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The latest build for Windows! This has the bug fixes and quality of life features added in the latest patch notes including F-curve isolation and pose bone outliner visibility flags!

Goo Engine 3.4.1 (Windows) - Download ZIP and extract to its own folder
- To run, simply double click the blender.exe after folder extraction. Do NOT install as an add-on!

* The previous Mac build has the bug fixes and Node-based light groups and other 3.4 features, but not the animation and rigging QoL features. But it'll be coming very soon! Sorry for the delay!

Remember to read the patch notes for more information!




Technical question - Do Blender Add Ons work with Goo?


Depends on if the addon messes with node settings that the engine provides (diffuse shading and the other custom nodes w/ goo). You can use add-ons normally, the core of this goo engine is a handful of nodes to create a better shaded cell effect than what blender is currently capable of. So if you have an addon that effects an objects shading, it might not work without manual tweaking to the addons code or nodes.


Yup add-ons should work the same it they do for any Blender build. The only time where they may not is if they compete directly with the nodes that we added for Goo Engine. Because these are additional nodes and not changes to existing nodes, most add-ons shouldn't be affected.


Question about using cast shadows in goo-engine (Mac). I'm trying to setup custom cast shadows using objects for a character I'm working on. Does this method work in new blender versions? I've tried setting it up in both Cycles and Eevee and nothing seems to be working. Any feedback would be helpful.


I'm not sure what you mean by custom cast shadows! But in theory it should be possible. Have you downloaded the new 3.4 version of Goo Engine?


Hey thank you for responding, I was thinking about how Rukikuri would use cast shadow meshes for characters shadows like neck and parts of clothing. I tried following her example on twitter for both Cycles and Eevee to no avail. I am using the Goo Engine toon shader in Goo Engine version 3.3.2. I will download the 3.4 shortly.


I had a scene that was nicely set up in Goo 3.3, but going into go 3.4 I am having problems getting the cast shadows to work again and its a real headache so I tried following along with the tutorials you last did but I was getting different results, for instance when I had just a shader info node connected to the output like in the tutorial where you start showing that node, the object turns jet black, but yours stays visible. I dont have an idea why its behaving this way, all I know is that I am having a really hard go at it and nothing is working.


Ah good question! Did you already download the latest build where we patched the shader node bug?


Yeah, I believe so, when I looked at the date modified of the goo engine folder it was 02/02 so I got it the next day after it dropped. Unless there was a bug in the original 3.4.1 and it had been patched since. If you connect a shader info node to the output without anything in between, does it give you a gray shaded sphere like in your intro tutorial or a jet black one? I was able to get my main scene to work and get shadows and for the render to work so I deleted everything and brought another model i was having trouble getting expected renders, still didn't work. I figured it was some setting I had ticked wrong in the other scene but it wasn't. I have the examples in the goo engine section of the discord


Hmmm yeah it sounds like the right version. Are you sure you're in Rendered view mode and not Material Preview mode?


When I use Material Preview, I get the black sphere. If I use Rendered View, I get the gray sphere.


Wow, I am stupid, thank you for rescuing me from my ignorance. I've been using blender since 2017 and my lack of using EEVEE really shows, I always thought material preview was EEVEE, I didn't know it was apart or different. Thank you for your time and patience.


Hahahah no worries at all! It's pretty confusing and I'm glad I could help :D


does your toon shader work in cycles?


Not sure if it is just me but navigating the shader editor is quite laggy mostly when I zoom in and out

Obren Paragas

Does it have a documentation on how all things work?


We have video tutorials but haven't gotten around to written documentation yet!


for the curvature shader, is there a way to get the internal highlighting only applied to seams?


May I please get a little tech support? I'm trying to install an add-on called mmd_tools so I can open .pmx files, but I don't know which folder to put it into. The installation instructions are not helping at all.


You should contact the creator of the toolset, or check their website for info. https://mmd-blender.fandom.com/wiki/Home


With mmd-tools, you should be fine just going to Edit (Top-Menu)>Preferences>Add-Ons>Install (Top Right) and then just pick out the .zip file you downloaded. Then it should appear in the list, you just hit the checkmark next to it, and then you should be able to find the .pmx option in the Import-Menu. If that doesn't work (I know there was one add-on with that problem, idk if it was mmd-tools), try unpacking the zip, and putting the contents of the contained folder into another zip, which you then install the way I just described.


im loving it! thanks :D


I'm using your goo-enginge for the new shading nodes. Noticed a small issue with the set depth node. I'm using it to render an object in the front (set depth = 0.0). Which works nicely, but doesn't work in front of another object with a transparency texture and display mode = alpha blend. Is this known / do you have a solution to this?


Any chance for a 3.6 release this July upon official release? It has compositor editor officially in, which means you have direct visual of anime-cam effects like bloom and depth blur as you animate!