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I've wanted to do comics for a long while, something that tells more story than just a single illustration. I have a few ideas, none of them with very long arcs but there're some I can do one-shots with.

This is an after-Earth story about a duo who travel together. They will deal with survival, moral gray areas, difficult choices, betrayal and the undead, or as they're called in the comic Carrions, because they 'carry on' moving after death.

These are my backup doodles before I left the studio.

Otto is a Yerb, a member of the Omni unification movement, constantly on the move and escaping persecution. The finalised version will be less warrior-y and his shotgun tech will be dumbed down, giving room for upgrades.

Lil Shup is a Cayn brute. A literal wolf-in-sheep's-clothing, a skilled hunter, wise in the ways of the wild but is simple-minded and can be quite child-like. Is actually a youngster, mutated to freaky proportions from a steady diet of zombie flesh.

Am uncertain about making Shup a boy or girl. Boy is pretty straightfoward with Otto as the father figure, but Shup as a girl could open the door to twists, surprises and come from a Tarzan angle: grew up not taught how to be lady-like and Otto's lesson in being civilised has a new wrinkle.

(and if I know the internet, generate some really freaky smut).

My biggest hurdle is style. The core look is cutesy-clean cartoony exterior contrasted with detailed gory gutbits. I'm also limited by materials, I had planned to do Sumi inking but could only find 2 brushpens with the lines I want, nowhere else locally stocks it.

I should have the first page by month's end and Club Card tier get to read it early.

BONUS: I had wanted to pitch Lil Shup as an adult-rated webtoon. Here's a test.

PS: Can $10 patrons access $2 rewards or do I have to doublepost?



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