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We continue our talk about drug cartels and their link to the U.S. government. We also talk bout the time my cousin pooped in my grandma's pool. 


poor old dyl

The St. Petersburg/Clearwater airport is one of the all time shittiest airports I have ever been to. Glad to see it given a starring role.


did u record this in mikes ass??? audio is so fucjing bad tbis episode

Rob Mendoza

Almost anybody could replace Scott and the pod would be much better

Twisted Reality

Scott and Mike add literally nothing of substance to these episodes. Mike goes on a 20 minute tangent at the start of an episode and Scott argues about John Wick for another 15. LET SEAN COOK. FUCK. He’s the only one with an actual decent online following and I’d be willing to bet half the patrons are only subscribed for Sean post Grubstakers.


Scott is the weakest link on this show. Show would greatly improve if they replaced him.


I’ll take that bet, smart guy. And it’ll be a night with your wife WHEN I win


Not true. For instance, everyone who complains about Scott in these comments is a giant faggot who would make this show way worse


Scott has Mikey Miles levels of intelligence


Really enjoyed the episodes this week. I'm relatively new to the Patreon side of things, but has Sean ever done a dive into Dr. Louis Joylon West, aka Jolly West? Would love to hear where his research takes him with that interesting character. And I'm pro Mike's asshole and Scott's sister jokes. Both are very deep wells for bits.

Jon N

Hey, they're way funnier than the Grubstakers cohosts were


Sick ep, patreon is movinnnn boys! And Thailand is sick , our dollar goes like 5x + no boypussy necessary to have a great time exploring Southeast Asia


Holy shit the Michelle wolf stuff


I'm being honest that I have no reason to suspect a connection, but if you really want to go rabbit hole spelunking, Robbie Martin (on his podcast Media Roots Radio) has done a ton of work linking the 9/11 and anthrax attacks to St. Petersburg FL, including through Rudy Giuliani. eg. MRR's recent 9/11 eps and this: https://soundcloud.com/media-roots/the-2001-anthrax-attacks-21-years-later-how-the-hoax-letters-prove-a-conspiracy


we work for the city of london central bankers. same as every other government. the wars are on the populations, not between governments. that's who sold/ sells the opium and trafficked/traffics slaves. british east india company.