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Chapter 280: Shizuka's Identity

Watching Hachiman's ninety-degree bow, Mrs. Hiratsuka felt a bit emotional.

However, before she could say anything, Mr. Hiratsuka, who was beside her, spoke first.

"Hikigaya-kun, you should be the youngest Swordsmaster who won at last year's Kendo Inter-High School Championship Tournament, right?"

Having some knowledge of Kendo himself, he found Hachiman's name familiar from the beginning. Now he finally recalled.

Hikigaya Hachiman, isn't he the youngest swordsmaster who shook the Japan Kendo world a year ago?

He was hailed as the most likely genius to become a Sword Saint in Japan in nearly a hundred years.

"Yes, that's me." Hachiman stood up straight, nodding.

"Eh, a Swordsmaster?"

Hearing this, Mrs. Hiratsuka's face showed a surprised expression.

Although she had not practiced Kendo herself, due to her husband's influence, she had some understanding of Kendo. Naturally, she understood the weight behind the title "Swordsmaster."

That's someone positioned at the pinnacle of the Japan Kendo world.

It's surprising that Hikigaya-kun achieved such accomplishments at such a young age.

Thinking back to what Shizuka mentioned about his achievements in light novels and cooking, perhaps...

However, at this moment, Mr. Hiratsuka interrupted her thoughts.

"Hikigaya-kun, do you genuinely like our daughter Shizuka?"

"Yes, Uncle, I sincerely do." Hachiman nodded earnestly.

Mr. Hiratsuka turned his gaze to Shizuka. "So, Shizuka, what's your opinion of Hikigaya-kun?"

"Oh, Dad, I..." Unexpectedly, her father threw the question to her, and Shizuka was momentarily flustered.

What does she think of Hachiman?

Disliking him? Well, not really.

If we talk about liking, there is indeed a slight attraction, but considering their age...

"I don't dislike this kid." In the end, Shizuka didn't go against her true feelings, giving an ambiguous response.

Seeing her reaction, Mr. Hiratsuka nodded.

As a father, he understood his daughter quite well. Shizuka had always been straightforward since childhood. If she liked someone, she liked them; if she disliked them, she disliked them.

Since Shizuka said she didn't dislike Hachiman, it indicated there was some liking in her heart. It's just that, due to age and their respective identities, she couldn't express it openly.

Once he confirmed his daughter's feelings, the next steps would be easier.

Being a father meant overcoming obstacles for his daughter. As the leader of the prominent Hiratsuka Group spanning Chiba and Tokyo, he didn't need to leverage his daughter to enhance his influence. Therefore, the criteria for a son-in-law were more lenient – as long as his daughter liked him.

Even so, not everyone could become his son-in-law. The next step would depend on whether this Hikigaya-kun was qualified.

With a firm decision in mind, Mr. Hiratsuka spoke seriously, "Hikigaya-kun, I can give you a chance regarding you and Shizuka."

Unexpectedly, he said this, and surprise appeared on Shizuka's face.

"Dad, what are you doing?"

Seeing his daughter's reaction, Mr. Hiratsuka smiled faintly.

"Shizuka, you're my daughter. I know you. In your heart, there's actually some liking for this Hikigaya-kun, isn't there?"


Hearing her dad's words, Shizuka choked a bit. Indeed, in the depths of her heart, there was a tiny bit of affection for Hachiman. She dared to guarantee it was just a "tiny bit."

At this moment, Mrs. Hiratsuka also spoke up.

"Honey, but Shizuka and Hikigaya-kun's age and identities..."

"Age is not a problem. As for identity, it's even easier. Hikigaya-kun will graduate from high school in two years, so there won't be a conflict with Shizuka's role as a teacher. As long as their relationship isn't discovered by others in these two years, it's fine."

Looking at his wife, Mr. Hiratsuka's face revealed a hint of nostalgia.

"Kanae, do you remember our past? There was a difference in our identities too, but now aren't we quite happy?"

Hearing his words, Mrs. Hiratsuka couldn't help but reminisce.

Initially, Mr. Hiratsuka was just an unemployed hoodlum, and although her family wasn't some prestigious clan, her parents were intellectuals. They wouldn't allow their daughter to be with an unemployed hoodlum. However, through Mr. Hiratsuka's persistent efforts, they eventually came together, and their life had been happy ever since.

Except for their daughter Shizuka, who wasn't very reassuring.

Thinking of this, Mrs. Hiratsuka couldn't help but give her daughter a disapproving look.

"Mom, why are you looking at me like that?"

Shizuka was puzzled by her mom's gaze.

Mrs. Hiratsuka didn't respond to her daughter's implication; instead, she turned her gaze to Mr. Hiratsuka.

"I understand, dear. So, let's go with your decision."

Mr. Hiratsuka nodded, looking seriously at Hachiman.

"Hikigaya-kun, allow me to introduce myself. I'm Hiratsuka Shizuo, the current leader of the Hiratsuka Group."

"The Hiratsuka Group is a yakuza organization that spans Chiba and Tokyo."

As he spoke, a dignified aura emanated from Hiratsuka Shizuo.

Unfortunately, Hachiman wasn't naturally affected. However, upon hearing this, he raised an eyebrow.

He didn't expect it to be a yakuza organization. Did this mean that Shizuka was a yakuza princess?

In Japan, the yakuza were legal organizations, and in societal evaluations, many people had a somewhat positive view of them. They engaged in legal businesses, and some yakuza headquarters even displayed large signs prohibiting child labor, drug trafficking, and littering of cigarette butts.

Although they collected protection fees, businesses that paid these fees would genuinely receive help in times of trouble. The yakuza could even assist the government in "settling" problems, such as disrupting strikes or protests organized by labor unions, protecting commercial activities from interference by other factions, and more.

Some large companies also had intricate connections with the yakuza.

He didn't expect Shizuka to have such an identity. But a yakuza princess turned teacher was quite unexpected...

Thinking about this, Hachiman cast a somewhat peculiar glance at Shizuka.

"What are you looking at? Don't believe it?"

Sensing Hachiman's gaze, Shizuka shot him a fierce glare.

Unperturbed, Hachiman redirected his attention to Shizuo.

"I wonder what Uncle means by giving me an opportunity."

"Of course, we need to assess your overall qualifications," Shizuo smiled.

"I've heard from Hikigaya-kun that you're currently a light novel author. I'm curious about your current annual income."

Regardless of the context, money was an unavoidable topic.

"Fear not, Uncle. Although I'm not making a fortune right now, with light novel royalties, manga adaptation rights, and anime adaptation rights, I can still earn several billion yen in pure income each year."


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