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So, some of you already saw my message on discord, this week has not been fun for me.

On Monday it started with me feeling sick and going to bed early, Thursday I woke up with feever and was already sure by then that I must have gotten covid. Did a test and got the confirmation. On Wednesday I tried to get up in the afternoon to get at least something done but I had to give up shortly after as I wasn't in a condition to work at all. I can't remember the last time I felt so weak I couldn't even get out of bed. It continued until yesterday evening when I finally was able to get out of bed for a bit longer to sit on the couch... Today I feel better. The night was still shit, but the feever has finally dropped and I can sit at the pc again.

Now of course this has ruined all my schedules...I'm missing a whole week of worktime which I would have needed for the release today. I've been thinking about this the whole time while laying in bed. So obviously I will have to delay I hope that I can work today and probably also tomorrow and on Sunday I can probably do the release early next week. But I'm not sure if I can get done this month too :(
It might be possible, but at the same time I don't want to overexert myself so soon after recovery.
In short: will come next week. If possible also and if not I have to postpone the release to early July.

I'm sorry for this delay, but I hope you can understand my situation here. This was my first personal contact with covid and I hope I don't have to go through it again anytime soon.

Stay healthy and have a nice weekend!


Warren Harapiak

I look forward to hearing you are doing well. It may sound silly but my secret to good health is a sliver of garlic everyday actives your immunity system to build up. Garlic is a 1 on the 1 to 10 scale but embodies a mild poison but doesnt do much but still actives your immunity by default. I can wait for 5.0.0 your work is amazing


good morning, I'm feeling a lot better already (still having a cold but that doesn't slow me down). The past days I've continued my work with a steady progress to the dialogue. My current goal is to get done before the month ends. By now I can't say if that will be tomorrow or Thursday, but I will upload something by then.


Great hope you are having better days!