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Hi everyone! If you've been following my work for some time, you may recall it's not the first time I do some studies off a character from Seven Deadly Sin. The first one was Hendrickson and this time I chose Escanor as my subject because I needed somebody way bigger since I want to practice more of a hyper-muscle thing.

I mentioned before said studies were based off screenshots. Seven Deadly Sins despite having a bunch of buff guys everywhere, it has a particular way of drawing the muscles and some anatomy proportions. Characters still look very attractive/hot to me despite that.

I found those features very useful for my studies since I wouldn't just "copy" the subject but also actually apply my own anatomy/muscle knowledge and that way polish what I know. I also used muscle references for a better understanding and I think I learned a thing or two in the process.

References are everything and the more you draw something over and over, you also train muscle memory! (pun intended) so things will start to come out easier with time. Even tho you think you have enough knowledge on certain matter, never stop using references! :)

Back to the topic of this post, my approach on these studies was not only "copying from a reference"  but actually I tried to analyze and comprehend how the body was built, its structure, shapes, lines of action, etc. Also, I tried not only translate those characters into my style, but also draw  their musculature in a way that makes more sense to me and is appealing  to my liking. Always try and experiment! :)

In the pictures the original references from the anime are displayed along my own interpretation. I also included some steps and notes here and there in the hope that it may be useful for you if you're learning anatomy or want to draw buff guys.

I enjoyed doing this so much! My plan is to make a series of these kind of studies so expect more like this. I you want a little spoiler in advance, my candidates for the next studies are: Howzer, Gilthunder, Dreyfus, Griamore and Ban.

Thank you so much for readin, I hope this can be useful and also thanks for supporting my art and helping me keep creating! :D

I'm attaching high-resolution files of both images so make sure to download them! :D




Siempre me parece curiosa la manera en que los anime muestran la musculatura por el hecho de necesitar agilizar el proceso (y nos dan maravillas como ese 10 pack, jaja) así que es refrescante ver cómo lo traduces a tu estilo. Quizás cuando termines con SDS —o si quieres tratar algo diferente mientras tanto— puede que te interese probar con el mayor Louis Armstrong de FMAB para practicar lo de la hiper-musculatura~ :3