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Hey guys!

This week I would like to share more about the scope of the upcoming V0.06.
I have already outlined it in general in the past dev updates but not in detail.
As a heads up, V0.06 is my biggest and most comprehensive update to date.
V0.06 finally transforms Shattered Minds into the harem-builder it was always meant to be.

If you haven't played V0.05 yet, you may not want to read on, as there may be spoilers!

Planned scope of V0.06:

Ava's second quest, "Adventure Minds"

Ava will take you on a journey deep into your subconscious, to a part of your mind you never knew existed. There you will unlock a new ability of your power, the power to subdue and enslave others.
Some more information and spoilers about what to expect in this rather unique quest in one of the next dev updates!
With 14k words, this quest is twice as extensive as an standard quest!

Turn Eleanor into your first slave and add her to your harem

After unlocking this new ability of your power, you can return to Eleanor and finish what you started.

Once that happens, she becomes your first slave and part of your harem. From this point on, you can order her to your room at any time using the "contacts" app. It is possible to talk to her, have sex with her, or alter her personality once she's in your room. You can also choose what she'll wear when you call her to you.

Detailed information about all the available options will be provided in one of the next dev updates.

Let your slaves generate resources for you

The more slaves you have, the easier life will become for you.
Not only can you have fun with them, but you can also use them for practical purposes.
They can generate money, XP, or Mind Points every day for you!

New resource: Mind Points

If you want to subdue/enslave someone or change their personality, you'll need the new resource "Mindpoints".

There are several ways to earn Mindpoints:

  • they can be generated by your subordinates
  • as a result of pregnancies of your subordinates (added later)
  • through sexual acts with Ava
  • exchange Skill Points for Mind Points

Three possible personalities

Your subordinates' personalities can be changed using three presets:


This is the default personality, a classic master-slave relationship. She would do anything for her master, even follow him to death.


You have an eternally loving girlfriend in her. She will love you abysmally no matter what you do for the rest of your life.

Mindless Slave:

Just as the name suggests, it is merely a shell of a person who is incapable of doing anything but sex. The metal absence of such a person, however, will generate you Mind Points. Only this personality is capable of doing it on a daily basis!

Changing the personality of your subordinates is possible as often as you wish, but you will have to spend Mind Points each time.

Sex with Ava

From now on it is possible to perform sexual acts with Ava in "her world" (mirror in MC's room).
This results in Mind Points being generated. Currently there's only the handjob option available, but more options will be unlocked over time.

Extended "Contacts" and "My Power" app

There will be a second tab added to the "Contacts" and "My Power" apps.

The second tab of the "My Power" app displays your current amount of Mind Points, as well as the ability to convert unspent Skill Points into Mind Points and vice versa.

Once you have enslaved someone, you will unlock a second tab for that person in the "Contacts" app.

This second tab contains the following:

  • you can choose what this person will wear when you call her to you
  • you can choose which resource she will generate for you
  • you can see which personality you have currently programmed on her
  • you can see her current pregnancy status or if she's using contraception
  • as well as the number of completed pregnancies

(the pregnancy feature will be added later)

This is what Shattered Minds will offer in V0.06. Being able to get your very first slave girl will make the game a whole new experience.

There will be more details about these features in the coming days and weeks, as well as screenshots!



Paul Johnson

When can we expect its release?

Jeremy Rowe

Oh boy! can't wait for this one. Wonder what's in store other than what's already been said...