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Hey guys. No full regular episode this week but here's a little winter break episode from Deb and me and we'll be back with a Patreon episode on Sunday. Hope you are all getting lots of rest and watching lots of Tulsa King. 



No more deb no offense


only deb for now on no offense mike


You’re a man of culture for remembering Let Me In by Young Buck


More Deb


Come to Bridgeport

Starry Pr1nce

You're a lucky man Mike

joe smith

I don’t believe in paying for podcasts and frankly I’ve never watched mikes standup, but the general gist of at least trying to draw attention to childhood disabilities in our post roe world is admirable. it drives me nuts to hear self-righteous opinions from people who will never in their lives be around high needs children (usually pro life) describe how “beautiful” it is to bring these kids into the world while cutting funding for schools, mental health services, and telling adults with disabilities to just die. It’s such a brutal and disgusting farce and “the left” is unable to tackle this layup issue for fear of appearing insensitive.

Jon N

I got Paramount+ just for putting Cheers/Frasier on as background noise while I play on the floor with my 8-month-old, but now I'm actually excited to see a nearly 80-year-old Sly crack some skulls


Tulsa King fuckin rocks. It's very stupid but very digestible. "He showed me why they call him the package," melted my mind.

Jon N

Watched ep1, now I'm wondering, did the Tulsa King use Bluechew?


Hey Mike, I think that joke really is empathetic and funny. I'm a big fan. I'm a type 1 diabetic and I guess that falls somewhere on the disability spectrum. And my life does kinda suck with it. And I imagine it really sucks even worse to have autism, or be in a wheelchair. And I think that's kinda the idea of the joke, that there's some ethereal form of ourselves that is perfect like a chocolate chip cookie, but that sometimes God fucks up and is too lazy to redo the batch and give us some perfect version of ourselves. And I think really everybody could relate to that joke if you framed it that way instead of as a joke just for disabled people. It would come across as self and collective deprecation instead of punching down. As an aside, I think a lot of successful, attractive young people like to tokenize oppressed groups by mere virtue of their difference (and assumed inferiority) to themselves without recognizing their humanity that they have in common. Like, the fact that we have homeless people at all invalidates our collective virtue. They're scarecrows for corporations and pity dolls for the righteous. If we really cared, we would invite those people into our homes. But we don't. So don't feel bad if some self-righteous virtue-signaller takes issue with your comedy. And quite frankly I think comedy (especially dark comedy) is one of the only forms of healing in such an absurd and fucked up world. Anyway man, keep doing what you do and happy holidays. The joke is awesome. Just has some awkward delivery but it could be fantastic. All the best.