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Good afternoon,

in this report I'd like to talk about the past week and also give an insight into my thought process regarding the next update.

First of the bad news: The won't be coming today. For some of you this might not be much of a surprise I myself wasn't sure if it was possible. Over the past week I've then come to the conclusion that even if I would push hard to get something out it would only be a short introduction of the Queen & Princess and not really worth to be called a test version or anything in that regard.

But lets start at the beginning of the week. On Monday I decided to add another 2 animations to the bonus scene (it didn't feel complete without an option to let Kate & Arianna have some fun together and I only had the BJ animation for Arianna and wanted to add one fore Kate as well)
After the update was then done on Tuesday afternoon I continued my work on the models for the Queen and Princess.

For those interested to see a small preview you can find it here (didn't want to put it into the title in case someone doesn't want a spoiler)
Speaking of the title image. After I finished making the models and made sprites/dialogue images for them I had to think about where exactly the Queen would stay during her visit in Arenfield.
My original plan was to let them move into the still empty room inside the Baron's mansion. However the more I thought about it this wasn't fitting for royalty. After all a Queen has servants and guards so it would have been unfit to let her stay in a small room. My next idea was to make an area outside the village where she would stay in a large tent (adding a small camp for her)...But the more I thought about it, I came to the conclusion that it didn't fit either (after all I want her to interact with the people of Arenfield and having her travel every day just was a bit too tedious). The solution I came up with is to add a guest house to the Baron's mansion.
So what you see in the picture is the new backyard garden of the Baron's mansion. There will be a path to it from inside the house and directly from the village map (which I have also altered a bit). Today I've now been working on the map for the guest house itself and I hope I can finish it later today.

This brings me to the coming week: with all preparations now made I want to go full into writing and positioning for the new characters to get the story going. Now that I can assess it a bit better I plan to release the update next Friday with as much content as I can get done by then. After that I'll be back to Julia's bonus scene and then there will then be ~2 1/2 weeks to finish the update.

So much for the planning. I hope this timeline is a bit more realistic and can actually be done.

That's all for now,
I wish you all a nice weekend!




The queen and princess are both well made, I can’t wait to see what the official release will be like 🔥👍

John Chester

It's an hour down that hidden path through the woods. It's gptta be a least a couple miles away.