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Part 2 of the Shenhe vs Xiao fight. I know the full animation is out, but I don't want the Image tier to miss out, and I've had feedback that some people actually prefer these captioned images over the animations! Enjoy :)


Models by Mihoyo


A little less certain of himself now, Xiao hesitantly regains his stance.
Shenhe shrugs, as if saying 'ah, why not', and mimics Xiao's stance, raising her fists, ready to fight.
Intimidated but still unwilling to give up, Xiao goes to throw another punch.
Moving a lightning speed, Shenhe dodges the attack easily, pulling her fist back in preparation for a counter.
Her fist strikes Xiao's chin with immense force, knocking his head straight back.
She follows up immediately with a palm strike to his chest, pushing him away from her.
Xiao steadies himself. Though winded, he tries to turn his pain into anger.
Stepping back with one leg, he gets ready to launch himself at Shenhe again.
Xiao signposts his next move all too clearly. Shenhe does not flinch.
The attack comes. In a dirty attempt at revenge, Xiao aims for Shenhe's crotch, but she dodges the kick with ease.
As Xiao's leg lingers in the air, Shenhe wraps her arm around it, holding him in place.
Realising his leg is now stuck, Xiao struggles to hide the panic from his expression.
Shenhe gives a sinister smile. They both know what's coming next.
She steps back, keeping a firm hold of his leg. He's unable to move.
Shenhe's foot collides with Xiao's balls. Her aim was perfect, the arch of her foot hitting both balls with equal force.
Xiao grits his teeth, doing everything in his power to absorb the incredible pain.
Shenhe lets go of Xiao's leg, watching him as he pathetically crumples to the floor.
Clutching his swollen testicles and rocking back and forth in agony, Xiao can't even look at her. The embarrassment is too great.
Assuming victory, Shenhe leaves Xiao to nurse his crotch, offering a quick gesture as a final humiliating blow.
Shenhe walks away. She hears shuffling coming from behind her.
She stops, startled. Something has grabbed her!
In a desperate attempt to redeem what little dignity he has last left, Xiao grabs Shenhe in one final flawed effort to overpower her.
Shenhe grabs Xiao's arms and pulls them away, his tiny muscles offering no resistance.
Stretching his arms out and locking him in place, Shenhe raises her leg.
Shenhe knew Xiao's balls must already be sore. Why go to more effort, when she could so easily overcome him with just a few simple kicks?
The first kick comes. Her legs swings back, driving her heel up into Xiao's groin.
The heel crushes something delicate. Xiao realises all too late that this will do irreparable damage.
Still holding him in place, Shenhe prepares a second kick.
She lashes back again, this hit even stronger than the last.
Still, not enough. She knows she can do better.
The third back kick produces a satisfying crunch, and a little high-pitched wail from Xiao.
One more ought to do it, Shenhe thinks, as she lowers her foot for one final blow.
With all of her strength, she fires her heel deep into Xiao's swollen nutsack. This time, he barely makes a sound. He's almost done.
Shenhe releases his arms. They drop away lifelessly.
Xiao falls to his knees, his thoughts a blur of pain and regret.
Suddenly, he realises Shenhe isn't quite finished. She pushes her hips forwards...
Then throws them back! Her cheeks collide with Xiao's face and knock him straight to the floor.
Though firm, Shenhe's ass jiggles slightly from the impact. Xiao is too dazed to enjoy the sight, however.
Head spinning, he sits up, trying to gather his thoughts so that he might make a retreat.
The click of high heels. Xiao starts, looking up with fear. It seems Shenhe is not quite done with him yet.
He raises out a hand, partly to shield himself, partly to try and get her to wait. He wants to ask for mercy, but he's too winded.
The foot comes out of nowhere, crashing with Xiao's face. He's pretty sure his nose just broke.


Good article! I cant wait to see more!