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Here's the latest Mac build for 3.6.02! This one should have no crashing issues on render, but let us know if it does!

Goo Engine 3.6.02 - Mac Download

Windows download link is still available in the previous post! If you need to report a bug for any reason, the Discord has options to do so in the bug-reporting channel, or message us here on Patreon!

EDIT: There was an issue with the ZIP before that made it not run properly. We've rezipped the file on Mac and it should work now! Let us know if there's any other issues!





We've rezipped the folder so it shouldn't crash anymore! Try redownloading from the same link above!



Bala Sutar

The curvature node is not working

Bala Sutar

on the MacBook pro

Bala Sutar

2)when clicking on the sef shadow in the settings menu, the engine gets crash

Bala Sutar

3)not able to change the background colour

Bala Sutar

4) The light is not working, just showing grey colour.


Found the issue! Currently Goo Engine only works with OpenGL, so you'll have to switch the GPU backend to OpenGL in your preferences!


Im new here and wanted to try this new engine, but im not able to open it on my mac. It says that the mac system doesnt recognize the user, DillonGoo, basically. Help please


I figured it out, but now when i try to pan around the space, it's like the view is locked on something, like a trippy cinematography action scene where it disorients the audience