaman said that it will take time, everything will be fine. I am a good master and will give you rest. I will forget how you behaved with me, the spirits possessed you. And you shouldn't have gone to that cave! Now this place is definitely banned! We will close it for everyone!

He looked at me angrily and for some reason I now felt scared from this look.


This is all too strange for me. When Penchan left, he said that I needed to take a shower and that I stink. I wasn’t going to obey, but I thought it’s better to do it.

For some reason, no longer surprised at my body and my sensations, I got out of bed. It was really strange, but now everything seemed familiar to me and even the weight on my chest and emptiness did not seem to be something wrong. Now it seemed to me that it was all very convenient and convenient.

I got to the shower, taking a towel on the way and was not even surprised that I knew the route and where the towel was my underwear. In the shower, I washed my body with the usual movements, including between my legs, as if I had done it a million times. Only when I dried myself with a towel, folded my hair in a towel and put on my panties, I thought that it was something wrong. I shouldn't do it all so easily, I'm a man and I've never done this before, but now it was easy for me. This shaman did something to me and I definitely didn't like it very, very much.

Returning to the room, I sat down on the chest with a mirror and began to think, but at that time a girl entered the room. She looked at me incredulously and asked

- Niran?

- Yes, hi Suda.

I still didn't understand how it happened. I didn't want to say it, but the words themselves appeared in my head. I just wanted to say hi, but then I suddenly realized that her name was Suda and said this

- Are you okay? Mr. Penchan was very unhappy with you

- Yes, I know he's angry.

- Do you remember how we talked? You acted very, very strange and said that you were a guy

- But I am ... a girl

- Are you still delirious?

- No, I just .. it's just so weird

She came over and hugged me. I felt her breasts touch my breasts and felt how my place between my legs was heating up from this, but for some reason only hugged her even tighter. For some reason this girl seemed very dear to me

“Sister, I don’t know what you would do if you lost your mind.

A tear ran down my cheek and I hugged her even tighter.


Suddenly I realized that it was all wrong. I shouldn't have been here in this body. I shouldn't hug this girl like she's a sister. I know that I see it all for the first time in my life and it's all just some tricks of the shaman who did something to me. I wanted to push the girl away, but only gently pushed her away, I wanted to ask if there was a computer here, but I remembered that it was in the next room

- Suda, everything is fine, I need to be alone

I got up and went to the next room and there really was a computer. I no longer paid attention to my new body and even to the fact that my chest was not covered by anything.

Turning on the computer and entering my password, I went to the Internet. I thought that at last I could somehow contact my girlfriend, friends or parents.

I opened Facebook and realized that I do not understand half of what is written here, and besides, I had to register. After I got access, I started looking for my girlfriend. I stopped staring at the search box. I couldn't remember her name. I tried to remember the names of my friends, but even now I did not remember my name.

Frightened, I called a girl named Suda, who said that she was my sister and asked her name, which I called myself in delirium. She said John or Jack and couldn't remember exactly, although she was upset that I was asking. It didn't help me, there are millions of people in the world with such names.

Frustrated, I went to my room and began to try to remember at least something. Everything was like snippets from some kind of movie and as if it was not with me. I remembered the faces of my friends, girlfriend, parents. I remembered some fragments from my life, but did not remember the details. But when I looked at some objects in my room, I immediately recalled some of my new memories. For example, my sister SSuda gave me a vase for my birthday, and this bracelet ... oh god, this bracelet was given to me by some American client. I remembered what I was doing with him that evening and decided not to experiment with it anymore.


I was lying in the room and did not want to go anywhere, but suddenly I heard male and female sighs and expelled from the neighboring rooms, which did not even surprise me. I knew it was some of the brothel girls who had brought another tourist here. I was scared for a moment, but then it passed. I had to somehow get out of here and as soon as possible, before I was completely lost here.

I got up and was about to get dressed, but for some reason I went to the shower again. I wanted to use the shower for a completely different purpose and then I sent a stream of water from the shower between my legs. I barely got back on my feet, I received a large dose of pleasure and even made female sighs from this. Bra didn't dress for a long time and in the end I went out naked.

I walked along the walls of the corridor along which I wanted to run and looked at the door I was breaking into. I chuckled, because there was a pantry behind this door and now I knew it for sure. Even if I had opened it then, I would still not have escaped anywhere, and outside the window was the third floor.

