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Results of polls: Jacqueline is an 18 year old French illegal immigrant who works as a nurse and does not have a boyfriend.

Part 1-3: https://www.patreon.com/posts/jacqueline-part-105894717


Part 4

"Well... my name is... uhm... Jacqueline. I am... I am from Paris and I... uhm, I came here last month," Jacob was making it up on the fly, for some reason remembering a character from a movie he had seen a few weeks ago.

"Oh, you are from Paris. I didn't notice your accent. You're not lying to me, are you, Jacqueline? I wouldn't want to have to tell Juan," Rodrigo warned, looking up from the control panel to stare into the eyes of the woman who for a moment seemed a little angry.

"No, no, of course not," Jacob's mind was racing. 'Accent?! Fuck! What am I supposed to do? What if he knows I'm lying?' He decided to play dumb, hoping to deflect any suspicion. "Maybe it's because of that thing that I changed. Maybe my voice was affected by that."

"Yeah, maybe," Rodrigo agreed. He pressed another button after Jacob had answered and a bright light engulfed her. "Now, continue. Tell me what are you doing here in the United States?"

"Well, I am... I am working at a hospital as a nurse," answered Jacob. 'Shit! I should've said something else. Fuck, fuck, fuck!'

"Interesting," said Rodrigo as he watched the readings on the control panel. "And why are you working as a nurse in a US hospital, when you should be in Paris? You said you were here for a month!" Rodrigo decided to try to catch the girl in a lie, because he suspected something was not right.

"I... uhm, well, you see I... uhm," Jacob stammered, unsure how to continue. He felt how his body was tingling, and his legs were shaking. It was like he was being electrified. 'What the hell is this thing doing to me?!'

"So, Jacqueline," Rodrigo interrupted. "Why did you come to America?"

"I am an illegal immigrant, sir," Jacob said quietly, looking down at his feet, hoping that this lie would satisfy Rodrigo. "I'm sorry that I'm not telling the truth. I... I didn't know what else to say." 'I'm so sick of this asshole! Fuck him and his questions! I can't wait to beat the shit out of him! Then I will arrest him for everything that he has done.'

"It's okay, sweetheart. You did nothing wrong," said Rodrigo and continued, while Jacob realizing that his vision was blurring, and he was starting to feel very lightheaded. "Just continue telling everything about yourself."

"Uhm... okay... I am a... uhm, 18 y-year... o-ooold... I am... uhm," Jacob tried to continue, but it was getting harder and harder for him to concentrate on what he was saying and thinking clearly. Some images of life in Paris suddenly started to flash in his mind as if he was watching a movie from first-person perspective. But, then it all became more and more blurry, and finally Jacob's vision went black.

Part 5

Jacob slowly opened his eyes, feeling groggy. Everything around him seemed blurred and distant like he was dreaming. 'Oh, my head! What happened?' he wondered, trying to remember. The memories of Rodrigo and the strange machine he was hooked to returned, and his heart started pounding.

"Putain," he whispered softly, not noticing the change in his language.

"Good, you are awake," said Rodrigo, standing above him. "How are you feeling?" Rodrigo's words now seemed to Jacob as if he were speaking a foreign language, although Rodrigo was speaking English. He had to strain a little to understand what he meant.

"I feel..." he looked down and his eyes widened. "Putain! Qu'est-ce que c'est?!" (Fuck! What is this?!) 'Why the fuck am I still have a fucking boobs?!'


"Qu'est-ce qui est?" (Fuck! What is this?!) Jacob was freaking out, his hands were shaking. "Pourquoi suis-je une putain de nana ?!" (Why am I a fucking chick?!)

"I... don't know what are you saying. Speak English, okay? Do you understand?"

"I don't... I... I can't speak English anymore!? I understand but it hard," said Jacob in his new French accent. "Je parle Francais! What you do... you.. you change me not back! What is this?!"

"Well, I didn't know what you looked like exactly! So, I made you a girl I liked."

"Non! Zis is not my face!" yelled Jacob. "You are fou! I am not Jacqueline! I am not Française! You did not change me back!"

"Well, I immediately realized that you were lying to me, but I didn't care," Rodrigo replied. "Now you really are Jacqueline - the illegal immigrant from Paris who works as a nurse. Your story is not so bad."

"Non! Je suis un homme!" (No! I am a man!) screamed Jacob. "Change... Pourquoi you look at moi like zat?" asked Jacob noticing Rodrigo's expression.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to stare," Rodrigo smiled. "But, you're just so pretty, Jacqueline."

