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Hello all! 

This month's Compassion Revolution theme is Compassion For Others, and so I thought it would be absolutely perfect to share the practice of Loving-Kindness, or Metta, with you now.

We have worked with Loving-Kindness before in these Patreon meditations, but not in this way. Previously, we started with offering loving-kindess to a loved one, and then we slowly brought the circle of compassion inwards, towards ourselves. 

Today, we start with ourselves, with self-compassion. We then work to open the circle wider and wider, until we have included the whole world in our well-wishing. 

If you haven't already, I invite you to join our Compassion Revolution Facebook page, where we will be continuing the conversation! You can join us here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ourcompassionrevolution/ 

Enjoy the practice, and bask in the warmth. I love you guys! 



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