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I've been animating the next Sublo episode but I had to quickly hop back into boards to do a scratch pass (add Tito scratching himself more in every scene). The episode is progressing well, although I have to admit the imminent destruction of twitter has been distracting me more than I'd like. If anybody has any thoughts on what social media platofmr to migrate to, let me know! I was pretty active on twitter but it seems to genuinely be in its death throes now.

I've also been been assembling a proper soundtrack collection of all the Sublo and Tangy Mustard music from season 1 and 2, plus a bunch of notes and demos and stuff, which might be for $5+ patrons (and also available separately on bandcamp or something)... Still nothing concrete on that though.

Also been doing some non-cartoon music, which I don't know if anybody on here is interested in but I'll link to it if/when it feels ready to share. Anyway, now back to animating!




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