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Part 1: https://www.patreon.com/posts/my-elf-life-102784098

Part 2: https://www.deviantart.com/green-tg/art/My-Elf-Life-part-2-1044431325


Part 3

Sounds of drums, the smell of spices and sweat filled the hall and everyone was staring at the belly dancer who was moving her hips in an erotic way, dancing slowly. Men in this room were smiling, drinking and were admiring her body that was covered in golden, silk veil, revealing her beauty and hiding it at the same time.

"I feel like a fucking princess! Ahaha! Stupid human males!" thought Irileth, dancing to the drum beats, her hips swaying sensually, her breasts bounced, the veil dancing, moving like liquid over her curves. Men stared at her as a hypnotized by a snake and she could not resist the feeling of power over them. "That is good, this fat king should be under my influence." she smiled to him while dancing and swayed her hips to the beats.

After few minutes of dancing, she ended her dance by lying on her back and spreading her legs wide in front of the king and then rolled over to lie on her back and lifted slowly her hips from the ground. "Look at me, my king." Irileth thought when her eyes met his and saw him licking his lips and leaning a bit forward to her, like he wanted to lick her hips. "This is easy for me... men are just stupid, even here..." she smirked and the music stopped, while she rolled over on her feet and stood up, giving the king a bow and blowing him a kiss.

"Beautiful!" said the fat king "Beautiful!" He raised a cup of wine to her "This town was worth the capture and occupation just for you!" Everyone in the room cheered, but Irileth's eyes focused only on the king who looked back at her and smiled widely, his gaze full of lust for the elfin woman. "He is a disgusting creature... but he'll be mine soon enough.".

Three months have already passed since she ended up in this world, as a Elifian beauty. Three months as a female lovemaking elf. Irileth hated that name and everything related to this role. But after some time she got used to it. And it was her only choice, to play along, to learn her skills better. To become an actress who seduces men for her own benefit. But the truth is that she liked her new body and especially the effect it has on men.

"Thank you my king..." she bowed her head and when she looked at the king again, she saw him waving to a guard near to a door. She felt her heart skips a beat. "What's going on? Did I did something wrong?"

The door opened and two young soldiers came inside with a familiar man between them. Mark had a dirty look, his long beard and hair was filthy too and he was half naked. Mark had a serious expression and stared at Irileth with surprise. "Are you kidding me?!" Irileth thought with angry surprise on her face. "Mark, you stupid... why now?!"

Part 4

Mark stared at his old friend who had, as it appears, was able to survive after the capture of the city and he could not believe that he was standing right in front of him and it looked like he was serving the new king, wearing these exotic dancer clothes. He didn't heard anything from her after he got caught by a soldier during the night when they attacked the city. All this month he had spent in a cell, thinking only how he can escape and find Irileth to get them both home, back to their own world.

"This is one of your past friends, isn't it?" the fat king said as he took another bite of meat. Irileth didn't replied anything, only stood in place with her jaw open "Oh? Does it surprise you, my dear?" he said with a wide grin and took another sip of his wine. Silence was hanging over the room. "Tell me... do you think that this man, a wizard, could resist your charm? Aww..." He laughed, loud. The king was in a good mood. He knew how this love making elves, called Elifian, works, they were created as a way of living for pleasure and seducing, they had special voices, a body with all curves and no muscles.

"Your highness?" she said in a confused voice. "What do you want me to do with this human?" she said in a shy tone, hoping that the king would not realize that they already know each other and was afraid that she understood too well what the king meant when he spoke about resisting her charms.

"He's a wizard! Captured one!" he took a bite and continued chewing while talking, then drank again and swallowed, smiling and then laughed again. "We need magic for our future campaigns." He leaned on the arm of the throne. "So, I think... if you want that your beloved town is not burned to ashes and if you don't want me to sell you as a slave in our new lands that we conquer, you will make this wizard to join us, by all means!" He smirked and gave a dirty look at the Elifian beauty and then waved with his hand at a soldier who pushed Mark forward and made him to fall down on the ground. "Here! I want see how you do your... magic!" he said as he smiled widely and leaned back to his throne.

