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This week was all about drawing and creating new images.
I've created new sprites for the 2 new characters and a new one for Bianca when she's at home and doesn't have to cover herself up.
This also came together with new dialogue images of course.
After that my focus was to create the new locations that I would need for the update. As it was a bit heavy on this part it took most of the time this week. I've made 4 new maps that will expand the area to the south of Arenfield.

Although I've also made the model for John's daughter she won't get much content this month. I'll be putting more work into her next month. I think most of you voted for this update because of Bianca, so because of that she will be the main focus.
In the comments I wrote about a new advanced stealth skill I want to add. This will be something I'll be working on next week.

So my goal for the update next friday is to get the introduction of the new characters done. They will also need daily routines and dialogue for each situation. I also have to integrate the new maps properly into the game. I've already started doing that but it's far from done. I also want to add the last scene for Penny which I've prepared last month but didn't have the time to implement and there are some other things on my mind for the coming update but I'll go more into detail next friday.

Coming back to the voiceover poll. After some of you raised their concerns I've decided to wait with the part of hiring a voiceactress for a bit longer.
I can understand that you don't want an actress to "disappear" in the middle of the progress which would lead to me having to hire a new one for the 2nd part that might be far away to be completed.
On the other hand from my point of view it's the most work to copy all the dialogue lines into single segments, name files for them and implement these files at the right position into the game. Once that is done I could replace these files with new ones in case an actress disappears and I have to hire another one to record already exisiting files anew. But I can also understand that it would be odd to have a voice change after you might got used to it. While I want to add this feature already, I will accommodate your request.
After all it would take a bit of time and for now I will focus on the other aspects of the game.

But like I've written in my comment: That doesn't mean that we can't already have a poll to decide who will get voiced first once we get there.

Anyway, now I'll continue with the missing dialogue for Penny and then probably work on render locations for the new scenes.

Hope everyone is having a nice weekend!



You're keeping yourself very busy! I'm glad to read you are reconsidering the voice acting. I can sense you are very passionate about it and I believe it will add an extra dimension to the game. So one day, I know we will have it and it will be awesome! But till that day, plenty of other stuff to tackle. Have a good weekend as well, remember to put in a workout/exercise every so many hours of working/gaming!

gmail mail

hi all, the twist here is to have fun with female characters and i like. would like if can put henry in a spot to be the pole of shame for fun.i belive he not favorite by any players.so that a suggestion for more fun in game.