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Hello everyone. Hope you are is holding up well. 

Unfortunately, I am unable to continue Patreon at this time. My motivation the past few months has been spent and it would be unfair to continue this patreon while offering nothing in return. 

So for now, I have temporarily suspended billing for the month of December. I'm not sure how long my hiatus will be, but I do hope I can get it together soon.

I'll try to update before December ends, but if not: I wish you all happy holidays and a new year! 



Well done, Siha. Rest, take your time and enjoy yourself.

Chibi Biscuit

I understand, and I hope you hang in there Siha. Take all the time you need, and just keep in touch. :)


You are loved and appreciated, we look forward to your return, in the meantime, relax and recharge your battery.


No problem with some downtime. Hope you feel better after some time off.