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So I've been on a bit of a writing spree lately for these novel character entries. This is the second one for Amy and is CB focused. I've got a little CB animation featuring her and Cara coming real soon too!

It's a little bit spoiler-ish as it gives some backstory to sides of her character you won't have seen yet, but I guess it's nothing crazy. I actually felt a little uncomfortable writing some of it, as I (weirdly) feel like I know her, but it's all part of her arc/development so... Enjoy!

It was a Thursday evening and the gym was quiet, just how Amy liked it. She had worked up quite a sweat over the past hour, exceeding herself in both cardio and weight-training, perhaps in part thanks to her newfound motivation.

Her first year at the academy began in only a few months, and time was moving fast. Amy knew she needed to get fit, and quickly, if she was going to have any chance at competing against the other girls there, all of whom were renowned for both their physical and mental aptitude.

Now alone inside a small cubicle within the gym’s locker room, Amy stripped off her gym wear and wrapped herself from chest to thigh in her towel, ready to head to the showers.

As she exited the cubicle and tip-toed her way through the locker room, she suddenly heard an oddly familiar chorus of cackling girls enter from behind her. One of them gasped, stopping her in her tracks.

“Oh. My. God. No freakin’ way!” The girl’s abrasive accent echoed throughout the otherwise empty locker room. “Is that you, Amy?”

Amy cringed, she knew that obnoxious voice all too well. It belonged to Tina, an old bully of hers that she hadn’t seen since they’d all finished school. She hadn’t even realised she was still in town. Slowly, begrudgingly, Amy turned around. Tina squealed in excitement.

“It is Amy! I knew it was you. How could anyone mistake that fine figure of yours?” It was not a compliment. Tina and her friends had constantly taunted Amy for her looks, or supposed lack thereof, all throughout puberty.

“Hi, Tina,” Amy murmured, hugely regretting the fact that she had had to bring her ‘cute pink giraffe’ towel because all of her other, totally normal looking towels were in the laundry basket. It just had to be today, of all days.

“Oh, wow, you remember me,” Tina mocked, knowing full well that someone as horrific as her would be impossible for anyone to forget, though not for lack of trying. “I’m guessing you remember my friends here too, right?”

The bully was flanked on either side by her trusty sidekicks. Whilst the three girls acted like thugs, they were undeniably beautiful. Amy had always found their looks especially intimidating, something the bullies had soon picked up on and used as a means to taunt her further. She recalled several particular instances in which they’d shoved their curves in her face, making her blush and accusing her of ‘fancying them’.

Now all these years later, the three girls had clearly not let themselves slip. They were all gorgeous, toned to perfection with curves in all the right places, their skin tight gym wear showing off exactly what they wanted others to see.

Amy found herself somewhat paralysed. With forms like that, they must have frequented the gym often. It was a wonder she’d never bumped into them before.

“Alice. Jessica…” Amy acknowledged the other two girls with thinly-veiled resentment, knowing full well that ‘Jessica’ much preferred to be called ‘Jess’.

“So, like, what’re you doing here, Amy? Can’t say we’ve seen you around much,” Tina slowly began to approach, her two lackeys in tow. “Trying to improve that flat ass of yours?”

There it was. The formalities were over. Any tiny thread of hope Amy had had for this encounter to pass without further incident had completely vanished. She braced herself.

“Speaking of which…” Tina grabbed a firm hold on Amy’s towel. “It’s been too long since we got a good look at that little peach of yours.”

Amy tried to resist but it was no good. Tina yanked at the towel with surprising strength, all her time spent at the gym apparently paying off. Amy spun like a top as the towel was pulled away from her and tossed over to Jessica, who held it up with pride.

“Aw, cute. Did your grandma give this to you when you were six or something?” She taunted. Amy didn’t respond, she was too busy hurriedly covering her breasts with her hands.

“Oh my god, Tina, look!” Alice shrieked with glee, thrusting an ecstatic finger in the direction of Amy’s crotch. Tina’s gaze followed and Amy went completely red.

“I can’t believe it,” Tina was suppressing her laughter as best she could. “You still do it, after all these years?!”

Amy’s eyes were firmly fixed on the floor. She knew exactly what the girls were talking about. Ever since school, she’d always felt uncomfortable walking around the changing rooms, and as a result, beneath her towel, she’d often kept her panties on just to make herself feel a little more secure. Many a time, Tina and her goons had delighted in pinning her down and ripping them off. She could only pray that today would not be another one of those days.

“They’re so adorable too!” Alice exclaimed, transitioning into a ‘baby voice’. “Look at all those pink and purple polka dots. And the little bow!”

“Didn’t she have the same pair back in school?” Jessica laughed. “Do you, like, never change your underwear? What gives?”

“Jess, don’t be mean…” Tina purred. “She’s just a little baby, remember. She needs help getting changed…”

Before Amy knew it, Tina was behind her, with both her hands latched onto the top of her panties. Everyone in that room knew what was coming next.

