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Morning everyone!

This weeks live will be on Sunday instead of Saturday as I have an event I’m going to.

Still the same time - 7am AEST 😘😘


sabina schou (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-13 20:36:51 peops... this is just MY opinion.. :) 💕 there are some who are always last in the lives due to time difference.. and that's just how it is.. but i think it's really selfish to just write a comment for the suggestions - just to save your spot and then edit a request later... is that just me thinking it's rude? can't you just write a request when you think of one instead of hurrying to get your spot so others will always be last? just a thought... i mean i am not on the lives just to hear my own request, and while my request might be hours down the line, it's just what it is.. let's all have FUN together not just try to get there first. cancel me for this opinion if you must ;) 💕
2023-07-13 20:36:51 peops... this is just MY opinion.. :) 💕 there are some who are always last in the lives due to time difference.. and that's just how it is.. but i think it's really selfish to just write a comment for the suggestions - just to save your spot and then edit a request later... is that just me thinking it's rude? can't you just write a request when you think of one instead of hurrying to get your spot so others will always be last? just a thought... i mean i am not on the lives just to hear my own request, and while my request might be hours down the line, it's just what it is.. let's all have FUN together not just try to get there first. cancel me for this opinion if you must ;) 💕
2023-07-13 20:36:51 peops... this is just MY opinion.. :) 💕 there are some who are always last in the lives due to time difference.. and that's just how it is.. but i think it's really selfish to just write a comment for the suggestions - just to save your spot and then edit a request later... is that just me thinking it's rude? can't you just write a request when you think of one instead of hurrying to get your spot so others will always be last? just a thought... i mean i am not on the lives just to hear my own request, and while my request might be hours down the line, it's just what it is.. let's all have FUN together not just try to get there first. cancel me for this opinion if you must ;) 💕
2023-07-13 20:36:51 peops... this is just MY opinion.. :) 💕 there are some who are always last in the lives due to time difference.. and that's just how it is.. but i think it's really selfish to just write a comment for the suggestions - just to save your spot and then edit a request later... is that just me thinking it's rude? can't you just write a request when you think of one instead of hurrying to get your spot so others will always be last? just a thought... i mean i am not on the lives just to hear my own request, and while my request might be hours down the line, it's just what it is.. let's all have FUN together not just try to get there first. cancel me for this opinion if you must ;) 💕
2023-07-13 20:36:51 peops... this is just MY opinion.. :) 💕 there are some who are always last in the lives due to time difference.. and that's just how it is.. but i think it's really selfish to just write a comment for the suggestions - just to save your spot and then edit a request later... is that just me thinking it's rude? can't you just write a request when you think of one instead of hurrying to get your spot so others will always be last? just a thought... i mean i am not on the lives just to hear my own request, and while my request might be hours down the line, it's just what it is.. let's all have FUN together not just try to get there first. cancel me for this opinion if you must ;) 💕
2023-07-13 20:36:51 peops... this is just MY opinion.. :) 💕 there are some who are always last in the lives due to time difference.. and that's just how it is.. but i think it's really selfish to just write a comment for the suggestions - just to save your spot and then edit a request later... is that just me thinking it's rude? can't you just write a request when you think of one instead of hurrying to get your spot so others will always be last? just a thought... i mean i am not on the lives just to hear my own request, and while my request might be hours down the line, it's just what it is.. let's all have FUN together not just try to get there first. cancel me for this opinion if you must ;) 💕
2023-07-13 20:36:51 peops... this is just MY opinion.. :) 💕 there are some who are always last in the lives due to time difference.. and that's just how it is.. but i think it's really selfish to just write a comment for the suggestions - just to save your spot and then edit a request later... is that just me thinking it's rude? can't you just write a request when you think of one instead of hurrying to get your spot so others will always be last? just a thought... i mean i am not on the lives just to hear my own request, and while my request might be hours down the line, it's just what it is.. let's all have FUN together not just try to get there first. cancel me for this opinion if you must ;) 💕
2023-07-13 20:36:51 peops... this is just MY opinion.. :) 💕 there are some who are always last in the lives due to time difference.. and that's just how it is.. but i think it's really selfish to just write a comment for the suggestions - just to save your spot and then edit a request later... is that just me thinking it's rude? can't you just write a request when you think of one instead of hurrying to get your spot so others will always be last? just a thought... i mean i am not on the lives just to hear my own request, and while my request might be hours down the line, it's just what it is.. let's all have FUN together not just try to get there first. cancel me for this opinion if you must ;) 💕
2023-07-13 20:36:51 peops... this is just MY opinion.. :) 💕 there are some who are always last in the lives due to time difference.. and that's just how it is.. but i think it's really selfish to just write a comment for the suggestions - just to save your spot and then edit a request later... is that just me thinking it's rude? can't you just write a request when you think of one instead of hurrying to get your spot so others will always be last? just a thought... i mean i am not on the lives just to hear my own request, and while my request might be hours down the line, it's just what it is.. let's all have FUN together not just try to get there first. cancel me for this opinion if you must ;) 💕
2023-07-13 20:36:51 peops... this is just MY opinion.. :) 💕 there are some who are always last in the lives due to time difference.. and that's just how it is.. but i think it's really selfish to just write a comment for the suggestions - just to save your spot and then edit a request later... is that just me thinking it's rude? can't you just write a request when you think of one instead of hurrying to get your spot so others will always be last? just a thought... i mean i am not on the lives just to hear my own request, and while my request might be hours down the line, it's just what it is.. let's all have FUN together not just try to get there first. cancel me for this opinion if you must ;) 💕
2023-07-13 10:22:47 peops... this is just MY opinion.. :) 💕 there are some who are always last in the lives due to time difference.. and that's just how it is.. but i think it's really selfish to just write a comment for the suggestions - just to save your spot and then edit a request later... is that just me thinking it's rude? can't you just write a request when you think of one instead of hurrying to get your spot so others will always be last? just a thought... i mean i am not on the lives just to hear my own request, and while my request might be hours down the line, it's just what it is.. let's all have FUN together not just try to get there first. cancel me for this opinion if you must ;) 💕

