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Hi everybody! Thank you so much for your patience. I definitely underestimated the amount of time that it would take me to organize everything from January term: IT WAS A LOT.

If you were a patron last month please make sure to check out your Patreon inbox where you will find direct download links for my rewards. If you were billed for January and didn't get your rewards please message me letting me know asap!

Once more, thank you very much for your continued support last month. It was a crazy busy month with lots going on. Also must say that I already did the leap from Photoshop to Clip Studio and I feel very confident to work my stuff in there already. Except for the early stages of my Caster Cu Chulainn artwork, everything from January was made using only Procreate (sketching, lineart) and Clip Studio (coloring, retouches).

On a side note, I previously had explained why I wasn't able to work on Hermes last month and I thank you for understanding. It's still in the works so I will keep you updated on my progress.

Thanks a lot for your support guys, it means a lot! <33



Yuelio Menendez

En realidad estoy muy emocionado por la playera XD