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Part 1 -  https://www.deviantart.com/vfrcbvvfrcbv/art/Stranger-things-808195637  

Part 2&3 -  https://www.patreon.com/posts/29428537 

When Emily, a former friend, and now Thomas's niece, sold the phone that did all this to him, Thomas was at “home", if his trailer could be called that. He only recently returned from his shift at the strip club, and was just considering a new plan on how to get his life back.

He was standing by the stove in one of his satin blouses and trousers... leather trousers. It was the only not-skirt in Martha’s wardrobe, and he had already learned how to walk in heels; The things you can do when you suddenly hate other shoes.

Thomas straightened his chest, which constantly jumped out of his bra, and was just turning the patty over when he saw a message on his phone.

"Aunt Martha, I sold the phone, please do not disturb me anymore"

Thomas froze. It was the end, he realized that he had lost his last hope to regain his life.

"No, no, no ... this cannot be," he whispered faintly.


Emily's parents, meanwhile, had eaten their dinner, and were about to go to bed when they heard someone knocking frantically on the door. A little scared, they slowly they went downstairs, and saw Martha in the doorway, who seemed lost in madness.

She spoke about the phone again, this time without hiding anything. She said that she used to be a guy and this phone turned her into a woman. She grabbed her hair and boobs, and said she hated it all, especially her work.

They knew she was just having a nervous breakdown, living in a trailer, bringing up children alone, no woman wants that fate for herself. But at the same time, they were afraid that she really had lost her mind, but so far they decided that she would do without psychiatric doctors.



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