peops... this is just MY opinion.. :) 💕 there are some who are always last in the lives due to time difference.. and that's just how it is.. but i think it's really selfish to just write a comment for the suggestions - just to save your spot and then edit a request later... is that just me thinking it's rude? can't you just write a request when you think of one instead of hurrying to get your spot so others will always be last? just a thought... i mean i am not on the lives just to hear my own request, and while my request might be hours down the line, it's just what it is.. let's all have FUN together not just try to get there first. cancel me for this opinion if you must ;) 💕


I completely understand where you're coming from but sometimes briefly I do that before bed and post it in the morning so that I can see it during my lunch break at work. That way when I'm watching Mel's live I can interact with her/answer questions she may have about the request. Otherwise I don't see it till the live vid gets posted the next day, which isn't a big deal, sometimes it has to be that way anyways, but maybe others have a similar reason! I don't think it would be any different than posting a request instead of the message. Of course I still enjoy and am excited to see the other requests as well, often times it's things I want to see too or new things I end up loving, I just don't get to join for long due to work. ♥


Maybe people are doing that because they know they wont be able to stay for the whole duration of the live 🤷🏽‍♀️ Theres a lot of reasons for that: kids, jobs or if the live starts very late for them like me (midnight). And if you say that you're not on the lives just to hear your own request then its no biggie if yours comes a bit later, no? We should try and be more understandable when we don't know the reasons for their actions 😊

sabina schou

well.. that's exactly my point. i don't have all the time in the world either, which is why it sucks that i am always last too. but hey... what can one do? either i enjoy others requests OR i simply will not be on the lives... and when i am, it's passed midnight. i think it's selfish to always think that others just have all the time in the world too... we are all making mel's schedule work... i am just suggesting letting others come first , sometimes too :) but if you want to make my statement sound like i lack empathy for others' time.... that was actually my main point. i am sure i am not the only one who doesn't have time and therefor when others always try to come first, it can seem a little selfish. But what do i know... people never seem to agree with me or reply to me anyways,.

Exekyute (Kyu)

While everyone has their own reasons, I can understand why it would be frustrating for people that always end up at the end of the list just because the post for requests gets posted at a time that isn't as convenient for them. Especially considering Mel is often accommodating about watching someone's request if they have to leave a live early anyway. As for the context that asking people not to save a spot is inconsiderate, saving a spot so you're earlier because you have your own schedule is in it's own way being inconsiderate of other people's possible time needs. Different people have different perspectives.