I went out onto the terrace. Warm air blew over my naked body, but it did not bother me at all. It was dark outside and it was as if there were no one, but I knew that girls like me were working below. I tried to drive these thoughts away from myself, but I was sure that this was true and that it could not be otherwise. I had to go to work, because I owe a lot of money to Mr. Penchan for making me breasts and keeping me here. I gave part of the money to my parents in their village and I didn't have it at all. I even once got myself a bunch of tattoos to be more successful in this business and wanted to be the best here, because I liked it and it's easy money.

Damn what I'm thinking. I forgot about the cave again. And why am I standing naked here on the veranda! This is some kind of curse!

I heard someone walking behind me and some voices in a foreign language. Now I did not understand other languages ​​besides Thai, so I did not know who it was, but I knew for sure that they were tourists.


I don’t understand how it happened. Everything was so fast and so logical that I acted somehow automatically.

At first I wanted to cover myself and run away. I did so, but then, when I was already planning to escape, I stopped. I thought that I really need money and this is a great chance to earn it. I counted how much I would take from them and stayed where I was and a smile appeared on my face

- Hi, do you want me?

They smiled and it was evident that they did not understand me, but they understood what I mean.

Then I saw the money in their hands and then I just took him by the hand and led him into my room. I acted professionally and as if I did it a million times. I was disgusted and disgusted, but on the other hand, there was a great desire to do all this and I could not resist it.

Already in the middle of the act, I again gained control and screamed at how big this object was, which was in me, but a wave of pleasure covered me and I continued my action forgetting about everything in the world.


The rest of the night was like a fog. I don't even want to talk about what I did. When I woke up, I realized that if I didn't do something today, I would be stuck here forever. I needed to find this cave. My door opened and Mr. Penchan entered the room. He smiled and said that he was glad that I was back and that everything was fine now. He took all the money for my yesterday and said that the shaman was very expensive and that now I must repay the debt for him. I wanted to argue, but suddenly realized that it was useless and just asked how much money I needed. It was a very large amount, I counted poorly, but I realized that I would not be able to give it to him for a long time.

Penchan said that today the same guys-tourists ordered me for the whole evening as yesterday, but only for their son's birthday. They were already downstairs and were waiting for me. For some reason, it even made me happy, because they pay well for it. I was taken to their hotel. On the way, I did not understand a word about what they were saying and only smiled when I looked at them. I guessed what they were talking about and was angry that I was doing all this so calmly instead of going into the cave. But it seemed to me much more important

In the hotel room, left alone, I guessed that a young timid youth would soon come here and what I would have to do. I stood in front of the mirror, took off my top, remained in one skirt and looked at myself. I adjusted my skirt and chest and stared in the mirror. For a moment I saw myself as old. I remembered that I was in the same hotel room with my girlfriend! I had a girlfriend! I already began to forget all this! Why?! Why is this happening to me! This is the body! I looked at my breasts, which now again seemed to me alien and alien. My hands were thin and weak, although I had just seen myself in the mirror and it was completely different there. I was not athletic, but I was naturally strong and also knew how to fight. And now I ... I wanted to cry, run away, die, do at least something, but I heard the door open and somehow a voice, it was the voice of a 15-year-old boy who had never been with a girl for sure.

I took a few steps and found myself in the hallway. The young man was definitely embarrassed, and for some reason it amused me. I straightened my hair and smiled at him.


It was an ordinary evening in this town. The bar, which had many girls, was a private party and Niran was there too. Only a week had passed, but Niran had practically forgotten her old life and behaved as she usually did with some other tourist, thinking only about work and about the money she would earn. She had to work hard and well to work off the old debt and debt for the shaman. She did not understand why she wanted so badly to this forbidden cave, but this desire still remained. She tried not to think about it and focus on her life.

The door opened to the bar and there was a young couple who, for some reason, were allowed in. The guy and the girl looked around in surprise and suddenly the eyes of Niran and the guy crossed. It was strange, but it looked like they knew each other. Niran forgot about everything for a moment and looked only at him like that, but after a few seconds she returned to her client.

The girl took the guy by the hand and led him away from here. It was John with the real Niran in his body. After that incident in the cave, she also did not understand how she ended up in this guy's body, but she was calmer. She knew about the legends of this cave and the fact that bodies can change in it, and she knew that no one knows why or how this happens.

Once in John's body, she was also worried. She did not speak English and did not know anything about him, but a local shaman came to her room, who explained everything to her and said that he would help her adapt, because the reverse exchange is impossible. Niran agreed with the shaman and thanked him for his help.

Before leaving home, she decided to check her old body and went into this bar. She looked at her old body and she even felt somehow disgusted by all this. She couldn't believe she was leading such a life. But now she saw it with different eyes and was convinced that she definitely did not want to go back.



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