Amy did her best to stifle her high-pitched scream as Tina pulled her panties upwards as sharply as she possibly could, giving her an enormous wedgie, with the tip of her panties reaching her shoulders. The stretched fabric creaked, threatening to tear, but ultimately seemed to hold, forming a highly-visible cameltoe around her crotch.

The girls all erupted into raucous laughter as Amy danced from foot to foot, trying to disperse the discomfort between her legs.

“Yeah, dance, girl, dance!” Tina cheered, glancing down. “Look at that little ass jiggle. Alice, get round here!”

Alice already knew the routine, and was beside Tina in an instant, swiping Amy’s towel from Jessica. She held it up as if she were about to fire a bow and arrow and, with pinpoint practiced precision, released.

The whip-like crack echoed around the locker room as the towel snapped at Amy’s cheeks, turning her creamy pale skin red almost immediately. Amy bit her lip as two more lashes followed, one on each cheek, doing her best not to show the full extent of her pain. She didn’t want to give them any further satisfaction.

“Hey, lemme try this side,” Jessica grinned, looking at Amy’s increasingly-tight cameltoe. “This’ll make her squeal.”

Alice tossed the towel over to Jessica who, without hesitation, whipped it directly into Amy’s crotch. Needless to say, it was a direct hit, and it got just the reaction the girls were looking for.

“Oh wow, she’s gone cross-eyed!” Jessica fell into hysterics, allowing the towel to drop to her feet.

“Ugh, no fair, I wanna see!” Tina pouted playfully. “Here…” Tina handed Amy’s stretched panties to Alice, who took Tina’s place in continuing the monstrous wedgie.

Tina pushed Jessica out of the way and grabbed Amy’s panties from the front.

“You remember the ‘see-saw’, right?” Tina looked Amy directly in the eye. It was a look that sent shivers trembling down her spine. “Oh yeah, you totally remember…”

And with that, Tina tugged Amy’s panties upwards with immense strength, matching the height of Alice behind her and holding them up to her breasts. The tightened fabric dug into Amy as it pulled up violently between her legs, parting and digging in between her lower lips. She squeaked, her crossed eyes returning.

“Ready, Alice?”


“See-saw! See-saw!” The girls began to chant as they took turns pulling the panties up and down, wedgieing Amy from behind, then from the front, then from behind, and so on, over and over again. The friction of the fabric burned between Amy’s legs and she knew she’d be sore for a week by the time they were done with her. Tears began to form in her eyes and she quickly did her best to blink them away. She could not let these girls see her cry.

“You know, you could at least try to fight back,” Tina teased as she and Alice continued their relentless motions. “Though we both know how that would end, don’t we? You’ve always been a little weakling. You’re fucking pathetic…”

Her words stung Amy more than she knew, perhaps because (to her) it struck a chord of truth. When the bullying had first begun all those years ago, Amy had indeed tried to fight back and, to put it lightly, she had had her ass handed to her. After several failed attempts, she’d eventually decided it was easier to just let it all happen.

And then, the moment finally came. With a sudden loud rip, Amy’s panties tore apart, leaving one piece in Alice’s hands and one piece in Tina’s. Amy’s knees shook violently and eventually buckled. She fell down, clutching her reddened crotch in both pain and embarrassment.

“Finally,” Tina rolled her eyes and tossed her half of the panties aside. “Get her up, girls.”

Like well-trained soldiers, Alice and Jessica lifted Amy limply to her feet. They stood on either side of her and held her weight, each of them holding one of her arms, and using a foot to spread her legs apart. Tina looked Amy’s naked body up and down.

“Still a scrawny little brat, eh? How’s it feel to be naked in front of cuties like us, huh? I can never tell if you’re ashamed or turned on… Probably both, knowing you. You always were a freak…”

Amy said nothing as Tina removed her shoes and stepped back with one foot, preparing her next attack. Instead, she simply closed her eyes and braced herself. There was nothing more she could do.

“This’ll teach you to be such a horny little slut. I’ll make it hurt so bad, you won’t be able to pleasure yourself for a whole month after this.”

Amy felt her hair stand on end. Whilst she was doing her best not to give them an outward reaction, inside she was terrified of what was to come.

Tina shot forwards, her leg swinging up a perfect ninety degrees from her hips. There was a wet slap as the arch of her foot made contact with Amy’s lips, creating a shockwave of trembling skin. Beads of sweat exploded from her body.

It hurt far more than Amy remembered. Perhaps she’d got used to the pain all those years ago. It’d been so long now since she’d been hit in the crotch, she had allowed herself to become blissfully ignorant of just how much it really hurt. And it wasn’t over yet.

Tina fired another kick, even harder than the last, straight between Amy’s legs. A loud clap echoed around the locker room as her thighs rippled from the impact and her knees began to quake.

