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Hey all! CB animation still on the way. In the meantime, here's a BB post featuring Amy. In the visual novel, I'm planning on including a few text entries (both BB and CB) for each character you meet, which unlock when you hit certain moments in your interactions with them. Figured I'd share some of them here for you to enjoy so you can get to know them a little more (whilst enjoying more BB/CB goodness). So here goes...

It was the first time in who-knows-how-long that Amy had allowed one of her dates back to her place. In fact, she could hardly remember the last time that she’d dated anyone. Knowing her meagre track record, she’d probably repressed all previous ordeals.

But her latest (potential) romantic partner seemed a little different. More genuine, perhaps? Amy couldn’t quite put her finger on it. Still, there she was, fumbling with her keys and clumsily trying to unlock her front door, whilst ‘Brad’ watched over her shoulder.

“Need a hand?” His bassy voice carrying around the cold, empty corridor that comprised the entrance to her flat. Her face flushed red.

“It’s ok, almost got it!” Amy stammered, painfully aware of her awkwardness. Finally, there was a click, and the door swung open. Amy let out a sigh of relief. “After you…”

“No, please, ladies first,” Brad said, performing an exaggerated bow and gesturing for Amy to go on ahead. She let out an anxious giggle before hurriedly slipping inside.

The apartment was only a small studio, but it was home. Despite the building itself being a little old and dilapidated, the flat itself was surprisingly warm and cosy. It had all the necessary amenities, a bed, cooker, sink and so on, and Amy had done her best to characterise the space with various blankets, pillows, plants and plushies.

“Whoa, haven’t seen this guy for a while!” Brad exclaimed, making her spin to face him. He was holding up a small, cat-like plush. “He was from that kid’s show back in the 90s, right?”

It was an anime, and it wasn’t a kid’s show, but Amy didn’t correct him. Instead, she simply nodded and tried to hold back her ever-increasing embarrassment.

“You’ve got a cute place,” Brad smiled, waltzing around the room like he was about to give it an appraisal. “It suits you,” He said with a wink, prompting her to avoid his gaze.

“Thanks…” She looked down, avoiding eye contact, only to suddenly spy a rogue pair of underwear sitting at the foot of her bed. “Shit!”

Amy darted across the room, accidentally bumping Brad as she passed him, and hurriedly stuffing the underwear into a nearby drawer.

“You alright?” Brad asked, more confused than concerned.

“Uh, yeah. I just… Don’t get many visitors…” Amy replied, immediately noticing at least five other items that she really should have tidied away before agreeing to have someone over.

“Well then, I guess I’m honoured,” He smirked. Amy barely heard him as she continued to frantically tidy her bed. As she reached across it, attempting to tuck in her sheets, she caught Brad’s gaze in a mirror that hung nearby.

He wasn’t looking at her though, he was looking at her ass. As she’d bent over the bed, her miniskirt had offered him quite the view. Amy spun around, immediately holding down her skirt with both hands.

“Could you not?!” Amy’s instant frustration clearly caught Brad off-guard, and he noticeably flinched. Her timid demeanour had totally vaporised.

“Uh, I’m sorry, what?” Brad played dumb.

“I saw you looking, you… That…” Flustered, Amy couldn’t quite get the words out. She liked Brad, and hadn’t expected him to do such a thing. “It’s not cool…”

“Sorry… It was just sorta there and… You know? I’m a guy, so…”

“Look, I invited you here because, so far, I feel like things have been going well and you seem kinda nice so… You get one pass. But just one, ok?” Amy was deliberately trying to lighten her tone, aware that she may have come across a little too aggressively, but Brad still seemed on edge.

“Sure, whatever you say,” He shrugged, practically rolling his eyes. “I just figured, it’s our third date so…”

“So what?”

“Well… Couples usually…”

“I don’t know if I’m ready to call us a ‘couple’ just yet.”

“Geez. What is your problem all of a sudden?” Brad had had enough now, evidently having come to Amy’s apartment with certain expectations in mind. Amy matched his tone.

“I don’t know what sort of girls you’re used to dating, but I’m not like that, alright? I thought we were taking things slow.”

“Yeah, this is slow for me. Why did you invite me here if you didn’t want to…”

“I just wanted us to hang out! Is that so wrong?!” The question hung in the air awkwardly. After an eternity of silence and avoiding each other’s gaze, Amy solemnly muttered. “I think it’s best for you to leave…”

She wasn’t happy about it. It was not how she had hoped the evening would go, but what other option was there? Brad’s true colours were starting to become apparent. He was just another typical guy, and she’d fallen for yet another classic ‘nice guy’ performance.

“Aw, Amy, c’mon,” Brad was genuinely disappointed. “I’m sorry, ok? I just got the wrong idea…”

Amy glanced at him. His apology seemed real, and she was self-aware enough to know that she wasn’t anything like the typical girl that someone like Brad would date. Perhaps he had just simply misread the whole situation?

She studied his sad face. His eyes were almost puppy-like, which certainly contrasted against his otherwise outwardly masculine figure. This apparent vulnerability, if somewhat desperate, did appeal to her, to a degree.

“Fine, one more chance,” She managed a smile. “But only because I do actually like you.”