"I non understand," said Jacob in a confused voice, while her hands were shaking.

"It seems I went too far with my knowledge of English for you... well, if you want, you can learn it again," Rodrigo smiled.

'What the fuck is he talking about? I mean... is it even possible? Fuck it, I should get out of here and contact my team. They will change me back,' Jacob thought and looked around. "I can go?"

Yes, go wherever you want. You're free girl," said Rodrigo.

"Uhm... my clothes?" Jacob asked looking down at nude body. But before he could say anything else, he noticed something flying straight towards him. He managed to catch it and looked at it - it was one-piece white swimsuit and a cap with red cross on it, and also high-heeled boots.

"Cool, yeah? It's my gift to you as a nurse," Rodrigo smirked. "Try it."

"Non, non, non cool. Give me my old vêtements!" Jacob ordered but then he realized that better not piss this bastard off. So, he sighed and looked down at his outfit. 'I will look like a complete fucking slut in this outfit. Shit, I hate this.'

"Move your ass, girl. Go, go, go. Juan will be here in the evening, and you need to leave. So, hurry up, doll." ordered Rodrigo.

Part 6

The cold night air blew against Jacob's legs, sending chills through him as he walked down the street. As if it wasn't enough that he was wearing this ridiculous nurse costume, his feet were aching from walking so long in these ridiculous high-heeled boots that made it seem like his feet were two sizes smaller than normal. The sounds of clicking heels echoed through the alley as Jacob tried desperately to keep his balance.

To say that it was difficult for him to walk in these extremely ridiculous and too high heels is to say nothing - they were a nightmare! Each step he took seemed like an eternity. Of course he could have taken off those heels, but the last thing he wanted was to get hurt in that dirty alley and catch something like AIDS from the needles laying all over the place. So he decided not to risk it. Thinking about this, he did not even think about where he got this knowledge from.

It was almost midnight, and it seemed that he had been walking forever. He looked around. There were a few cars passing by and a homeless man sleeping under a pile of newspapers. "Where are they?! Damn it, they were supposed to be here, waiting for me," he thought angrily.

From his small purse suddenly came the playful melody of Zaz's 'Je veux', 'Donnez-moi une suite au Ritz, je n'en veux pas!' making him jump a little. 'Fuck, what the hell? Was there always a phone there?!' he reached inside his purse and found an old-fashioned cellphone. The screen showed a name 'Marie Claire' and a three hearts next to it. 'Who the fuck is that?!' Jacob thought.

He answered the call. "Bonjour?"

"Oh, Jacqueline!" said a female voice with a sigh of relief. "Where have you been? You scared me! I was so worried about you!"

"Qu-Quoi?! Zut alors... I mean, 'oo are you?!" asked Jacob trying to found an English words, which now was really hard for him, for some reason.

"I'm Marie-Claire, silly! Don't you recognize my voice, my sweetie? Where are you?"

"Umm..." Jacob's mind was a mess, and his head was hurting a lot. It was very difficult to understand and translate the language that the woman was speaking to him and at the same time try to figure out what was going on. "Marie? Où sont mes... euh... team members?!"

"Team members? What team members? Honey, just look at near sign and tell me what you see," instructed Marie slowly and then with a hint of joy in her voice she added "signe d'adresse!" causing Jacob to squint at the accent Marie spoke with and look around for an address.

"Umm... Meesheegan Avenoo, numéro cent vingt-cinq..." Jacob read off the nearest street sign. "Qu'est-ce que c'est?" (What the fuck is that? Am I in fucking Michigan?!)

"Great, I'll be there in a few minutes," Marie sounded relieved and happy. "Stay right there, darling. Do not move!" And then she hung up.

"Wait, Marie! Non, attendez, attendez! Non!" (No, wait, wait! No!) yelled Jacob into the phone, trying to ask her questions, but there was no one on the other end. "Zut alors," (Oh gosh) he sighed, and put the phone back in his purse. 'Okay, okay, calm down, Jacob. Just keep it together. Your team will be here any minute and turn you back to a real man,' he told himself while looking down at his cleavge in tight one piece swimsuit, which was barely covering his nipples. 'Oh, god. Hope they are here soon. This is too... embarrassing. And why the hell on the sign is written 'Michigan Avenue'? We should have been in Texas! Damn! And my language skills... Why the hell am I speaking French now?'



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