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It's a bit late, but I hoped everyone had a good holiday break and a new year. ^^

As for me, I've been slowly coming back and being active on social media again. I feel a bit rusty with art, but it does feel good to draw again. 

I also logged into Patreon this week and also discovered that January's payment processed. So I apologize for those billed. 

Having said that, I think that is a good motivation for me to get back into Patreon. XD 

While I don't have something new drawn, I do have this art pack that features all of my original work (barring commissions/gift art). 

I'm also planning some changes for my Patreon, so expect a little construction around here.  Also, get ready to see a little poll for January's patron pick.

Thank you all for your support! Here's to hoping 2021 will be a good year! (And a productive one for me XD ) 





welcome back my friend ~