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Well, here's the finale, Alicia remains here forever (57% of votes)

Part 11-12: https://www.patreon.com/posts/lost-in-time-11-100958997


When the wedding ceremony began, Gregory couldn't believe what was happening. He was in a church, wearing a wedding dress and was just married with some disgusting 50-year-old aristocrat man. Memories of his life in Texas were very distant and was flashing like a distant memory. His family and friends, his studies and the university, his life as a boy, as a man... seemed now as something from a completely different life which has no longer no sense.

Tight white wedding dress with open shoulders made him look like an angel from the fairy tale. However, of course, he never dreamed of being the main character of some wedding fantasy, let alone in the 19th century Victorian England! Inside his stomach were butterflies fluttering nervously from stress and he all time remined himself: 'This is not real life. You will return back soon. But until this time, best way for survival is just play this role as Alicia... '.

However, it didn't make the situation more easy, because actually Greg felt himself in this body very uncomfortable. He dreamed every day to wake up back at his bed in Texas and laugh at his nightmares. But unfortunately, every morning Greg just woke up and again felt a long soft hair on the shoulders and other 'female' body parts. And now when everything was going to the wedding night with his 'husband', the tension was unbearable. He tried not to think about it but how can he ignore such thing when in a few minutes they will have a first kiss, and even thought about this made him feel nauseous and disgusted.

Slowly walking in pitch silence next to Theodore Hinford, who was looking at the young beautiful bride with desire and happiness in his beady brown eyes, Alicia tried to take calm, deep breaths and control her emotions. But, nevertheless, a cold shiver ran through her back when Theodore Hinford gently touched the bride's white bare shoulder with his wrinkled hand, stopping her from going on. "You are a true angel, my Alicia..." he said with a gentle smile while priest was starting his speech.

"Now I declare you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride!" the priest said in a loud voice. Alicia felt as the whole world suddenly went silent. 'This can't be happening...' thought Greg and closed his eyes '...it's just a bad dream and soon I will wake up...' but instead of awakening Greg felt gentle touch on his lips and felt a rough wet tongue pushed into his mouth, touching and playing with his own tongue, made him to moan quietly.


It's was a cold windy night and the storm outside the windows of the Hinford manor house made an ominous howl and occasionally rattle windows. Alicia Hinford already two months was the young wife of a rich noble, Theodore Hinford, who at the moment was reading the newspaper, while sitting near the fireplace and having his third glass of red wine for this evening.

His wife was silently sitting on the other side of the large room, looking in the same fire as her husband. Her delicate small hands was resting on her naked lap, which pressed to each other tightly, hiding from her husband's eyes her private place. Deeply breathing and staring into the flames Alicia felt how her breasts were rising and falling from heavy breaths. She felt how the nipples were slightly hardening, when she has been return to her thought about how she ended up here - naked woman, married and sitting like a obedient little wife, waiting patiently until her husband will put a newspaper away and will start doing 'heirs'.

This damn thing with his time-jumps still haunted her thoughts, but as days passes, she tried not to think about it and just tried accept and enjoy the fact that now she was in the 19th century England and she can do nothing for change this situation. And in some moment it worked. She really noticed how her feelings and emotions changed with her thoughts. Sometimes she even started to enjoy her current situation and it made her to blush with shame from time to time.

Even her husband, she begun to like a little, as time goes by. Of course he is ugly, old and rude, but his way to behave himself, to talk and the way to look at his wife made her feel very special, sexy, feminine, needed, important and wanted. Even now, sitting naked in his presence, she was very embarrassed, but in same time was enjoying the feeling of being seen like this - as the object, the sex object, which can't do anything and must submit to her husband desires.

"Alicia." finally the voice of her husband interrupted the silence in the room, made her heart beating fastened, her nipples hardened instantly when she heard that word. "Yes, darling?" she turned her head and looked at her husband with anticipation. 'Please don't ask anything.' thought Alicia to herself 'Just finish your glass, go to me, kiss my lips, press me into a pillow and...' she blushed again when the thoughts appeared in her mind, but when Theodore put away his glass of wine and came closer, she could do nothing, just slightly lifted up her chin, waiting for a kiss.



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