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It was already nine o'clock in the evening when Jacob was lying on the sofa in front of the TV, having finished working at the restaurant. Although this place could hardly be called a restaurant, because it was a simple Chinese cafe, where the tables were constantly dirty, the plates were never clean and where there always smelled a cheap Chinese food. But this place had a very good advantage - they cook quickly, cheaply, and even the food was tasty. That's why the owners called this place a 'fast food restaurant.'

But for Jacob, working at this place was a real nightmare. He had been a rude and boorish policeman before Alt Shift happened, he used to arrest people like that illegal immigrant from the Chinese restaurant, which Jacob had now become. Kim-Li, or how everyone else called her - Kimmy, was an illegal immigrant from China, who somehow managed to pass through the border control and get to America with her husband, a cook working at this Chinese restaurant.

Kimmy and her husband did not have much English knowledge, so they did not really have much choice except for working here, in the restaurant, earning less money than they would need and living in a tiny, dark, and very stuffy apartment above the restaurant.

Jacob hated everything about the place: the smell of Chinese food, the owners and workers who didn't even speak English, the low wage, and the terrible job. As if it wasn't enough that because of Alt Shift he became this weak skinny Asian girl who looked like a typical Asian female prostitute, but the world decided to punish him further by forcing him to do all types of humiliating things that Jacob, as a man, would have never agreed to.

But Jacob had no choice, since all governments around the world accepted the official statement that Alt Shift was just a mass hallucination, and built these stupid conversion camps. And although more than two months have already passed since Alt Shift happened, Jacob was still not able to adapt to his new life as Kimmy, cursing this damn woman's underwear that he had to wear every day, makeup that he had to paint every morning, and a ridiculous outfit with a skirt, stockings, and high heels which were killing his legs.

And Chinese language... Jacob tried to learn this damn language for several weeks, but it was very difficult and Jacob could not speak or understand it even a bit. New department of Alt Shift, or how it officialy is named now - Department of Human Identity Protection - also was completely worthless, because they only made things worse. Thanks for that Jacob has now a official ID card as a woman who was subjected to Alt Shift and this means that Jacob, more precisely Kimmy, must now officially live according her life before 'hallucination' and visit a local office of DHIP once a week for monitoring.

They already have several times caught him when he forgot about all this bullshit and spoke in public in English, acted as a man and even wore men's clothing. He also had a problem with alcohol, because his new body as Kimmy was a bit intolerant to alcohol, but Jacob just couldn't stop himself and kept drinking, trying to drink his problems away and forget that he was no longer a man, but an Asian female. Kim's husband always told him that he should stop drinking, because it is bad for health and the baby, which they planned to have before Alt Shift and have been trying to do it for a month, that's why her husband recently tried to stop her with help of DHIP and they gave Jacob a last warning, telling him that the next time he/she will be sent to a conversion camp for the treatment.

"God, I hate this fucking life!", cursed Jacob, while looking at the door and listening carefully to sounds from outside, because she was afraid that her husband will return earlier and she would be in trouble again if he finds how she secretly mixed alcohol with the Pepsi that she brought home.



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