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Part 2-3: https://www.patreon.com/posts/best-of-best-2-3-103126597


“Okay, Mike... you can do this,” the busty blonde thought internally as she buttoned up her tight black jumpsuit that ended just below her huge round booty. The hot sun reflected from the pool in which the shooting of a new film for... an adult audience took place. Her long brown locks gently swept her shoulders as she finished buttoning up. Her round breasts were being squished by her jumpsuit which caused her already hardened nipples to poke even further against the fabric.

"Oh, no, no, no!" the director's voice broke through her thoughts. "That's all wrong, Maria... You should look down shyly and give us a small, gentle smile." He looked over at her and waved his hand slightly. "Maria? Can you hear me? Are you listening, Maria? Hello?"

Mike, who was now the starlet Maria, thanks to arguing with real Maria before they switched places, turned his attention back to the director and smiled as gently and shyly as he could. "No, no, no! Too much teeth. You look like you're ready to devour somebody, Maria! Like a... hungry animal." The director stopped his lecture as his eyes traveled up and down her curvaceous body.

Mike literally felt his gaze on his skin and blushed slightly. He altready regretted arguing with the real Maria, who now seated comfortably at the bar nearby, watching everything with a wide smirk and drinking champagne. "Grrr... damn it..." He lowered his eyes again and bit his bottom lip. "And this fucking shooting has just begun... I thought the hardest thing would be the sex scenes..." He smiled shyly again, trying not to look too desperate, and it worked this time, because the director waved at the camera.

"Okay, that's it... Let's film again from the start..." His gaze turned to the bar. "Mikey, friend! Come over here..." The director waved to his star, the real Maria. "Why our superstar isn't having fun with us?" Mike almost couldn't contain his anger. His eyes turned into a his former body, which happily walked over to them while smiling all over his face. "We filming some boring intro now, Mikey. So, you're on time, the most interesting thing will be when Maria..." he paused and looked over to Mike, "... Why are you still standing, girl? We have no time! Camera!" The director yelled and clapped his hands.

The filming began again. Mike looked at the camera and gave a shy, gentle smile, looking down like in very professional movies, where he usually worked before he changed bodies with Maria... "I just need to play this role better than her, then we'll change our bodies again." he thought and stepping into the pool with his female legs, feels the cool water and wetness on his body and smiled more. "Just stupid cheap movies, and this guy dissatisfied all the time..." His hand, now small and with delicate feminine fingers, gently caressed his neck, when someone behind him suddenly squeezed his huge booty, making his buttocks spasm. "Ah!" Maria yelled in surprise. He immediately blushed.

"And now the most important moment comes..." The director whispered to the his guest who stood next to him and laughed, covering his mouth with a palm, almost spilling the champagne. "He-he... she looks really... natural... like she really feels herself shy and awkward." Maria smirked again. "She is really 'the best of the best'!" she finished her speech and winked.



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