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It has come to my attention that someone under 18 has been able to become a Patron. This is very concerning, and I’ve reach out to Patreons support team to investigate. As a part of this, an email might be sent to you asking you to verify your age in order to be able to still access my page. My apologies for the inconvenience if this happens to you.

I found out through a story shared in the google form that I posted the other day that one of my Patreons is underaged. Since the form is anonymous, I can’t reach out to this person directly and/or block them from my page.
I hope you understand how serious this is, and how extremely sad and disappointed I am. Disappointed that this could even happen, disappointed that the adult content that I produced and shared has been viewed by a minor. I’m considering taking down all NSFW audios and simply not posting any more but I hope to not be forced to unless no alternative solution is found.

To you who submitted the story and happens to be a minor, I will be naive enough to hope that you might read this and unsubscribe from the page. I’m most sympathetic to the story you shared and wish you the very best, I really mean that, but please respect my wishes as well as Patreon’s policies.

I'm directing this to the person in question. I can't reply to you, so forgive me for putting this here. I appreciate the apology and I understand that you didn't intend on hurting anyone. Making mistakes doesn't make you a bad person but now knowing that the action means hurting someone and still not respecting their wishes will. There are lots of SFW audios from myself and other creators on other platforms such as YouTube but the age restriction here on Patreon is up here for a reason. Please respect that and I'll be more than happy to have you on here when you're over 18.   Another note to you; The fact that you apologized shows that you're a good person, I hope you show me I'm right about that. And take care of yourself. Struggeling mentally is extremly tough and not something I'd wish for anyone. Know that you're not alone and that you deserve to feel better.



Edit/update: I'm directing this to the person in question. I can't reply to you, so forgive me for putting this here. I appreciate the apology and I understand that you didn't intend on hurting anyone. Making mistakes doesn't make you a bad person but now knowing that the action means hurting someone and still not respecting their wishes will. There are lots of SFW audios from myself and other creators on other platforms such as YouTube but the age restriction here on Patreon is up here for a reason. Please respect that and I'll be more than happy to have you on here when you're over 18. Another note to you; The fact that you apologized shows that you're a good person, I hope you show me I'm right about that. And take care of yourself. Struggeling mentally is extremly tough and not something I'd wish for anyone. Know that you're not alone and that you deserve to feel better.


Damn I wouldn't mind go back that 11 years to be minor again😄 even tho I couldn't be here, so probably 10 years is enough 😄 Well I'am glad situations was kinda resolved. There is not much protection to be add I think. Patreon probably is not going to add something like age verification through ID or driving license card like YouTube or Facebook have. On the paper it doesn't sound that hard, but doing recognisition from image is going to be probably terrible pain, rest of the logic is simple. Kudos to person that faced problem and apologized. It definitly show character and for sure also show, how good hearted community is around here. Also hope he/she can handle their mental issues. I think you cannot do much more to protect your content. It is not ideal to have dialoge to ask you if you have enough age, but it is something, and it transmits responsibility to person that agreed. I can see how it placed you into very uncomfortable position. Many creators would probably just let is pass, but you decided to confront problem and you have my respect for it. Btw, thanks to this, I looked at my ID and it was like 2 weeks expired, so yey even whole thing is kinda bad situatuion it helped me 😄