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Good afternoon,

It's almost weekend so time to give you an update on my current progress.

There was a lot to do over the past days and I'm still in the middle of working on the update. I will try to tell you what has been on my mind for the past week.

I've started the week with the implementation of the new maps and continued with adding a new set of character sprites/dialogue images for servants the Queen would bring with her.
At this point I ended up in a situation where I had to think about how I actually want to implement the Queen's servants. My original plan was to add two maids which both would be actual characters. But after thinking about it a bit longer I came to the conclusion that these wouldn't add anything to the story... They would just be some random women the MC eventually get to have sex with... At this point I think there are already a lot of female characters. So adding new ones is something I only want to do if they really add something to the game storywise. So I threw my original plans out of the window and instead decided to add in maids that won't have an actual character (just nameless female servants).
After I've made that decision I had to rethink the layout of the guesthouse...I've made it way too big (it was bigger than the Mayor's mansion groundfloor, had a kitchen and an extra sleeproom for guards) - Which was really unlogical, after all why would the Mayor have that unused in backyard?
So I changed the map and made it a lot smaller.
Now that this was finally decided I started working on the actual story... I've started setting up positions for the Queen & Princess and her servants which also required more sprites (sitting, sleeping). I worked on Character profile pages for both Queen and Princess and the guards needed patrol conditions to kick the player out if he would get inside at a time the Queen wanted to be alone.
When this was done I went on with working on 3d locations for the Queen's & Pricess bedroom.

Yeah and that's where I'm currently at. I still haven't been able to write the actual interaction with the people of Arenfield (events are missing). (Visits at the smithy, shop, church...)
Things that I wanted to have done by now but that still need more time.
I've been thinking if I somehow can make it possible and still release the today, but eventually had to abandon this plan. I still haven't done any testing and with the actual events missing there wouldn't be much to see anyway.

I'm very sorry this is taking longer, the setup process for new characters is always time consuming, even more so when it comes at this scale.
I will release the update in the coming week as soon as it's ready. But I at least also want to add a new scene to it (after all there has to be something worth exploring for).

Thank you for your understanding!
I will continue my work now and I wish you all a nice weekend!



fine by me.Less work to do


Ello! It's fine having nameless NPCs in Erotic games, or I would say it's very common in any erotic genres to have Extras in the backgrounds. It's up to you or add a poll to see if people want to have sex with nameless NPCs as a bonus as many Erotic games have MC have random sex here and there and not just Love Interest. You could even add the action toward MC Alignment evil points or something. Have the maids few conversation and than corrupted with MC Sperms and bang, repeat Sex scenes with no more conversation for Players pleasure. This could added as small scenes throughout the game without adding too much to your workloads. Thanks.