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Here's our Q&A panel from this weekend at Animation Block Party, for everybody who wasn't able to attend - or for those who were there, and just want to relive that glorious 36 minute high. The video cuts out for a minute in the middle, but the sound is continuous. The beginning is also slightly edited due to some confusion-- somebody who shall remain nameless (but may or may not be the voice of Sublo) accidentally went to the wrong theater first, and didn't show up until moments before the Q&A started, so we were all a little shaky at first. I think it's a pretty fun talk overall, although there's lots of mumbling (mostly from me) so the youtube video has optional subtitles.

I'll put the other bonus video up too, but for now enjoy this one!


Sublo and Tangy Mustard Q&A at Animation Block Party

Here's the Q&A discussion from our recent Sublo and Tangy Mustard retrospective screening at Animation Block Party 2023, at BAM in New York. Featuring me (Aaron Long, creator and voice of Dick Wubhamer), Ryan Long (voice of Sublo), Kevin Doan (voice of Tangy Mustard), and moderated by Mike Hollingsworth. We had an amazing time getting to meet so many fans of the show and hanging out afterward! Huge thanks to Casey Safron and ABP for setting this event up, and to everyone who came. The video cuts out for a minute in the middle, but the sound is continuous.


Lucas Bernhardt

Whoa never expected to see this on video! Thanks for sharing