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So I've just got done adding 72 expressions/poses from Amy into the first chapter of the Visual Novel game - thought I'd share a few of the cute ones here ;)

I'm working on the animations for her next, so stay tuned! For those interested, here's a little bio for her below, written from the perspective of Visual Novel protagonist, K...


I've known Amy ever since I was a kid. She was, quite literally, the girl next door for the vast majority of my childhood. I guess she still kind of is, with us now both living in the same apartment building.

She's always been a cutie. I'd be lying if I said she wasn't a huge crush of mine, but I've learned to move on and accept our friendship for what it is. She's never shown much interest in boys, though they've shown plenty of interest in her over the years. I guess relationships aren't really her thing.

Besides, beneath that cute exterior lies a tomboy, through and through. She's never been much of a girly-girl, and despite her small stature, she's always been stronger than me - a fact she likes to remind me of whenever she gets the chance.

She's always been a great friend to me. We've been through some tough times together, and she's got a wicked sense of humour. That said, as nice as she is, she has a hell of a temper. If you ever piss her off, you'll know about it. It's like she becomes a different person...

She really needs to quit it with the short skirts. One of these days she's gonna catch me looking...


Is it weird to fall in love with your own OC...?
One of the earlier images, where you awake to find Amy, looming over you.
Aaand an image that shortly follows should you piss her off. Yes, she is raising her leg in the background. I can't imagine why...
Seriously, she better not catch you taking a peek. Don't pretend you don't know what I'm talking about...
Let's just say K's balls are throbbing a little in this image.
Amy grabs you by the shoulders and asks, "Mind if I get a little practice in?" How do you respond?
She's a little impressed by how many knees you've taken. Good for you!
Time for the finisher...
The "oops, I might've just popped your balls" expression.
"Sorry about that. You doin' ok down there?"
Again, she's blissfully unaware just how short that skirt is...
Amy, just chillin'.
It seems here you've said something to upset her...
You deserve this. The irony is, now you just get an even better view. tThe question is, is it worth it?
She seems annoyed. What could she be about to do?
Ah, that's what... She's really got you now...
...But maybe you're kind of enjoying it?
Yeah, she's not gonna let that stand.



So hot! Amazing


Amazing! I really can't wait to see! 🙈 💕 Amy looks so cute and mean! 😘