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"Yo, yo, yo, baby! Where is she going?!" Jordan's voice rang out throughout the house, sitting on the sofa waiting for the owner of the house, which he and Gordon got into by breaking the door. “What kind of look is that, bitch?!” Jordan continued, with a voice full of anger, watching as Asian beauty with an extremely large ass turned her face to him and looked at him with an angry look.

"Shah-dahp, ah-soh, doh' cal mee beetch o' I break yoh nehck!" she replied sharply in an angry voice with strong Chinese accent. With her free hand she again grabbed her long dark hair and moaned loudly again, feeling the pain coming from her head "Owiee, owiee! Dis stoopid hair is stuck! Aargh!"

"WHAT!? You dare to threaten me, bitch!?" Jordan was not even slightly intimidated by her threat, but on the contrary, his anger flared even more, and he began to get up from the couch. "What do you want to do to me?"

"Ee-nuff! You saw fo' yo'self dat becuz of dis focking wig, I turn into dis stoopid chick!" she yelled angrily at him, still sure that she is a Gordon. "We need to check zis focking house and find a way to change me back... AARRGGHHH! Wh-a-aa-t ya-" she suddenly stopped and her eyes widened, as she felt something strange between her legs. Something very hot and wet was dripping down her legs.

"WHAT?! What are you doing, bitch!?" Jordan shouted in surprise, when the Asian girl dropped the bat and began to grab her crotch with both hands with load moan.

"Y-yoh... ahhh... Man! Aah, aah! Need Man! Aaah!" she moaned and screamed in pleasure, as the waves of ecstasy rushed through her body, making her shudder with pleasure. Her gaze became blurry and her pupils turned into hearts when she looked at Jordan, if this may be possible. "Need cock... NOW!!"

Gordon was horrified and shocked that he had just said those words, and what's worse, he had become so aroused by Jordan, stupid companion for extracting money from the house owners who was now watching this bizarre scene through hidden CCTV cameras. He did not even know how it could have happened, and why this wig has made him like this. Gordon only knew one thing, and that was the fact that he was very horny, and he wanted a hard, thick dick, and he wanted it right now.

Meanwhile the owner of the house, old witch who deliberately left the magical wig of a lustful whore in sight of the visitors, was looking at the scene with a malicious grin, knowing that the effect of the magical wig would soon take its full course. And she also knew that the young Asian, who has already become a lustful and horny slut, will beg her to let her stay, and even become her personal maid.



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