“Don’t let her fall, girls. She goes nowhere until I’m satisfied,” Tina ordered, and her two henchwomen tightened their grip on Amy, pulling her arms further apart and kicking her legs wide open again.

Tina let loose. Kick after brutal kick landed with deadly precision against Amy’s groin, several making direct contact with her clit. On one occasion, Amy even felt one of Tina’s toes find its way inside of her.

After what must have been almost a dozen blows, not that Amy had the capacity to count anymore, Tina finally relented and gave permission for her goons to release their victim.

Amy’s legs were jelly and she immediately dropped to her knees, hitting the damp tiled floor with a hard thud. She wanted to nurse her crotch but it was so sore at this point that even the most delicate touch felt like fire.

“Oh yeah, she’s done!” Alice exclaimed, celebrating their victory.

“Almost,” Tina grinned. “There’s one last thing on the agenda. For old time’s sake. I wanna see if she’s still the little perv I remember.”

Tina gave Jessica a knowing nod. Jessica placed her foot on the kneeling Amy’s forehead and shoved her backwards, knocking her onto her back. Without hesitation, the large muscular girl planted her toned ass firmly on top of Amy’s face, covering her nose and mouth.

It wasn’t long before Amy began to struggle, hardly able to breathe beneath the weight of Jessica’s tremendous ass. If she hadn’t just had the shit kicked out of her, she might have tried a little harder to push the girl off her, but right now she had no strength left. Dazed and weakened, she just simply lay there as Tina casually kicked her legs apart.

“Yep. Pretty sure she’s getting wet down there,” Tina giggled. “Guess she still can’t resist that ass of yours, Jess,” Jessica shrugged, smiling. “Ok, let’s wrap this up already…”

Stretching her right foot behind her and bending it up towards her shoulder blades, Tina reached back and held her foot with one hand, her entire athletic body flexing in some sort of devilish ballerina pose. After a moment’s pause, she released her foot, letting it swing low with lightning speed.

It connected with Amy’s vulnerable crotch with a crack. Despite being muffled by Jessica’s ass, Amy’s scream was the loudest she’d produced that evening.

“Ooh, that tickled,” Jessica purred, gently grinding her hips against Amy’s face before finally standing up, leaving her gasping for air. Tears had soaked into the fabric of Jessica’s shorts, leaving small dark patches on her cheeks.

“There we go! That’s what I wanted to see,” Tina loomed above Amy. “Sorry, hun. Had to make up for lost time… We should, like, totally hang out more often!”

Amy couldn’t respond, not that she’d have had anything more to say anyway. She felt as if she had been transported back in time. Shy, vulnerable, weak. Had she really grown so little?

“Uh oh, guess we broke her,” Tina shrugged, standing to address the others. “C’mon, girls. We’ve had our warm-up for the day. Let’s go get started.”

And, as quickly as they’d appeared, the three girls vanished into the bowels of the gym, their bratty cackling slowly fading into the distance until Amy was left alone, in deafening silence.

When Amy finally managed to drag herself home that evening, she couldn’t even stand to put on her underwear. Her crotch was simply too sore. The tender application of an icepack was about all she could stomach.

As she flicked through her phone, doing her best not to think about the harrowing experience she’d just endured, she noticed K’s name in her contacts and decided to give him a call. He picked up almost instantly, which admittedly made her smile.

“Hey, what’s up?” He said, in his usual absent-minded manner.

“Hey, nothing much. Just wanted to chat.”

“Sure, I’ve got a few minutes,” K always had a few minutes, it seemed. “We still on for the gym this weekend? I hope you realise I have no idea what I’m doing, so you’re gonna have to walk me through, well, everything…”

“Why does that not surprise me?” Amy managed a quick laugh. “Actually, I cancelled my membership. It was just getting too pricey, you know?”

“I feel that…” K paused, his internal cogs turning at their usual, casual pace. “Home workout instead then? I really need to get in better shape…”

“Yeah, that sounds good,” Amy said, the hint of a smile creeping over her face.

“Sweet! I’ll come to you.”

“Great. See you Saturday then,” The two said their goodbyes and Amy hung up.

Despite the lingering pain she still felt, Amy couldn’t help but feel a little better, comforted by the fact that at the very least, she’d always have her friend, K.



Damn... You know I've been hoping to see Amy on the receiving end of some busts, cause she is very cute, and also as a little "revenge" thing since we only saw her obliterate poor K lol. But I can definitely see how it made you "a little uncomfortable" Poor Amy! But two things are safe to say: A: That was incredibely well written! ^^ and B: I hope Amy gets her sweet revenge on them some day!


Aw I appreciate it thank you 😊❤️ time will tell where Amy ends up after the visual novel events start to slowly unfold 😅


Someone better be helping her get some revenge, or I'll do it myself