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Hey all!

Very important update if you like to participate in my monthly drawings and giveaways!

Due to some changes and adjustments, the opt-in for participation of both monthly lotteries (Swine of the Year AND the monthly Legion Tier Art Giveaway) has changed!

If you wish to add weight to our swine during the monthly feeding of our Swine of the Year, I’ve made it easier than ever. No more keeping an eye out for journals or anything like that.

Just follow these steps:

  1. View the Swine of the Year update when it uploads each month.
  2. Leave a comment below it stating where you’d like your weight to go BEFORE the end of that current month.
  3. I’ll use technology to affirm your subscription and add your name to the hat!

If you’re a member of the Legion Tier and wish to add your name to the monthly giveaway lottery, you no longer need to comment on a journal for that either!

Simply do the following:

  1. As a Legionnaire, you are entitled to access my Discord server, reserved for Legionnaires exclusively. If you haven’t already, reach out to me directly to receive a fresh invite link to that server.
  2. Once you’ve joined, find the channel titled: “monthly-legion-giveaway”.
  3. On the 5th of each month, I leave a message in that channel informing Legionnaires that the lottery for that month is open. Find that message (double-check that it’s the correct date and correct month, the message is roughly the same each time).
  4. Once you’ve found the correct message, leave an emote reaction on it. It doesn’t have to be a unique emote, any will do (including one that’s already present).
  5. Once you’ve left an emote, you’re done! I’ll use technology to round up all the usernames, and I’ll reach out to you via Discord DM’s if you’ve won!

I’d like to give everyone another huge thanks for continuing to support me and for bearing with me and DeviantArt (hellsite that it is). I have a lot of strange and seductive projects and ideas in the works, so stay tuned, and as always, stay hungry. ;)



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