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At the risk of sounding like a paysite, do you as contributing backers want to exclusively see what I do before everyone else? Do you want more executive access to the premium stuff like comics and animation projects?

You are essentially paying for everyone else to see, so you get a say about those getting a free ride. (I have no idea how else to reward you)

Also, suggestions on what else you'd like to see me do?

PS: $10+ backers who haven't switched to the new tier, please do so, so I may properly cover you in generous artstuffs.


Drew Maxwell

I would want exclusive access--access before regular folks, sure, but that's it. If you're looking for suggestions for extras, the ones for me are things like the work-in-progress sheets; it always fascinates me how the process occurs for an artist. (Your entry on FurAffinity on the process of coming up with the Qing officer was wonderful in this way.)


I can start archiving my process into a PDF and make that a $10 backer exclusive.


Having exclusive to at least some content to paying contributors is typically the way to go. It's both an incentive to pay and a way to say "thanks guys!" to those who already are. Personally, it doesn't bother me either way.


You should move up to the proper tier anyway, I want to add a Dustbin pack, filled with failures, half-starts and development that will appear nowhere else (unless pirated). Don't want you to miss out on anything.