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Good day everyone, unfortunately January's pack is a little delayed.

Lunar New Year is on the 8th, I'm in the midst of a bit of last-minute cleaning.

I've also been cutting down on how long I turn on my laptop. I experienced an overheat auto-shutdown days ago, despite having a cooling pad. Cookie's fuzz has probably clogged up the system.

I attempted to open the case on my own, later finding out that it's a monstrously difficult task. To get to the fan requires removing the back plate, the monitor hinge, the keyboard, the speaker plate, and finally the motherboard.

I think I'll just spend $20 and let a shop handle it for me.

I'm resisting getting a new laptop because:

- I'm too broke

- Most of the affordable models, with a few months saving, are thin things with flushed 1-piece cases that doesn't allow DIY twiddling.

- Those that DO have a lot of service flaps are mid-to-gaming range.

Anyway, I'll put up the pack around the 10th. Thank you for your patience.


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