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Good evening,

after some delay update is finally ready.
It still makes me a bit sad that I couldn't get done today but I think this is better than nothing.

Time for a quick changelog, this update contains:

  • Nyra's bonus scene (7 animations)
  • The next part of Anya's quest (2 animations + some transition animations & images. ~200 images)
  • Some bugfixes around the board (the cat quest is still bugged, I didn't have time to fix it :( )
  • SMP's dialogue overhaul. A lot of text has been fixed and altered by him. Again a big thank you at this point!

Here the links: Mega - Mediafire

Hotfix a:
Fixed a problem with Anya's second dinner, Image not being deleted correctly. After applying this hotfix start the dinner again, this should fix the problem.
Hotfix b (at the bottom of this post): fixed that were unable to increase Anya's corruption.

Old save files work as always. I've written a guide how you can transfer them.
You can find it here: How to transfer saves

Please report any bugs you run into via discord/pm and I will fix them as soon as possible!

I will continue to work on tomorrow morning. The release will be early next month as soon as I manage to get all the animations and story into it.
Right after that I'll be working on the Arianna & Kate bonus scene.

I'm still hanging a bit behind thanks to covid. Thank you for all the wishes for a speedy recovery! My condition is much better but the cough still prevents me from working at my best.
Hopefully this will get better in the coming month!

I've linked the old walkthrough, I will update it after the release.



who has to guard anya's house?


depending on your progress you either have to talk to Lyvia or find a guard which is looking a bit lazy.


Fixed a problem with the 2nd dinner in Anya's house. where the image was stuck on the screen. check the description I've added to the post right beneath download. This only happens if you go for the support route.


Some things I found... not much of a bug but an inconsistency I'd say. Ever since the last Update the GUI shows the MC is hungry once the hunger bar is is below 100, sometimes it disappears only to appear again a few steps later, in battle you get the Bonus for being satisfied though. dureing Anyas second conversation in her basement (I didn't agree to her "fathers" proposal of siding with him) MC thinks about his conversation and Anya is a mentalist (MCs text is blue as dureing his thoughts)