Mark was in bad shape, but he still felt the heat of anger rising inside his head "You will never force me to serve you! You're not my king, asshole!" Mark was shouting angrily as he slowly lifted his head, but his anger stopped when he saw the scared expression of Irileth when he looked into her eyes. She was kneeling now next to him and looked at him with fear in her eyes, her tits hanged heavy on her chest in her thin silk costume "No!" Mark thought with a sudden feeling of desperation. "Jake! You're Jake, not Irileth! You..." but his thoughts stopped when he felt the gentle touch of her hand on his cheek, slowly sliding over his dirty face, as a gentle caress. He felt suddenly calm, his anger left him and his head cleared. "Wh... what did you..." he tried to say but Irileth gave him a light kiss on his lips and touched his dick through his pants "Please..." she whispered softly in his ear, still kissing him and slowly stroked his penis "Just relax... stupid nerd...".

Part 5

"Ugh..." said Irileth in a sexy voice while looking with a dissatisfied look at Mark. He was looking out the window and stood with his hands crossed over his chest. "Why you have to stand there and... why do you look out that window all the time?! Don't you have something to do?!" she shouted to Mark's back "And this tower! Why this stupid tower? Ugh!"

Mark, or as they call him here, wizard Garth, ignored the beautiful female voice and was looking down from his tower into the town below, he watched the people moving on the streets and he saw how soldiers of the army patrolling the streets and giving orders. "Our king is getting ready for another conquest." Mark whispered. "They need my help... tomorrow..." he whispered.

"Don't ignore me!" Irileth yelled. "Why are you acting this way since that day?" Mark turned to her with an empty look on his face and stared at her. His eyes moved to her full breasts, which were exposed, and then slowly licked his lips. "Stop that! What the fuck?! I told you I hate when you stare at my tits like this! This is fucking creepy!" she covered her breasts with her hands. "Will you like it if I stare at your cock all day?! I think it wouldn't be very nice, would it?! Hm?!"

"Stop it." Mark said coldly. "Don't speak to me that way. Don't speak at all." He turned away from her again. Silence filled the tower's top floor. Mark's head was filled with thoughts about how to serve his new king the best. He was sure that these thoughts were not his own and that this was some kind of magic influence from Irileth.

"I hate you." she said in a sad voice and stood up "If I would known that my... blowjob could do this to you, I would not... never..." she paused "But that asshole king forced me..." she added quietly and sighed deeply, thinking that she really likes to blow him in that day when she seduced Mark in front of everyone and the fat king to convince him that he could use Mark in his army. It excited her so much then... "The foolish king saw through my plans and made me to seduce him again and again to use him for his own benefit! Fuck him!" She clenched her fists while her thoughts. "But I didn't use magic on him anymore, but he is acting like some... stupid slave... fucking blowjob... I don't know why I did that anyway, I've never even done this before or since... ugh, this body makes me to act in a stupid way..." she looked away with a frown.

"Shut up, whore. Spread your legs." said suddenly Mark in a harsh voice without turning from the window and Irileth looked at his back with wide opened eyes. "What... did you..."

"Shut up." he said again coldly.

Part 6

"Oh God, I so wanted to get away from that tower!" said happily Irileth to Iriana, one of her colleagues from the brothel. Iriana is the same as Irileth, expect she doesn't know anything about Irileth's old life as a man in a real world. She looked younger than Irileth, had smaller breasts, but still quite big, with the face of a very beautiful young woman with green eyes, and a little pointed nose and thin lips, in which a smile appeared often. "Oh, you know how that Garth is! He just sits in his stupid tower and stare at nothing." she said, rolling her eyes with an expression of disgust. "I need a real man and some drinks." she giggled "Do you want to go with me to that human tavern?"

Iriana frowned. "A tavern?" she replied. "It is filled with soldiers of that human king and his commanders." she looked at Irileth. "Are you sure that is what you want to do?" she said and her eyes went down Irileth's figure"They'll fuck you before you could take one sip."

