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Welcome to Swine of the Year!
This is a year-long weight gain series that will update each month, allowing for a slow-burn gaining experience featuring a single character. Those subscribed to the new Hansel's Feeders tier ($7/month) and above will be feeding our swine and deciding where the weight will go. One subscriber will also be chosen each month to appear in that month's update!

[The winner of the September's update was @experimentalDeity! Thanks for feeding!]

And best of all? This weight gain series will remain FREE for all watchers and subscribers to enjoy! ~

Chapter 9:
A creature from another universe has come to visit Sir Tanglewood, calling himself Skeet Hawkins and showing a considerable amount of interest in Connor's corpulent, burgeoning weight. The kitchen staff and other servants were a little concerned upon his arrival at first, due to his reptilian visage - after all, a reptile was to blame for Connor's new insatiable appetite. But once it was determined that Skeet was a different species entirely, suspicions turned to acceptance, and that led them to put Skeet to work. Today, he's helping feed our enormous knight, who's recently become sluggishly demanding...

Yes - now weighing nearly a half-ton, Sir Tanglewood has grown used to his stagnant lifestyle, and the ever-increasing amount of food he is constantly consuming.

His incessant moaning of "more" can be heard even while he's actively chewing mouthfuls of food, cheeks stuffed and bulging, throat already packed full to capacity, stomach stretched and completely distended...

But yet and still, the Glutton of Therystal is now begging to be fed.

It appears he'll not be satisfied until he's depleted every last morsel left in the kingdom.

The bakers, as they've reported, have run out of wheat.

No beer or ale or mead remains in the villages' taverns.

It seems like the threat of a famine dangles precariously now over the entire realm. But how can a land's worth of citizens and residents ever hope to feed themselves if pound after pound of valuable comestibles are unendingly poured down one knight's greedy gullet?


Want to help feed our swine this year? 
All you have to do is become a subscriber at the Hansel's Feeders tier, a new tier priced between the previous two at $7 (USD), either here on dA OR at my new Patreon page! Then, current subscribers at both the Feeders and Legion tiers can either comment below or message/email me directly to let me know where they'd like their portion of weight added to our swine. Every month, I'll draw an update of our swine's progress that'll be available for public view, and I'll choose one of the subscribers who commented to appear however they wish in the update. They can be feeding our swine, bringing him junk food, or readying a feeding tube - whatever you like! At the turn of the new year, we'll vote on a new subject for next year and start over!

(Those subscribed at the Legion tier may also participate in the monthly feeding, but they must reply/interact with this post before the start of the next month.



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