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Chapter 279: Taboo

Not long after, the group arrived at a traditional Japanese building with an antique charm, reminiscent of Saeko's family dojo. The back yard featured a small open space.

Exiting the car and surveying the surroundings with bodyguards stationed at regular intervals, Hachiman raised an eyebrow.

Indeed, it seemed like there was a security detail every few steps, and the bodyguards exuded an aura of battlefield experience.

"Sorry if this startled you, Hachiman. Due to the unique nature of our family's business, we need extra security," Mrs. Hiratsuka apologized with a smile.

"No problem. I've seen scenes like this before, so no need to be surprised," Hachiman replied with a slight smile, showing no signs of fear.

He had visited the main residence of the Nakiri several times before, where the security was even more intense than here.


Upon hearing his response, Mr. and Mrs. Hiratsuka exchanged a glance, both a bit surprised.

It seemed that Hachiman was not as straightforward as he appeared.

Entering the living room, everyone sat down cross-legged, and servants brought in cups of green tea.

"Hikigaya-kun, what did you want to discuss with us?" After taking a sip of tea, Mrs. Hiratsuka got straight to the point.

Upon hearing her address him by name, Hachiman raised an eyebrow.

As expected, their earlier enthusiasm towards him was deliberate, just as he anticipated. However, this aligned with his intentions as he had planned to be upfront from the beginning.

Setting down his tea cup, Hachiman stood up and bowed slightly to Shizuka's parents.

"Uncle, Aunt, first, I want to apologize to you; I deceived you."

Seeing him like this, Shizuka couldn't sit still.

"Hey, you..."

Unfortunately, before she could finish, Mrs. Hiratsuka glanced at her with a faint expression.

"Shizuka, sit down."

Although her voice was not loud, Shizuka, fearing her mother, obediently sat back down.

Seeing her sit down, Mrs. Hiratsuka nodded in satisfaction, then turned her gaze back to Hachiman.

"Hikigaya-kun, what do you mean by deceiving us?"

Hachiman was well-prepared for Mrs. Hiratsuka's attitude.

"About the fact that Shizuka and I are not a couple, I believe Auntie is aware of it, right?"

Unexpectedly, Hachiman spoke the truth. Shizuka was surprised, wanting to speak, but after Mrs. Hiratsuka gave her a stern look, she meekly remained silent.

Once again, managing to calm her daughter, Mrs. Hiratsuka looked at Hachiman and nodded calmly.

"This is only natural. After all, Shizuka is my daughter, and I know her well. I certainly don't believe she could find a boyfriend within just a month."

Hearing her mother's words, Shizuka was left feeling a bit exasperated.

"I always feel like you're looking down on me, Mom."

Glancing at her, Mrs. Hiratsuka spoke without much patience, "You spent so much time on blind dates before and couldn't find anyone you liked. Now, within a short month, you've found a boyfriend. Do you think I'm a fool?"

Shizuka had no way to refute her mother's words.

"Even if they are not boyfriend and girlfriend, Hikigaya-kun and Shizuka are quite familiar with each other. Otherwise, Shizuka wouldn't come to you to pose as her boyfriend," Mrs. Hiratsuka analyzed.

"Auntie, you're right. Shizuka and I are indeed familiar, and I genuinely like her. However, she hasn't agreed yet," Hachiman nodded.

"Hey, you brat, why are you making things up?"

Hearing him say he likes her, Shizuka's heart couldn't help but flutter.

Ignoring her daughter, Mrs. Hiratsuka continued to look at Hachiman. "So, why hasn't Shizuka agreed all this time?"

"As I mentioned before, it's because of the age difference between us," Hachiman sighed.

"Age? If it's just a few years apart, I don't think it should be a hindrance."

Although she didn't believe in their romantic relationship, Mrs. Hiratsuka still had no suspicion about Hachiman's university student identity.

"Because it's not just about age, but also about our identities."


"Yes, actually, Shizu is my homeroom teacher." Hachiman raised his head, looking directly at Mr. and Mrs. Hiratsuka.

"Uncle, Aunt, let's get to know each other again. My name is Hikigaya Hachiman, a second-year student at Sobu High School."

As his words settled in, the entire room fell silent. Shizuka was equally stunned and couldn't find words to speak. Taking a deep breath, Mrs. Hiratsuka spoke with a serious tone, "Hikigaya-kun, are you implying that you are a high school student, and Shizuka is your current homeroom teacher?"

"That's right." Hachiman nodded.


An angry expression swept across Mrs. Hiratsuka's face. Startled by her mother's anger, Shizuka quickly tried to calm the situation.

"Mom, don't be angry. I know I was wrong."

"Oh, Shizuka, Shizuka, you've disappointed me. As a teacher, you've fallen for your own student." Mrs. Hiratsuka shook her head in disappointment.

As a mother, she could see a hint of affection from her daughter towards Hachiman, making it difficult for her to accept. In Japan society, a teacher-student romance is considered taboo. Reality is not as romantic as portrayed in TV dramas or anime; such relationships are generally not tolerated by society.

Seeing Mrs. Hiratsuka's angry expression, Hachiman quickly spoke, "Aunt, please listen to me. My feelings for Shizu are genuine."

Upon hearing his words, Shizuka's heart was deeply moved.

"Hachiman, you..."

However, Mrs. Hiratsuka didn't acknowledge Hachiman's words.

"Hikigaya-kun, it's impossible between you and Shizuka. You're too young, and your understanding of love is still too shallow. When you grow up a bit, you'll realize that your current thoughts are wrong."

Unfortunately, Hachiman wasn't the type to give up easily. He continued with a serious expression, "No, I don't think my feelings are wrong. My affection for Shizu comes from the depths of my heart. It's the kind of love that wants to step into the marriage hall together."

"Please, Uncle, Aunt, entrust Shizu to me."

With that, he bowed at a ninety-degree angle.

Seeing him like this, Mrs. Hiratsuka's expression softened, and there was a hint of reminiscence in her eyes.

She thought of her past self. When Mr. Hiratsuka came to propose to her, her parents vehemently refused because he was just a small-time troublemaker without a proper job.

No parents would entrust their daughter to such a person.

However, Mrs. Hiratsuka believed that he would make something of himself and that they genuinely loved each other. After numerous pleas, her parents finally decided to give them a chance.

As it turned out, Mrs. Hiratsuka didn't misjudge him. To gain their approval, Mr. Hiratsuka worked hard, eventually building the influential Hiratsuka Group spanning Chiba and Tokyo.


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