"Ugh! I hate my stupid tits!" shouted Irileth and her voice filled the market square and the people who heard it were smiling to themselves and a few people stopped to watch them and see where the conversation is going. "I just wanted to drink a beer like in old days! Is this so wrong?! Hm?!" she turned to the people who were listening and they shook their head and laughed, walking away.

Iriana smiled and touched Irileth's cheek softly "You're just a little stressed, that's all..." she whispered softly and leaned to Irileth's shoulders and wrapped her arms around her back, pressed her big boobs on Irileth's arm "What are you talking about?" she whispered "What old days? Beer? You're talking like a... human man... it's... cute!" she laughed softly, while Irileth blushed.

"Uhm... yes..." Irileth replied awkwardly, she closed her eyes and smiled softly. "I just wanted to forget this stupid tower for a day or two... king ordered me to..."

Iriana smiled widely, interrupting Irileth "You're a wizard's girl! You can do everything! I'm proud of you, you know? That's why I hate this stupid tavern for humans. I want to be like you, a wizard's girl." she giggled "You know how to get men do whatever you want."

Irileth sighed deeply and rolled her eyes "Well... thanks Iriana." and smiled a little, walking with her in the direction of the nearest candy shop. "Well... I'm not a human man, so let's go shopping for candies... I'm in a bad mood today, so..." She looked at her friend, who smiled with excitement.

Part 7

In green forest, on the edge of a river, between trees, under the shining light of the setting sun, there gathered a lot of elves and humans to attend this wedding between a beautiful Elifian girl and the human wizard. They stood near to the water, and were waiting for the priestess who would bless this marriage. Everyone wore colorful, elegant clothing and talking, while waiting for the bride to appear.

This wedding was an agreement between the human king and elves of this town for peace and mutual benefits between their two races. This wedding meaned a lot for the elfin people of Gontor who lived here since ancient times, but wedding with humans was almost never happen before and no one know if it can be called a true wedding. Everyone looked forward to the arrival of the bride.

"I'm fucking bride!" shouted Irileth to her friend and maid of honor, Iriana, who was smiling as they were standing inside of the bride's tent "This is ridiculous! This stupid dress! I look like a princess of fairy tales!" Iriana laughed softly and agreed. The two were very close to each other since Iriana found out that Irileth used to be a human man. At the beginning she thought that it is some kind of joke or that her friend lost her mind, but soon it was clear that she was not lying. She believed her, but still teased her and joked about it often. "And why did they put so much make-up on my face?!" she added angrily "I'm not a doll for God sake!"

"Stop being a cry baby!" said Iriana "This wedding is a big deal, you should be happy. You are marrying with a human wizard! The king chose him as your husband, don't forget that!" she smiled again. "And... don't forget that you are an Elifian woman and this is an honor for our race!" she looked away with a frown.

"Oh, come on! Don't start this shit!" she said in a tired voice "I'm not even an elifian, I'm from another world. And this..." she looked around her tent "I don't think I can do this, I'm..." she lowered her voice "I'm not dreamed about that one day I will be a... bride... elfin bride!"

"It is an honor and privilege!" she shouted "Stop acting like that!" Iriana crossed her hands under her chest, frowned. Then she suddenly relaxed her face and walked away a little, waving with her hand and added softly "Let's go to your wedding, dear... they're waiting for you." she gave her a little smile.

Part 8

In a large, luxurious room, decorated with silk curtains and flowers, Irileth layed on her side, gently touching her naked ass, where her new husband, the human wizard Garth, have been fucking her an hour ago and she had been moaning and begging for more. "This is what I dreamed about..." she said in a dreamy voice as she looked at her new husband, who was sitting at the other end of the room and was reading some ancient scroll.

"You are so smart, Garth..." she said while staring at him with an amazed look, her hands were still gently rubbing her butt "I... I always liked you..." she smiled shyly to him. Garth just stared back at her and then turned back to his scroll. Irileth blushed. "I guess he still think I'm a slut..." she sighed and lowered her head.

