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The Messenger of the Gods is here!

I'm making this artwork of Hermes inspired by Jupiter and Thetis (1811) by artist Jean Agustine Dominique Ingres (1780 - 1867). Thanks everyone for being patient with this one, I'm very excited to finish it! I will also try to experiment a little with this one..

I hope you like it! :)

Forgot to mention: Shirtless version will be a Patreon exclusive ;)




OMG IS MY SWEET GOOD BOI!! 💖🌻🔥💖💕🔥 I love Hermes so much he is so good and adorable and the WIP looks absolutely amazing and I love the reference pic as well. It all looks awesome 😊✨


Lord forgive me for my sins but I'd wish so much for a skirtless version too 😭👌 I know, but what can I do? I'm in complete awe for sensual men in little pieces of clothes, such beaty, especially when it's or at the idea it's YOUR men which I already admire a ton, yet there is always thaaat little bottom part in the way of the full figure, I want to admire moaaar, wanna admire the suggestion and form of those thighs, hips, crotch and butts sjszzdgfdgh >A>! The thirst is real lmao :'D That may be wishful and I'd may love that with your men, but I understand if not your thing or if you feel comfier or prefer with a bit more clothing rather than tight or little ones (never was about full nudity let's be clear! But if not comfy with this, I understand too, and sorry if it could bother/uncomfy talk about, not my intention!) I don't want to bother, and it's not about to force or making you feel forced, what matters the most in the end is that you do what you want, makes you comfy, happy, like the most! :D Buuut I at least wanted to suggest the idea clearly out in the open (even tho I think my wish were pretty obvious in previous post :'D), permit to potentially discuss your view openly, and potentially let the idea sink in if it's something you'd be into, like or could be thinking of! :) In any case, really nice work so far, your Hermes turns really good and so beautiful, handsome, sensual yet adorable in your style, love your style and your men. Love your work, keep going like that 💝 (Did repost because I made some edit, sorry if it cause potential bother for notification/reading/commenting etc!)