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Chapter 258: Yukino's Decision

"Is my neighbor a teacher?" Hachiman couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth as he looked at the face he had shared a meal with just last night.

The reactions of the other classmates were varied. The adolescent boys began whispering among themselves.

"Wow, we have a beautiful teacher! That's amazing."

"Yeah, she looks younger than Hiratsuka-sensei."

"Hey, be careful! If Hiratsuka-sensei hears you, you're done for."

"Don't worry, I'll keep the secret. But you owe me a meal."

"Ugh, fine, you're shameless... but I'll treat you."


On the other hand, the discussions among the girls took a different turn.

"Wow, the new teacher is so pretty."

"Yeah, and she has a great figure. Was she an athlete before?"

"Exactly, her legs are so long. I envy her."

Hearing the classroom buzz with discussions, the newly arrived teacher, Mafuyu, frowned slightly.

Though she had recently graduated, she was now a teacher and needed to maintain authority. She put on a serious expression, cleared her throat, and spoke.

"Cough, cough. Please quiet down, everyone."

"I am your new teacher..."

As she spoke, Mafuyu noticed Hachiman sitting in the second-to-last row near the window and couldn't help but be surprised.

Huh? Hikigaya-kun is also in this class? What a coincidence.

Hachiman also shifted his gaze and gave her a slight smile.

At this moment, Mafuyu realized the attention and quickly continued with her self-introduction.

"I am your new history teacher, Mafuyu Kirisu. I look forward to getting to know each of you in the coming year."

"Now, let's officially begin the class. Everyone, turn to page 25 of your textbooks. Today, we'll be discussing..."

After the introduction, the class officially started.



*Ring, ring.*

Unnoticed, the bell signaling the end of the class rang. Mafuyu, holding her teaching materials, walked away with the click-clack sound of her high heels.

It seemed she had no immediate plans to interact with Hachiman at school.

As she left, the boys started discussing again.

"This new teacher looks so young; could she have just graduated?"

"Probably, but she does seem quite professional in teaching."

"And did you notice her figure? She might have been an athlete before."

"Yeah, and she's so beautiful. Much better than the previous history teacher."


Hachiman naturally didn't join in these discussions filled with adolescent enthusiasm. As a "now-con," he aimed to rise above the mud and not get stained.

However, his expression was somewhat peculiar at this moment. He couldn't believe that Miss Kirisu, who had shared a meal with him yesterday, had become his new teacher.

"Hikki, what's wrong?" Just then, Yui's voice came from beside him. Looking up, he saw Yui's face carrying a hint of confusion, and even Yumiko, sitting at her desk, glanced over with curiosity.

"Oh, nothing. Just thinking about something," Hachiman shook his head slightly.

"Okay, this afternoon, let's go to the club together," Yui invited.

"Sure, I'm fine with that." Hachiman naturally wouldn't refuse such a request and nodded in agreement.

Time flew by, and soon it was the end of the school day.

As agreed, Hachiman and Yui came together to the Service Club.

Opening the door to the clubroom, a girl named Yukino was already there, engrossed in her reading.

"Yahallo, Yukinon. We're here," Yui greeted with her usual energy.

As for Hachiman, he just nodded faintly, "Good afternoon, Yukinoshita."

"Good afternoon, Yui, Hikigaya-kun," Yukino nodded in acknowledgment.

Seeing her aloof attitude, Yui couldn't help feeling a bit unhappy.

"Yukinon, you're so distant. Others are being so friendly," she pouted, sitting next to Yukino, her hand casually wrapping around the girl's arm.

This intimate posture made Yukino a bit uncomfortable, but at this moment, Yui resembled a clingy kitten, completely captivating Yukino, the cat lover.

In the unfolding yuri scene, Hachiman opted not to interfere. Instead, he grabbed a chair, sat on the other side of the long table, and began scrolling through his phone.

While scrolling, Hachiman thought of something.

Today, Shizuka had mentioned a workplace visit, requesting everyone to submit a preference form. They were to form groups of three, and members could choose freely.

Putting down his phone, Hachiman spoke up.

"Oh, by the way, how do you plan to fill out the workplace visit form? Have you thought about where you'd like to go?"

"Workplace visit?" Hearing this question, both girls were momentarily stunned.

"I haven't decided yet," said Yui, looking a bit troubled. But then, she suddenly had an idea.

"Hey, why don't the three of us go to the same place?"

"I don't mind. What about you, Yukinoshita?" Hachiman shrugged.

Considering this proposal, Yukino felt a bit intrigued. Instead of going with people she wasn't familiar with, going with Hachiman and the others seemed more appealing.

However, soon after, she thought of something and her expression darkened.

"I don't need to. My family has already arranged it for me."

Although she desired to resist her family's plans, there were still aspects of her life where she had no choice.

"Huh? Why is that? I wanted to visit the workplace with Yukinon." Disappointed, Yui turned her gaze towards Hachiman involuntarily.

"Hikigaya, can't you do something to have Yukinon in our group?"

"I can arrange that, but ultimately, it depends on Yukinoshita's decision." Hachiman smiled faintly.

For him, taking Yukino along for the workplace visit wasn't too challenging.

Perhaps Yukino's family would intervene, but Hachiman wasn't concerned. He could easily seek help from Chief Nakiri.

If the three of them were to visit the company under Totsuki group, even if Yukino's family objected, they would likely turn a blind eye.

However, the crucial factor was Yukino's own wishes.

In other words, it depended on whether she genuinely wanted to resist her family.

If she did, Hachiman didn't mind lending her a hand.

Hearing his words, Yukino showed a surprised expression.

"Can you really help me? But my family..."

"Don't worry about that. I'll take you to visit a company under the Totsuki Group. I believe your family won't object to that." Hachiman smiled faintly.

Upon hearing this, Yukino felt a sense of excitement. If it was the Totsuki Group, there might be a chance. However, she also thought of another aspect, and her expression turned somewhat helpless.

"Even if I'm willing, don't forget, we're not in the same class. Teaming up for the internship is class-based and not allowed with students outside the class."

"Don't worry about that. I'll talk to Hiratsuka-sensei about it. Now, it all depends on your decision, Yukinoshita."


Victor Weismann

author really like Yukinoshita, huh.