Garth suddenly stood up from the armchair he sat in, unfolded the scroll in his hand and started to speak in some foreign language, his hands moving around and after a minute he stopped speaking and stared at Irileth with a wide grin on his face. "Finally! Now... " he walked to her with a satisfied grin "You can have your old body back..." he looked into her eyes, leaned over to her lips, giving her a kiss on them. He touched her hair and stroked her head, whispering with his eyes closed "I love you, my elf whore."

"You... asshole!" shouted Irileth and pushed Mark back. "What the fuck are you saying?!" She jumped on her feet and yelled at him "Why did you say this now?! After... after everything you've done?!" She had a confused and angry look on her face. But she not notice how her ears are getting shorter and how slowly her breasts and hips started to lose their shape.

"I said 'finally'!" he replied. "I finally found a way to send us back to our world!" he was excited. "And what are you yelling about?! I thought that you want this?!" he looked her confused. "This is our chance! You wanted to get rid of your elifian body! You always said you want your real body back! Is this not true?" he looked at her in surprise, his face full of confusion.

Irileth opened her mouth and closed it again. She looked down on her naked breasts that now started to lose their firm shape "No! Stop it!" She grabbed her boobs "My body!" she cried and fell back down to the bed "Why? Why?! I... I liked this body! I liked my powers and everything about me!" but Mark is already dissapear from her vision, while everything started to turn black. She closed her eyes and shouted with a strong voice "No!"

Part 9

"Aaah!" Irileth woke up, screaming, sitting straight up. "Wha..." She looked around with an anxious look and realized that she was sitting on a chair at the table with laptop. She blinked, rubbed her face. "This is..." She looked around herself in disbelief and saw a lot of men who worked at their desks. One of the men, a short, middle aged man with glasses looked at Irileth and smiled awkwardly - it was a face she knew very from life as Jake. It was his father, Robert.

She not feeling her usual heavy weight on her chest, so she was sure that she returned back to the her old body, the male one, the old world and real world. "Wh... why are everyone smile when I look at them?" she thought with confused look. "Is there something wrong with my face? I... " She stood up slowly, but lost balance and fell back into her chair due to heels she was wearing "Whaaa!" she shouted surprised and almost everyone turned their eyes at her, while she looked down on her skinny body with a surprised face.

"I still... " she grabbed her small tits in her hand "I'm still a female?" she thought "I'm... " she touched her crotch through her balck skirt and found flat place "I'm a girl!". Then her gaze stopped on her laptop screen and saw on it that she was logged in on the fantasy game website.

"Jesse! Are you... Hey! Are you kidding me?!" Jake heard angry male voice behind him "Are you fucking playing in some fucking stupid game at your work hours?!" It was a familiar voice and when she turned her head, she saw a face of Mark Strike - her boss who always was her best friend before her adventure in another world as Elifian beauty.

"Ahh... Mark, you will never believe what happened to me this year!" she said in a serious voice but Mark only rolled his eyes "Yes, yes... just write that report! It's about your fucking promotion! Do you want or not?! Don't just play all day like a teenager!" he gave her an unhappy look. "Why the hell are you talking to me like that?! What kind of friend you are, huh?! It's me - Jake!" she stood up, holding her small fists and shook them up and down. "I'm Jake!" she shouted.

"And I'm your fucking boss, Jessica!" He shouted back to her in anger and turned away "Just... write your report." He paused and looked back at her with a worried face "And please... If you need a psychological support..." he sighed deeply "You know, there are many... great doctors." he sighed again and walked back to his office, without saying another word.

"Oh, come on! Don't treat me like I'm fucking mental!" She sat back to her chair, pouting her lips. "Oh! You're an asshole!" She said angrily at the Mark in her mind, but then leaned back, staring at the ceiling "At least I'm back, finally..." she smiled with a relieved expression. She then closed her eyes for a second, remembering the memories of that year and smiled widely...




I decided to listen to the advice to make kinder endings =)