“I like you too,” Brad beamed, his expression transformed. He stretched out his arms. “Hug it out?”

With a playful eye-roll, Amy semi-reluctantly allowed Brad to embrace her, his large arms easily wrapping around her small frame, squeezing her tightly.

“I’m sorry,” Amy said, her eyes closed as her cheek rested on Brad’s chest. “I know I can be hard to read sometimes. I just haven’t had… Much experience… In this area.”

“That’s alright,” Brad chuckled, mostly to himself. Amy could feel the rate of his heartbeat quickening. “Maybe I could… Teach you a thing or two…”

One of his hands slowly began to slide down to the small of her back and then, before she even knew what was happening, it had found its way under her skirt and onto her ass. Brad’s powerful hand wrapped around her entire cheek and squeezed, hard.

Amy’s response was immediate, involuntarily, practically instinctive. Like a reflex had been triggered. Her knee drove into his testicles so hard that, despite their size difference, Brad actually left the ground. His hand grabbed onto her ass even tighter as the pain surged through him, but his mouth was incapable of producing any form of sound beyond a breathless whimper.

They pulled away from each other, Brad stumbling back and clutching his now-bruised genitals with both hands, and Amy recoiling in disbelief (at both his behaviour and how violently she’d responded).

“What the fuck?!” Was all Brad could sputter, barely able to raise his head enough to look Amy in the eyes.

“You touched me…” Amy was starting to panic. “I thought we… You…”

“What? What did you think?” Brad snapped. “Because I genuinely don’t have a clue.”

Amy didn’t know how to respond. She felt guilty, but she didn’t fully understand why. He’d grabbed her after all. This was on him.

“I told you, I’m not ready for that sort of thing…”

“Ugh, for Christ’s sake,” Brad groaned, finally managing to stand up straight. “If I’d known you were such a fucking prude, I’d have never asked you…”

His sentence was left incomplete, interrupted by Amy’s foot embedding itself between his already-tender balls, transforming whatever he was about to say next into a high-pitched howl. He stood there wobbling, his knees shaking, looking at Amy with a mix of anger and disbelief as the pain began to process. If she hadn’t been so pissed at him, she might’ve been impressed by the fact that he was still standing at all.

“That’s it. I’m done holding back…” Brad’s tone was a low growl, completely unlike anything Amy had heard come out of his mouth previously. He charged at her with his arms forwards, reaching out with both hands.

Amy, understandably intimidated by the hulking man bounding towards her, was too slow to stop him. Before she could react, his hands had locked onto her chest, groping her breasts with uncomfortable force. Amy was mortified. Enough was enough.

She lashed out with another knee, catching Brad’s crotch for a third time. The previous two hits must’ve done some damage, because he immediately let go of her boobs to shield his swollen sack. With his hands occupied, Amy set to work pummelling his face, swinging with a left hook, then a right hook, then left again.

“Don’t. You ever. Touch me. Ever. Again!” With each phrase, Amy landed another blow to Brad’s face, spit, snot and even a tooth spewing from him. With every hit, he stumbled another step backwards, closer and closer towards Amy’s front door.

The fifth punch finally forced Brad to remove his hands from his balls and instead to try to protect his face. Naturally, Amy did not waste the opportunity to deliver some additional punishment.

“Now get. The fuck. Out. Of my. House!” Red with rage, she screamed each word louder and louder, and with each one she sent another knee crashing into Brad’s nuts. With her eyes bulging so wide it seemed that they might pop out of her head, she finished off her combo with a straight kick, right to the dick.

The force of the impact alone was enough to send Brad flying backwards, crashing straight through Amy’s door. He collapsed in a heap in the middle of the concrete corridor outside, completely discombobulated.

Amy stood in her doorway, looking down and shooting daggers at him. Her body heaved up and down as she caught her breath, trembling slightly as the adrenaline surged through her.

“You can see yourself out,” Was all she could manage to say.

Brad tried to pull his face up from off the floor in an attempt to respond but, as another tooth dropped from his mouth and clacked against the ground, he simply did not have the strength. As he dropped back down, Amy slammed and locked the door, unconcerned by whether or not he may still be conscious.

The rest of the evening passed with a painful slowness, as if time itself was dragging things out just to punish her. Amy did her best to distract herself from what had unfolded, bingeing her favourite childhood sitcom shows in a desperate attempt to pull her mind away from what was almost certainly the worst so-called ‘date’ she had ever experienced in her entire life.

Her phone buzzed, startling her. Upon checking it, she saw that K had sent her a message.

“Hey. Think I saw that Brad guy leaving earlier. He didn’t look so good. Are you ok?”

Amy sighed, exhausted. She quickly tapped out a reply.

“All good. Chat to you tomorrow. Night x”

She placed her phone down and buried her head amongst her plushies, and remained there until the sun rose.



I know Amy has said previously before that she only sees K as a friend, but I dunno... if her dates continue like that, I feel there is a good chance for that to change lol. Great Story! I'm impressed how much short little stories like these really flesh out the char! ^^


Who knows 🤷😉 Thank you very much, I'm glad that comes through. That'll be kinda the whole point of these visual novel entries 🥰


I understand why Brad was confused, ig, but he honestly should have put 2 and 2 together