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Chapter 257: My Neighbor is a Teacher

After over half an hour, dinner was finally ready.

Since there was an extra person, Hachiman prepared two more dishes.

The menu included Sunomono, Spinach Ohitashi, stir-fried pork with green peppers, tamagoyaki, croquettes, tempura-fried shrimp, miso soup, and a simple vegetable salad.

The preparation was simple, involving mashed potatoes mixed with sautéed onions, minced meat, shrimp, and other fillings, coated in beaten egg, covered with flour, and then deep-fried.

Even though they were just simple home-cooked dishes and didn't take much time to prepare, being from Hachiman's hands, they exuded irresistible aromas.

Looking at the enticing dishes on the table, both Mafuyu and Komachi couldn't help but swallow saliva.

After serving the rice, Hachiman gestured to the two, "Go wash your hands; we can start eating."

"Sure, sure."

Hearing his words, both nodded.

"I'm starting~!"

The three took their seats, and the customary pre-meal phrase echoed, officially marking the beginning of dinner.

"Give it a try, Miss Kirisu. I'm quite confident in my cooking skills," Hachiman said, smiling at Mafuyu seated across from him.

Komachi chimed in, "Yes, Kirisu-neechan, you should taste it. Onii-chan's dishes are the most delicious."

Hearing their words, Mafuyu felt a sense of anticipation.

"Well... then I'll give it a try."

She picked up a piece of tempura-fried shrimp and took a bite.


The crispy batter combined with the tender shrimp created a mouthful of happiness, causing her to involuntarily narrow her eyes.

"It's really delicious. Hikigaya-kun, your culinary skills are amazing."

"Thanks, Miss Kirisu," Hachiman smiled.

Add one more satisfied guest.

"It's genuinely delicious, even better than some chefs in restaurants," Mafuyu commented, picking up another piece.

As she continued to enjoy the meal, she noticed that Hachiman and Komachi hadn't started eating yet, feeling a bit embarrassed.

"Hikigaya-kun, why aren't you eating?"

Realizing that they hadn't begun, she felt a bit awkward devouring the meal while they watched.

Upon hearing her, the siblings exchanged smiles and started eating.

Hachiman served a portion of stir-fried pork with green peppers onto Komachi's bowl.

"Thanks, Onii-chan."

Komachi thanked him and began savoring the dish.

"Mmm... the green peppers are crunchy, and it's not spicy at all."

Hearing this, Mafuyu's interest was piqued.

Mafuyu, earlier noticing the stir-fried pork with green peppers but refraining due to her aversion to spice, hesitated despite Komachi's assurance.

Observing her uncertainty, Hachiman smiled reassuringly.

"Miss Kirisu, feel free to try the stir-fried pork with green peppers. Don't worry; it's not spicy at all."

Japanese cuisine often leans away from intense spice. Traditional chili cooking methods, involving boiling chili directly, yield a bitter and astringent taste, making it less appealing. For this dish, Hachiman opted for bell peppers, known for their mild and negligible spiciness.

While chili might not suit everyone's taste, it boasts nutritional benefits with antioxidant vitamins and trace elements, enhancing physical strength and alleviating fatigue from work and life stress.

Chili also contains ample vitamin K, preventing blood clotting.

"Alright, I'll give it a try."

Encouraged by Hachiman's words, Mafuyu nodded, casting a doubtful glance at the stir-fried pork with green peppers.

Reminding herself to embrace variety as an adult, she picked up a piece with her chopsticks, closed her eyes, and took a bite.

Witnessing the scene, Hachiman couldn't help but smile.

"So, what do you think? I hope I didn't mislead you, Miss Kirisu."

As Mafuyu bit into the dish, the crunchy pepper strips separated, releasing flavorful juices.

"Wow... it's really not spicy at all." Mafuyu's eyes widened in surprise.

Contrary to expectations, the dish carried a subtle sweetness that perfectly complemented the tender meat strips.

"Hikigaya-kun, you're truly impressive."

"Haha, Miss Kirisu, I appreciate that. Now, let's try this one..." Hachiman chuckled, inviting her to sample the other dishes.


Eagerly nodding, Mafuyu looked forward to the remaining dishes after the delightful experience with the first two.

Tamagoyaki, croquettes, vegetable salad, Sunomono, Spinach Ohitashi, miso soup...

With each new dish, Mafuyu's face expressed pure joy.


After the satisfying dinner, Mafuyu kindly offered to help with the dishes, but Hachiman declined.

"As a guest, it wouldn't be right to have you wash dishes," he insisted.

Mafuyu didn't insist on helping, knowing her lack of domestic skills; she didn't want to risk breaking any dishes while washing.

After tidying up the dishes, Hachiman brewed a few cups of tea, allowing the previously loaded "Tea Ceremony" module to make a subtle appearance.

"Miss Kirisu, have a cup of tea."

"Komachi, here's yours."

Hachiman handed the green tea to both of them.

"Thank you, Hikigaya-kun."

"Thanks, Onii-chan."

They both expressed their gratitude and took the tea. Taking a sip, Mafuyu let out a gentle exhale, visibly relaxing.

After some casual conversation, around 8 PM, Mafuyu proposed to take her leave. Despite being neighbors, staying too late at someone else's home might not be appropriate.

Seeing her off at the door, Hachiman stayed with Komachi for a bit, watched some anime, and then prepared for bedtime. With Monday approaching, he wanted to get some rest.

As the evening breeze whispered, a serene silence enveloped the surroundings.

People, weary from the day's hustle, found solace at this moment.

A quiet night, devoid of words.


Sobu High School.

Second-year, Class F.

Upon entering the classroom, Hachiman overheard his classmates discussing something.

"Do you know? It seems our old history teacher retired, and the school has hired a new teacher."

"Really? Is it a man or a woman?"

"I don't know about that."

"Our first class is history, right? We'll find out soon."


As they chatted, the bell for class rang.

In the corridor, the rhythmic sound of high heels echoed.

Soon, a young woman entered the classroom, carrying teaching materials.

Wearing a teacher's professional outfit, she had long legs covered in black stockings and wore a pair of dark high heels.

Her cherry blossom-colored long hair, straight bangs, braided hair on both sides into twin twists, delicate makeup on an exquisite face, and vibrant azure eyes.

Seeing this person, Hachiman tilted his head.

Isn't this his new neighbor, Mafuyu Kirisu?


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